We Are One

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Hey guys I wanted to thank Night_Shade26 for this fan art. It looks amazing! Also I am sorry for not uploading earlier, but I hope I will break this streak soon!
Guardians point of view
We went to where the lighting was coming from. It was Demon Steve. I looked at him and saw something different about him. His right eye was just like Sabre's eyes except the code was red instead of green. I felt a side of me want to go to it. Take it back to me. I shook my head.
"What are you doing here Demon Steve?"
"To kill you and take the rest of whats mine."
"I can not let you do that."
"You can't kill me. You don't even know how to fight." I pulled out a sword that I always had on me. It felt more natural then usual. A flush of memories went through my mind and I got into a fighting stance. He got ready to fight too. Everyone else was staying back and watched what was happening since they can not do anything.
"Are you sure you want this?"
"I do not have a choice." He got out his sword and we both attacked. I was scared, but my movements where not. It was natural. Like I have done this a hundred times. Our sword clash and sparks flew as iron went against iron. We attacked again and again with the same results. Even match. I don't know why though. Is it because of the code we both have? Most likely. That means for me to do anything serious to him I have to take the code he stole from Sabre. He realized the same thing and backed up from me. I backed away from him. He summons lighting on me and I move out of the way. I summon lighting on him and he just moves too. I went up to him and attacked him with a ball of light. He gets hit and groans. I looked at my hands surprised.
"How did that-" I tried to again and it worked. He still surprised got hit again and took a few steps back. I was about to grab him when he sent a fire ball at me. I got hit and.... I felt hurt, at the same time I didn't? Okay. This is really confusing. He did it again and this time I moved out of the way. I looked around and saw that the area was being surrounded by flames. Looks like he is trying to keep this area closed off so I can't move around to much or try to run. He flies into the area and fires a lot of fire balls at me. I dodge most of them, but get hit a few times. I didn't feel it though. I opened my wings a flew up to his level and summoned a ball of light at him. He moves this time. I flew to him and attack him. He wasn't able to react as I cut his side as I flew past him. The wound was their, but he didn't react to it. Like I did when he hit me. I grabbed him about to take the code back and he summed a fire ball at me. I moved, but it hit my wing. I flew back to the ground still not feeling the pain. I looked at my wing and saw it was black. How is it I can't feel pain. This doesn't make any sense. He attacked me from behind and I moved before he could hit me. I summoned a ball of light at him and he got hit. I grabbed him and felt a strong energy go through me.
I stepped back and looked at my hands feeling energy run through me. Twice as much energy from before. I couldn't understand it. It felt amazing and at the same time it felt terrible. A mix of emotions ran through me. The strongest one was jealousy and madness. I wanted to us it for something more then this... I looked down at Demon. He was on the front sitting up. He seemed scared? I took my hood off so he could look at me in the eyes. He seemed even more scared. I reached my hand out to him. Suddenly everything around me turned black. A red and black wisp of why looked like magic was in front of me. I knew it was Demon Steve. Anger filled me at I touched his energy. I wanted it gone and for some reason I knew I could make him disappear. With that thought I my mind a sign appeared saying yes or no. I touched the yes and all of Demon Steve's energy disappeared. It filled me with joy. Something inside of me felt exhausted, but I didn't care. It wasn't effecting me. I can do whatever I want now and no one can stop me.
Time Steve's point of View
In the blink of an eye Demon Steve was gone. The Guardian looked... strange. He had a scar running across his face going over both of his eyes horizontally and a scar going down his left eyes. He had black hair and it was fading into a dark brown like Sabre's hair. He had a white ring looking tho above his head. A single scar went against it. His eyes where white code flashing in and out with Sabre's green code. Soon it settled to white.
"Now he is gone for good." The Guardian sounded different. Not in a good way.
"You have all his code now right?" Galaxy Steve asked.
"I do."
"Let's go to the machine and-"
"No, I think it will be better if I kept his code." That doesn't sound good.
"Guardian? Want are you talking about. You can't just take his code. This is Sabre we are talking about." Galaxy Steve looked worried as Rainbow Steve said that.
"Guys, we have a problem."
"What's problem Galaxy Steve?"
"From what I know something bad happens when a person takes all of a Code Jumper's code."
"Which is?"
"The reason why you don't see people with a Code Jumper's code is for a few reasons. One they can't hold the code, two the code slowly destroys them and three...."
"Is it what the Guardian is going through right now?"
"Yes.... it drives them insane and makes them power hunger until it drives them to do something that kills themself or something worse."
(Words 1095)

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