A New and Old Steve

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Sabre's  point of view
The next day came quickly. I got to teach the Red Steve's a lot about sword fighting. They were fast learners. After that I was able to finish the house that me and the Overseer were working on earlier. That night I went back into the forest, I still don't want to bother anyone.

Morning came and it was a really nice morning. Beautiful sunrise that turned the leaves of the trees gold. The sky was shading perfectly from the dark blue to a goldish-pink. I watched it from the cliff above the town. My get dangling at the edge. Last time I got to enjoy something like this was when I was assassin.

Me, Spency and Collen would go on the rooftops of our city to watch the sun set. Those were the days... without realizing it I pulled out my emerald and ruby necklace. I held it in my right hand as I watched the sun rise. Letting good memories fill me mind.

I soon heard footsteps from behind me. I looked behind to see Time Steve.

"Hey Time Steve." I gave him a wave and he waved back. Time Steve never talked that much. At least when nothing important was going on.

"Never knew you were a morning person Sabre."

"Yeah... I had to get used to it." Time Steve sat by my side looking at the sun set with me. We didn't say anything to each other. I let my necklace hang down on my neck letting it go from my grip. Time Steve noticed and looked at it carefully.

"What does it mean?" He said getting straight to the point.

"It's suppose to represent a war."

"What type of war?"

"Between to families. The Templars and... my family the Nolans." I carefully put it back under my clothes.

I stood up taking a look at the sun before it would no longer low enough to call a sunrise. The sky is already losing its pink touch. Now turning into a light Blue.

"Everyone will be up soon. We should probably see what we need to do today." A pain came to my eyes again. Instead if clutching my hand I put my hand into a fist hoping Time Steve won't notice.

"Your right, I'll meet you down." He stated to fly down past the river that was in between the cliff and village.

I took a few step backs, it's been a while since I've done this. I ran as fast as I could to the edge of the cliff and jumped. I put my arms across my chest, keeping myself straight I soon felt the air turn into water. I didn't do that deep into the water. I swam up to the surface taking a breath. Time Steve was right above me.

"Did you just jump... into the water... from that hight?"

"Yeah?" I said swimming to the shore. I got out of the water and started to wheeze the water from my hood.


"Because I wanted to? I've done higher jumps." He looked at me then shook his head.

"Don't worry I won't do it again." I said to him. We started to walk into the village to see other Steve's around.

Most of them are doing there own thing. I found Galaxy Steve and the Overseer talking to each other. I went up to them to say hi.

"Hey guys how is it going?" The looked at me realizing I was wet.

"Why are you wet... again?"

"Jumped into the river." I said casually.

"From the cliff." Time Steve added. They look older at me and didn't say anything.

"I guess that's normal?" Overseer said seeing I didn't seem worried about it.

"Yeah... so what were you two talking about?"

"A Steve apparently a green Steve saw... a mixed Steve."

"Really? I thought we already dealt with that."

"It looks like it. It's a Blue and Green Steve. They were last seen in the forest."

"Then what are we doing here? We should go look for them."

"I'll go and get Alex you can go and see if you can find them." The Overseer then left. Galaxy Steve started to go with me and Time Steve followed behind him. Soon we were in a forest.

"They said they saw him here so let's go see if we can find them." We all decided it would be best if we stayed together.

We walked through the forest keeping our eyes open. Well for me my ears too. As we walked around we didn't see anyone or strangely any animals too.

"Are we sure they are still out here Galaxy Steve?" Time Steve asked.

"The green Steve found them this morning. They still have to be out here." They walked, but I stoped.

The feeling that haunted me yesterday was back. Time Steve and Galaxy noticed that I stoped walking.

"Sabre?" I held up my hand telling them to be quiet. I closed my eyes and focused on the sound around us. I heard it the light footsteps.

"Someone's here." I open my eyes again. Everyone started to look around.

"Look, I know your scared, but you can trust us." Suddenly a voice that seemed to taunt my memory spoke.

"I know I can, as long as he wasn't here I would." The voice, I've heard it before but where.

I suddenly saw the flash of green and blue running through the trees. It was a mix of a bright blue and green.

"Who? One of us can leave if you want." Galaxy Steve replied not fully understanding the message.

"Oh trust me he wouldn't want to leave if he knew who I was. Right Sabre?" Okay getting really creeped out by this.

"Sabre do you know this Steve?" Time Steve asked me.

"I...there.... I can't remember!" I said honestly. There are there but where.
I started to go back into my memories remembering all the Steve's I've meet hoping one of them would help me remember. Suddenly he was right in front of me. I looked at him and pulled out a sword. I remember now. This Steve...

Plague Steve.
(Words 1061) Who guess the Steve right? I know that Plague Steve is probably stuck in your memory, but Maybey you can now see why I do.

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