A Shadow's Demise

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Sabre's Point of view
Before Shadow Steve could even attack I let my muscle memory act. It took me a second to to realize I had my sword out running to the side of Shadow Steve. I swung my sword hard as it went straight through him. He dropped Alex and looked at me.
"Not even a introduction?"
"Why should I give you one?" Galaxy Steve went up to Alex helping her up.
"Alex? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay." I kept my eye on Shadow Steve.
"I guess you want to finish this as fast as possible then?" He asked me. I looked to Elemental Steve and Rainbow Steve. They both gave me a nod. Rainbow Steve pulled out a sword while Elemental Steve got his powers ready.
"Of course." He moves to me trying to effect me. This time knowing no-one else could get effected by him I moved to the side. I swung my sword while I did so it would go through him.
"We need to get him inside the machine!" I know it will be harder since unlike Shadow Sabre he knows what the machine can do to him.
"No-use of doing a plan when everyone knows what it is."
"Well, you already knew the plan didn't you?"
He is quick on his feet. He tries to get on me. I was able to move quickly from side to side.
"Alex what happened?"
"I heard lighting while I was going on a walk. I saw him and a few other Steves I didn't know. They were talking to each other. They saw me and took my hostage. They know where this village is. They know that the Overseer is in charge. They also know Sabre is here." Elemental Steve summoned lighting trying to keep him near the machine.
"What did they look like?"
"Well, two of them were black. Another one was yellow and black." Shadow Steve knew what Elemental Steve was trying to do. He moved out of the way. Trying to stay as far away from the machine as possible.
"There was also someone of multiple colors... but they were colored in a weird way." I barely moved out of the way as lighting hit me and Shadow Steve ran past me.
"Dark, Shadow, Nightmare, and Reverse Steve. Was their anyone else?" I needed to see why they were together. I suddenly couldn't see Shadow Steve. He must of turned invisible. I closed my eyes focusing on the sound of footsteps. Once I heard them I swung my sword again. It hit him and he was no longer invisible. Rainbow Steve came up from behind him and swung his sword.
"I...I think so.... A red and Yellow Steve. I only saw them once, it was a flash... Wait..... Who are they?" She said. Right, she wasn't here for that.
"N...not important." My voice glitched again. Shadow Steve was slowly getting closer to the machine. Elemental Steve started to used fire to surround him. Shadow Steve was getting more heavy in his feet. Me and Rainbow Steve were able to get him inside the machine. Galaxy Steve went to turn in the machine. Shadow Steve was locked inside.
"O...okay that w...worked." My voice glitched again. Making me realize this was definitely getting worse. I really need to fix it.
"Sabre? Are you okay?" Elemental Steve asked me.
"I'm fine. Don't worry." Thankful my voice didn't glitch again. I walked up to the machine to Shadow Steve inside. The only problem is what are we going to do with him.
"Okay. So who are you?"
"I'm Elemental Steve, Time Steve's brother."
"Rainbow Steve!" Alex was a little shock to see Rainbow Steve.
"Where is Time Steve and The Overseer? Are they okay?" I felt a pain of guilt.
"I mean... I didn't kill them."
"Long story. Right now The Guardian needs to know about this."
"Especially Time Steve." Rainbow Steve said in a almost teasing tone.
"Why Time Steve?"
"He was the most worried about this. Especially about Sabre." I took me a second to realize what Rainbow Steve meant.
"No!" I said.
"Awwwwwwww don't want to admit it?" Rainbow Steve continues to tease me.
"I have nothing to admit."
"What's going on?"
"N...nothing." We went back inside the Overseers house to see everyone seemed pretty relaxed. Everyone expect Time Steve who had a sword in hand and was pacing back and forward.
"So everything went okay?"
"Yeah. Shadow Steve is locked inside the machine and Alex is back!"
"Sorry Alex, A lot was going on. I didn't have a lot of time to look for you."
"But, you can control time."
"Wait. You know she was missing but, you didn't tell me?!"
"You already had a lot to worry about Sabre, I didn't want you to worry about anything else." Rainbow Steve nudge me. I knew what he was trying to tell me.
"So, you are?"
"Light Steve."
"Nice to meet you I'm Alex." The shook hands.
"Are you doing better Guardian?"
"Yes, thank you for asking Alex. So why where you gone?"
"Some Steves kidnapped me. Shadow Steve wanted to use me as a threat. The last thing I expected was to see Sabre just go straight at him."
"Sorry, I just did it."
"I mean it saved my life."
"Okay, why did they capture you?"
"They wanted to know where the village was, who was in charge and where Sabre was. I did.... I don't have much of a choice though."
"Who were they?"
"Shadow Steve, Dark Steve, Nightmare Steve, and Reverse Steve." Rainbow Steve shivered at their names.
"It's okay."
"Did they say anything? About a plan? Their goal?"
"Yeah..... they main goal was well... to kill Sabre." Everyone looked at me to see my reaction. I didn't really give any I was expecting this. This wasn't the first time this has happened to me.
"Look, I was expecting this. Also I've had a price on my head for most of the years of my life. So this isn't exactly out of the ordinary."
"Price in you head?"
"If I was returned to the "court" dead or alive I would be worth a certain amount of money."
"I'll Explain later. For now we need our next step. We need to figure out a way to destroy Shadow Steve. If that even possible. Get Rainbow Steve's powers back..." I mentally went through everything else we need to do.
"I mean, at least we are all together now."
"Yeah, we won't h..have to face a...anything alone." My voice glitched out more. Before they could ask I said.
"Welp, I'm going to go and check on Shadow Steve see if I can seal him in better." Then left the house.
(Words 1176) Yay! 40 Parts/Chapters. Wow, this is going to be a longer story than I thought. We aren't even halfway yet if you were wondering. We are close, but not yet. Welp hope you like the chapter!

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