A Chance to Stand

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Hello guys. I hope you are all having a great day. Bye!
Time Steve's Point of View
I was not too surprised when Sabre went limp. He was really tired and it worries me more then anything. I picked him up bridal style to bring him back to the house.
"How are we going to get half of his code back?!" Rainbow Steve said worriedly.
"I don't know, but I am willing to do anything even if I have to kill Demon Steve myself."
"You can not. I am the only one who can hurt him."
"Last time you fought him you barely got out of their alive."
"I am not a good fighter or anywhere close to his level in power."
"This isn't going to end well. Where is Galaxy Steve?" I pointed to where he is. He was talking to the others explaining what's going on. We walked over to him. I know Galaxy Steve would like to see Sabre. He also probably knows what's going on and what we can do with him too.
"...That is why Sabre hide his eyes and who he was from us. He just can't trust anyone with this." Looks like he just finished up. They all nodded in agreement then saw us.
"Sabre?" Alex asked worriedly.
"He passed out. He is mostly okay thought."
"How much did he take?" Galaxy Steve asked walking up to us and checking on Sabre.
"Half. One of his eye are completely black."
"From what Galaxy Steve said. That isn't good."
"Yeah it isn't. I am going to bring Sabre back inside so he can rest."
"Sorry for the way we reacted." The Overseer said.
"We are not the one you need to say that too." The Guardian did have a point. Everyone understands and will tell Sabre that when he wakes up... if he wakes up.
"So how are we going to help him?" Blue Steve asked Rainbow Steve.
"Get his code back!" Sabre suddenly shifted and groaned. Without warning he started to glitch violently form what he looks like to what his code looks like, but more darker. He quickly relaxed once it stoped.
"That was..."
"He did that before I'm front of me before. Looks like it's going to happen ever once in a while now and it won't be good." I wanted to hurt this Demon Steve more then I did earlier.
"So he didn't tell us because he was afraid that we would reject or turn on him?"
"Yes. I am going to bring Sabre inside now. I'll stay with him until he wakes up." Everyone understood as I walked back to the house. I was thankful that Sabre didn't have another glitch while I laid him on then bed. I laid against the bed again and waited for him to wake up. Which I hope it soon. I took his hand and sighed. Please let him wake up.
Sabre's Point of view
I woke up as pain ran through me body. I gasped as I saw that Time Steve was looking at me and holding my hand.
"Yeah... I'm awake don't worry Time Steve." I still felt tired, but not nearly as bad as before. "How long was I out for?"
"A few hours." I thought it was longer, but that's for the better isn't it. I gave Time Steve a hug then kissed him. We kissed each other for a few long and short seconds.
"Why did you?"
"I think you needed it Time Steve." Time Steve nods admitting that he did.
"How did the others-"
"They are waiting for you. They are okay and the understand now." I felt myself relax. I got out of the bed a bit shakily and Time Steve supported me.
"Do you know a way we can get your code back?"
"I think so... but no one is going to like it."
"Why wouldn't I?"
".... still need to think about it." I actually don't have a plan. Just need to say something they can believe until I come up with an idea. Their has to be something right? Time Steve led me to the others. I saw them and sighed with relief as their faces where a lot different when I saw them.
"Sabre! Your awake... again!"
"Yeah Again."
"We've been working on a few machines to see if we can help the Guardian get stronger."
"Yeah, but we haven't found anything what can work."
"As I told you a hundred times. I can not get and stronger then this. Even if you let my absorb you it would not work. No Steve can give me more power then I already have." No Steve... a plan stated to form in my mind.
"What about Alex?"
"No, I am not asking that of her or anyone else. I will defeat Demon Steve on my own."
"But you cant. Not without help."
"I know, but no one else not even Alex or Galaxy Steve and do any harm on him."
"I know, but we have to try. We can't just let you do this on your own. You'll die!"
"We do not have any other choice." My thoughts drowned out as the visions of what I could do appeared in my mind. I planed it out.
"I know what we can do."
(Words 899) yes it's shorter I don't care.

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