A Midnight Chat

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Okay... 3000 reads already? Are you guys trying to kill me? Really thought how? I again wanted to thank you guys for the support. I'm sorry that this is later than usual. Also I'm, going to go back to older chapters to change Bandana to Blindfold. I'm sorry I should of used that instead of Bandana it makes more sense. Now hope you guys like the chapter.
Sabre's point of view
I woke up to a warm feeling going up my left leg. I didn't move trying to act like I was still asleep. I already knew what was going on. The Overseer was probably healing my leg or got a Green Steve to. The feeling soon went away.

"There, I can't believe Sabre would not let us help him." It was the Overseer.

"Thank you, I just wanted to make sure he really was okay." Time Steve's voice.

"I couldn't heal it all the way, but it's enough so he hopefully can walk normally again." I opened my eyes remembering my blindfold was over them so they couldn't see that I was awake.

"Will the Guardian really be okay?"

"Yes, but even with my magic it will take a while for him to really be okay." He moves to where the Guardian was resting. I let him used my bed so I am on the floor against the wall. I don't want anyone to attack him.

I am a light sleeper after all. I would know if someone came in or out. I watched as Time Steve went up to him and let out a sigh.

"I can't believe this happened."

"I know, Sabre still hasn't told us how he hurt his leg though. It is worrying that he has not." The Guardian looked at him. Without thinking I spoke.

"That's because I didn't want to add more stress to the situation." I stood up and felt my leg. It felt a lot better. "Also thanks for healing my leg."

"How long have you've been up?"

"Since you started healing my leg. I've allways been a light sleeper."

"Good to know." Time Steve quickly gave me a worry look then relaxed a bit. Realizing my leg didn't bother me.

"So, what happened then?"

"It's, complicated."

"Galaxy Steve said you said something about The Nightmare King? From what I have read he has been dead for a long time."

"Well he's back. He was sent by Demon Steve to make sure he was dead. If I wasn't there he would of.... you know." Rather not think about what could of happen.

"Did The Guardian say anything?"

"Yes, before he passed out. He said that Demon Steve did something. He brought them back. He told me all the villains that there are came b..back." My voice glitched again. Okay not my imagination.

I already know this had to be from my code. Why am I only now getting problems like this though.

"Sabre?" Time Steve asked me probably hearing my voice glitch.

"What? Is something wrong?" Trying to make it seem like he just thought it up.

"Nothing..." Well thank goodness that worked.

"Okay, do you think he will wake up soon?" I decided to ask. I walked up to him he isn't as pale as before which is good.

"No idea. If he does he will be in a lot of pain. There won't be much we can do to help."

"Sabre, shouldn't you know about stuff like this?"

"I was usually the one getting hurt not the one helping them."

"Okay then." We stood there in silence for a bit. I honestly couldn't think of what to say. Through the silence someone fill any filled it.

"So, if you say you were the one usually getting hurt. In what ways?"

"Where do I even start. Stabbed definitely.... Poisoned yup that was hard to deal with, almost burned to death in a pot of boiling water.... being caught in a fire, almost drowned after being stabbed. Almost bleed to death a few times. I've never got in a infection. Shot at a few times. Hung? Almost."

"How.... How are you still alive?"

"No idea I had a lot of luck on my side." We heard heavy coughing coming from the Guardian.

"Sabre!" He started coughing harder. I grabbed his hand.

"Calm down, take a few deep breaths. Everything is okay." He seemed to calm down relaxing after seeing we weren't outside.

"How did we get back?" I helped him sit up making him more comfortable.

"Do not move to much, you might open your wounds again." The Overseer said looking at him with a worried face.

"I brought you back. We've all been watching you."

"Did anyone?"

"Yes, Nightmare Steve he came to make sure you really where dead. I was able to fight him off and he left thinking he killed you with lighting."

"Was there anyone else?"

"No, just him. No-one else has shown up either." He relaxed a bit more.

"You should get some more rest Guardian. We will ask more about the situation once you are doing..."

"There is not enough time. If they find out about this place..." he started to cough more, thankfully he was able to breath again.

"Don't worry, I don't think they would even know about this place. It would take a while to find it." I said trying to help him not worry more about the other Steve's out their.

"Sabre, Who do you know that might attack us?" Oversseer asked me.

"Let me think, Dark, Shadow, Nightmare, Reverse, I don't know if positive and negative will be separate from eachother or they will both be Infinity, Plague Steve? Faceless? No he is stuck out of the timeline. Elemental? He was evil but turned good in the end. Memory Steve, Void, Origin, I never figure out if Hypno was good or not... that's all of them."

"That's a lot of Steve's."

"I didn't even talk about the mixes if steves live Chaos Steve. I just don't think he can come back since he was a combination of Dark and Rainbow Steve."

"Yes, All of them are back... Demon Steve he was able to bring them back." I can feel from the Guardian's voice he thinks it's his fault.

"Hey, it's not your fault you did everything you could. Also I never got to ask what's with your wings?"

"You never noticed?" He opened them up a little.

"I guess I never did. Sorry I didn't notice."

"It is fine I usually keep them hidden."

"I will go now and let all of you rest now. It is still late." Right it's still late at night anyway. The Overseer left.

Time Steve looked at the bed and did a hand gesture to let me sleep in his. I shook my head and he is understood that I wouldn't. I went back to sleep against the wall. Before I fell asleep I pulled out my sword keeping it in my hand. Just in case.
(Words 1240) Sorry that's the chapter came out so late. I didn't have a lot of time today. I also wanted to ask you guys something.
Do you want there to be both Positive and Negative Steve it just Infinity? I can't do both since that would be weird. I hope you can tell me what you prefer. Have a great night/day sky people!

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