Both Sides

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I don't really have anything to say..... so enjoy the chapter!
Sabre's Point of view
I looked around and didn't see anything familiar. I was near the ocean and a portal was right behind me. So was the Guardian.
"Where are we?"
"The Spirit world. This portal is one of the few that connections to the spirit world ."
"Oh okay. So are you just going to teleport us back?"
"I would, if I was not in such a rush to get here I used a bit of energy to get their. So I need to get to a portal to get us both back to the middle world."
"Oh okay. I understand."
"Then we should get going then, everyone was really worried, especially Time Steve."
"Of course...." We started to walk off I was following the Guardian. We walked until we got into a forest.
"What did me he mean?"
"What did who mean?"
"Demon Steve. He said 'Thank you. Why not  make you more comfortable before you die.'"
"You heard that?"
"Yes, Before his energy changed."
"You weren't even here."
"I can hear things from other worlds when it is important."
"Oh.... He took off my Blindfold. He put it back in before you came in."
"They saw your eyes?"
"Yes they did." I pulled my hood down a little more.
"So it is a bad thing?"
"Yeah... it is. They are the first to see them."
"Why is it a bad thing?"
"Which are?"
"Nothing you need to know about."
"Are you sure?" I didn't say anything else. It's time for me to ask the questions.
"What's with you and Demon Steve?"
"Yes, why is he only now attacking? How do you know his energy is changing?"
"Their is a lot you do not need to know."
"Answer my questions and I might answer yours." I need to know what's going on. Everything has just been a mess for a long time a lot of things just didn't connect. The Guardian sighed.
"You know how Void Steve and Galaxy Steve are connected?"
"How they are the same person yes."
"It is a lot like that. Expect that we where never the same person. We are suppose to keep this balance between these two world. To keep this we only had one portal to connect the two worlds. We were never allowed to leave our realms."
"But you did."
"I did not know what a Player was until I meet you. I became curious and once I left to see the Middle world Demon Steve wanted that same thing. Demon Steve became power hunger and wanted the middle world for himself."
"How does the Light Spirits have anything to do with it?"
"I can not have more power then I already have. Not Steve living or spirit was done any thing close to give me power even when they tried. Demon Steve however can do it only by absorbing the power of Light Sprits. We are supposed to be a even match, but he still had powers me even back then."
"So he is trying to get enough energy to kill you."
"Yes, their are only four Light Spirits left. Light Steve, Blue Steve, and Rainbow Steve and Elemental Steve."
"Elemental Steve is one?"
"He was a really good Steve. Void Steve made him who he was when you meet him before. Light Steve tried to give me his powers, but could not."
"So we can let Demon Steve near any of them."
"Right. I do not think Demon Steve knows Elemental Steve is one. I hope it stays that way."
"It's okay though right? Can't Galaxy Steve and Alex hell you fight?"
"No, that is the problem. I seem to be the only one who can harm him. Everyone else can not hurt him."
"Maybe I can?"
"You do not have any abilities in this world. I do not think you can do anything Sabre, I do appreciate your offer."
"First we need to go and get back to the normal world right?"
"What are your reasons first." The Guardian stopped walking. I don't know my away here so I have to wait.
"No one is supposed to know what my eyes look like."
"How does that work?"
"The energy they were talking about. I do know what they are talking about. I know it better then they did until now."
"So you do have powers?"
"No, it's just a energy I have."
"How do you eyes show that energy?"
"Eyes are the windows to the soul right. Why do you hide your eyes."
"I have been told they aren't the best thing to see."
"Depends on who you are for me."
"Can I see your eyes Sabre?"
"You want to see them?"
"You don't want to."
"I could be able to help if I knew more. If they took your energy I could help."
"Once they take it I'm dead."
"I can make sure it does not happen then. Especially if it can kill you so quickly."
"If I did... you can't talk about this to anyone."
"So no one else really knows?"
"Of course not."
"Can you Sabre? Can you tell me?" I took a breath. The other evil Steves might tell the others. I rather have more people know about it on my own terms then it being forced in me.
"Do you swear on you life?"
"My life?"
"Your existence? Your name? Your powers? Your role?"
"Why so serious? It can not be as bad as your putting this."
"It's worse."
"Tell me."
"I'll show you." I pulled my hood down and stared to take off my blindfold.
"Actually I have told others."
"Rainbow Steve was first, then it was Time Steve. Galaxy Steve figured out on his own."
"Galaxy Steve did?" I took off my blindfold.
"Yes he did. Don't freak out okay? Unlike last time this is actually normal." I looked at him my eyes wide open. He looks at me in the eyes, I can tell he is looking at each zero and one.
"I'm not a Player. I am a Code Jumper and now the others know and are going to steal my code from me. If they do I won't be able to come back...
Not again."
(Words 1055)

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