Reflecting the Past and Future

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Hope you guys had a great thanksgiving. Now let's move to Christmas! Also you guys get to know what the winning ship is...
Time Steve x Sabre
Sorry if your ship wasn't chosen. For the ship I'm making it more of a side thing and I'm keeping it more simple like the most I will probably do is a kiss on the lips nothing more detailed. Now onto the chapter. It's a bit random but a good break before the real storm.
Sabre's point of view
I made sure that any blood on me and my sword was cleaned off before I went back to the village. Don't want to give the other Steves a heart attack.

Once we got to the village everyone started asking about what happened and why we were gone for so long. Once the crowd of Steve's where gone we could talk to each other again about what happened.

"So you just killed someone, that doesn't bother you?" Galaxy Steve asked.

"I am just confused about the situation. At least we know you are not afraid to kill." I didn't realized how close Time Steve was to me until now.

"You get used to it, seeing people die in front it you. It stills hurts... it's still hard, but it gets easier." We stayed quiet for a while.

"I just realized something... can't believe I forgot about it. Sabre remember when we got merged together?"


"Yeah it happened a while ago. We were trying to find Rainbow Steve and ran into this tower. Were we accidentally merged... Wow that was a long time ago. You were still a sheep Overseer.

"Wait you were a sheep?"

"Yes I was, but that is a story for another time."

"Sorry didn't mean to let us got their, but when I was in your head, I saw something."

"What did you see?"

"A memory I think. For a while I thought it was nothing, but since you told us you were a assassin it makes more sense."

"In Sabre's head?"

"Yeah when we merged together he was a voice in my head. A little bit less than half of my face was Galaxy Steve's Face."

"How did we get here?" Time Steve questioned.

"Just hear me out. In the memory I remember... you were talking to a girl with red hair and blue eyes. There was laughter and you turned around to see a man. He had blonde hair and scar down his eye. You were near a cliff by the ocean in the cover of a forest. There were some builds not to far away. He said.

'That would be a shame wouldn't it.' I heard you Sabre say.

'What Lucas?!' You walked up toward him closer keeping the girl behind you.

'Katie get behind me, what are you doing here?!'

'Aw~ protecting my own sister? How adorable.'

'What? She doesn't want to help you right Kat...'

There was a... strong, sharp pain in my back... my vision well your vision started to turn black. He walked up to you. I could see that the scar over his right that made his eye instead of blue like the other one was a pure white. I think he was blind in that eye.

'You just tried to save my own sister. In the soul.'

'B...but she hated you...'

'You really think she would join a assassin side You failed once again you pathetic boy...' He started to make an evil slight then you passed out..."

I remember that day all to well. One of my failed missions... Horribly failed mission... I almost died.

"What was that about?" Everyone looked at me with interest and worry.

"That day, I was suppose to kill one of the Templar's daughter Katie. Before I killed her she told me that she would join me and help me. That was a terrible mistake. It was a trap and... I literally got stabbed in the back." They didn't say anything.

"You mean you could of died?"

"Yes, I was very, very lucky that day. Let's not talk about that though. Let's think about something else like... right the Guardian. We almost forgot about him. He said he needed to check something right? He should be back soon." I felt a arm over my shoulder.

The closest person to me was Time Steve. So when I saw it was him I wasn't too surprised.

"I guess there is a lot we don't know about you. I think we would all like to know more about your life as an assassin. Could you tell us more about it?" He asked me.

"That wouldn't be a good idea. Unless you would like to hear about how I killed hundreds if people." I think he understood that this isn't something I should talk about or want to talk about.

"Look let's just forget about it okay? I don't know how you remembered that or even why you did."

"It just came to me so I thought I should ask."

"Okay... well then let's just wait for the Guardian to return he should soon." Thankfully no more questions were asked, I hope they won't ask anymore.

The Guardian's Point of view
I made it back to the spirit word without any problems. I can not believe that I forgot about Demon Steve. If anyone was to not forget about him it would be me.

I started walking around trying to sense where is energy was. Soon I felt it and followed it. I walked for a long time. Thankfully I did not run into any steves along the way. I knew we were reaching that part of this world. A part only I know about. I soon reached it too see Demon Steve messing around with it.

I watched him carefully as I tried to figure out what he was doing. Especially since he was not that smart. It finally hit me about what he was doing...

This is bad...

I should of hidden it better...

This is not going to be good for anyone...
especially him...

They all want him the most...

The worst part...

I can't stop it...
(Words 1141) Okay guys I wanted to ask you a few questions.
1) Should there be seasons. It would be accurate to our time so that means it would be colder and have a few snow falls that don't last for long. All of the wonderful winter stuff.
2) Have more items that seem practical to have like bandages, or let there be scenes with sharpening swords so I can make it more detailed.
3) Do you want there to be other ships between other people like Alex x Galaxy Steve.
Please tell me. I want to make this sorry and enjoyable as possible. We'll see you next chapter!

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