An Accidental Cure

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Hey guys before we start my mind isn't working so I am going to do a bit of a time skip in the beginning because I just want this to flow nicely and go deeper into the plot. I don't have enough of an idea to get it here rather than repeating the same thing with better results so... yeah we are already here hope you like the chapter anyway.
-Two weeks later-
Sabre's point of view
Today is the last day... the last day to do this. Illusion Steve knows that I don't use any other Steves in the machine. That this would be the last machine I have. I only was able to do a few machines each one only had the same effects as the second machine.

My eyes have slowly gotten worse. I used about I don't know about five different machine designs. Each one causing more damage to my code than the last. Galaxy Steve thankful hasn't noticed that every time I get out of the machine I clench my teeth with pain.

We have one more design left. I know this is a risky design but it's all I got. I need Illusion Steve's help for this one. The two machines that were on the side look similar to the ones I had before except how I place them with lava and water they are both a block away from each other.

The one in the middle for me I made it different. Instead of the walls being made of iron and cobblestone-like I did for the first two I made this one out of wool each color of not just the rainbow, but of every color, I could get in this world. I even put some iron bars above it with a block of iron on top.

I did the same thing with the other machine but the one I had to go in was taller. If this doesn't work well, I don't know what will happen next to me or Galaxy Steve.

"Sabre are we ready?" Galaxy Steve after looking at the machine one more time. Two sets of eyes are better than one. Easier to find a mistake.

"Yeah Everything is looking good and all the Redstone is putting the energy in the right area."

"Okay, Illusion Steve!" I heard him cry out. I heard Lighting and was not surprised to see Illusion Steve. A little surprised to see the Guardian with him.

"So this is your last machine?"

"Yes, I know it's a lot to ask but I need your help with this one."

"It seems fair, all of your other machines haven't work yet so why should this one." Illusion Steve said. He was very sure that this wouldn't work.

In all honestly, I don't think this will either. I am just happy that he agreed to do this. Something tells me that we need all of Galaxy Steve's energy to make this work. Galaxy Steve already knew what I was going to say next went into the machine to the left. Illusion Steve went to the one on the right without a word.

Please let this work.

"Guardian, First lock Illusion Steve then Galaxy Steve. I need to be locked in last so the connection is at full strength. It's probably one of the only ways to make this work." I told him hoping he would understand.

"Alright Sabre hopefully this will be the last time I have to do this." He has been helping us with tying on and off the machine for all the machines after the first one.

Probably because Illusion Steve order him too, but I still appreciate it. I went inside my part of the machine. I was ready for the pain that will come afterward. I just hope that no-one will see it. First I hear lighting coming from my left then my right.

(He is facing a different direction from before so to his left is right. Hope you understand what I mean by that.)

"One... Two..." I looked around and took a second to think. I have to do this. For Galaxy Steve, Alex, The Overseer...

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