Hypno Steve

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Hey guys! I guess you already know what's going one based off the title. So let's just skip me talking about it how wonderful you guys are and jump into it! Also I wanted to thank MikoWritingUwU again for this cute ship fan art!
Alex's point of view
"Hypno Steve?!" Blue Steve said before I could say anything. I can't believe it's him.... or how I even recognize him.
"Yeah it's me what are you going to do about it?"
"Hey it's good to see you again."
"Good to see you too Rainbow Steve."
"Wait you know him?!"
"Yeah, he helped me go into by hibernation for seven generations. We became friends in the spirit world."
"How are you here?"
"Dark Steve claimed me as evil. So Demon Steve let me come back to life, of course he doesn't know I'm a neutral."
"Why are you only here now?"
"Because you are a bunch of idiots!" His voice.... I don't think I will ever get used to it.
"How are we idiots?"
"Plague Steve... which first thank you for getting him back where he belongs."
"He... I'm getting ahead of myself. Plague Steve he wanted this to happen."
"You guys are fighting each other for something over so silly as Sabre."
"Sabre is important."
"I get it you love him Time Steve."
"What?" I looked at Time Steve to see him stiffen up.
"You'll figure out that mess later. Now let's get down to what really important here..." He flew down to us and looked at us.
"First I suggest one of you go after Sabre after this. I know where he went and you won't like it."
"Great. What else do you need to say to us?"
"Who are you?"
"My name is Hypno Steve the creation of Dark Steve. He made me and thinks I'm crazy."
"You are."
"He isn't. Just miss judged Galaxy Steve."
"Not important! Plague Steve was sent by Origin Steve to split you up. He doesn't know Sabre is alive, but wanted you to get into a civil war with each other. I guess he wasn't planning this."
"How did you."
"I can see everything. Even into your minds if I wanted to."
"Let's not."
"I won't. You guys are fighting over what Sabre is. Which isn't important!"
"Of course it is!"
"Tell me why then." Their was a long pause between him any everyone else.
"Never mind."
"Exactly! I didn't think you would fight over it quickly."
"Do you know what he is?"
"No. If I did I would tell you to make you stop fighting."
"Why are you helping us?"
"Because is Demon Steve wins we are doomed."
"Do you know anything about him?"
"No. I haven't even talked to him. Why are you asking me questions."
"Your the one showing up and telling us what to do."
"I am, but it's not wrong." Another pause.
"I guess your right."
"I will be able to answer all your questions later. Right now we have something make important to deal with."
"Which is?"
"Do you even know where Sabre went after you had to talk about him behind his back."
"We weren't....."
"You were and are."
"No, we don't know."
"Well that other idiot headed in the direction where the other Steve's base is."
"Yeah, at least that's what it looks like."
"They can't be their still right?"
"No, they aren't idiots. They did set up a few traps though. Trap that would hurt a Steve, but might kill a Player." I looked and saw Time Steve was already gone.
"Why would they?"
"So they can get more Steves."
"Thank you for telling us this Hypno Steve."
"Of course, maybe now I can finally give you the artifacts back."
"The what?"
"It doesn't matter. Let's go now. Are you coming with us?"
"No, I don't want to join this. I will see you soon." He teleports away and we without a second thought go to where Sabre was probably already at.
Sabre's point of view
I should see it soon. I wasn't to far from the base and no one has followed me yet. I don't want them to. I can't believe Plague Steve did that. To my friends. I am tired of having these guys here and having them not attack us. I know they think I'm dead, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't attack. Unless they are keeping their promise. I would be surprised. I soon saw the entrance and went inside. I was keeping my guard up and was looking around. No one seemed to be in this main area.... All the chests where empty or gone. Nothing was around. I walked down the basement where I was locked up to see if anything was down their. I went down the stairs carefully and didn't see anything suspicious. When I got down their it was the same thing. Nothing, locked. Everything was gone. I guess the moves out of the place then. Looks like I have to look else where for them. I walked up to the exit to find it closed up. I tried to open it up, but it wouldn't budge. Safely lock or something? I shook my head. I walked back downstairs to see if anything has changed. I looked behind at the stairs to see them covered up?..... with Nether brick? What the hell is going on here? I looked around to see no other way out. I heard the sound of footsteps. I turn around, but didn't see anything. I held my sword with my right hand ready to fight. I didn't see anyone else, but I knew I wasn't alone. I looked around one more time to see a bright light of flames going straight at me. I moved out of the way and looked around for the person who did it. I didn't see anyone. I saw another flash of light that was closer to me. This time I wasn't able to move and I felt a burning heat on my right hand. I dropped my sword in pain and  looked at my hand. It was a bright red definitely not a first degree burn.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" I kept looking around holding my hand trying not to show my pain. I heard a moaning sound like a animal or beast. I knew who it was and before I could do anything I felt something hit my head and I blacked out.
(Words 1100) You guys are just having fun with these cliffhangers aren't you.

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