Two Souls One Mind

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Hey guys! Welcome to the insane chapter for today. Not even going to say much. Enjoy!
Might be blood and gore in chapter. And bad fight scenes since I suck at writing them.
Time Steve's Point of view
I felt Sabre go limp in my arms. Lighting started to strike. I had to back up. Even thought I felt him go limp he was still in a standing position. His head looking down.
"Me and Galaxy Steve will start building the machine. We will tell you when it ready!" Rainbow Steve said. Me and The Overseer looked at each other. Ready for what might happen next. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. Elemental Steve was looking at me. He gave me a sword. Then gave one to the Overseer. The sword I had was slightly worn.
I looked at back at Sabre as the lighting continued to strikes. Sabre was completely black. The Shadow suddenly became duller. Making him more like he normally does. He looked dark. Any color he had was a very dark grey. His Chicken onesie was a light grey. The Lighting stopped. I held a stance ready to fight. He looked up back at us. He looked around. We were the only Steves around. After a moment he grinned. He reached out his right hand. A single strike of lighting and a iron sword was in his hand. He slowly walked up to us. We didn't do anything not wanting hurt him.
"It's good to be back." He voice was a lot more calm. Calm in a creepy way making me shiver. He looked at each of us. Looking at us in the eyes... I think.... at least for a few seconds. He suddenly pointed his sword at me.
"Isn't what sweet. To bad I have some orders to follow." He swing it I was able to block it, but barely. Unlike last time he really was trying to kill me. Elemental Steve attacked him with lighting. Sabre just moves to the side without any problems. The Overseer looked at me.
"Looks like they aren't separating."
"Okay, we can't hurt him. We shouldn't."
I suddenly felt someone behind me. I moved and swung my sword. It hits mine.
"Why can't you just stop him in time?" Elemental Steve asked me.
"Right." I focused on using my powers to stop him. It didn't take that much effort to stop him. It's taking more to keep him that way. I felt something run up my hands. I looked down at them to see the same darkness Sabre had.
"Stop using your magic. It's only spreading to you." The Overseer said. I stoped letting out a sigh of tiredness. The darkness disappeared from my hands.
"Then what do we do." He lifted his sword pointing at us. Suddenly a wave of separate lighting bolts came out wave. Elemental Steve and the Overseer who were more to the sides moved out of the way in time. I felt a pain of electricity run through me. Causing me to stumble over. I quickly got up.
"Time Steve!"
"I'll be okay Elemental Steve." He nodded. He raised his right hand had and he was surrounded by a ball of ice.
"That should hold him for a few minutes." Elemental Steve said. I went to a side of the ice everyone else took there own side. We waited trying to hear anything that said he was breaking through. Soon we heard ice breaking. I don't see anything. I heard the Overseer gasp in pain. I ran to where he was. He was pinned against the wall of the ball of ice. A visible cut went down his left shoulder to his upper right side of his chest. Dark blue blood was already covering his clothes. Shadow Sabre was holding his sword his blade covered with the blood. He lifted his sword.
"Sabre don't!" I called out to him. He sword went down. It suddenly stopped as it was about to touch the center of his chest. His hands that were holding the sword were shaking. The Overseer took this chance to move out of the way. Elemental Steve went up to him. He helped him stand. Shadow Sabre's head turned to look at me. A sad smile grew on his face. He dropped his sword his hands still shaking.
"Sabre?" I asked as I walked up to him slowly.
"G...get out of before I h...hurt anyone else...." He whispered to me. It was Sabre. His face suddenly scrunched up, then relaxed. His hands stopped shaking. Shadow Sabre picked up his sword again. Before I could back up I felt his sword dig into my left shoulder. I stumbled back in pain clenching my teeth. I grabbed my shoulder feeling my silver blood in my hands.
"Now that was close wasn't it? I won't let that happen again." He was about to strike me again when I was suddenly surrounded by ice. Knowing what was going on I quickly broke through it.
"Overseer! Are you okay?"
"I'll be fine. We just need to..." I felt something shove me to the ground. Turning over I saw Shadow Steve on top of me. He swung his sword down on me. I was able to block it with my own sword. I felt him push my sword closer to my chest. His force quickly decreased. I was able to get enough distance from his sword. I rolled to the side and got myself up quickly. His hands hands were shaking again. Sabre was trying to take control or separate again.
"Get the Overseer out of here. See how much longer we need to hold him off." Shadow Sabre summoned more lighting. This time I was more prepared. I moved to the side. He suddenly started laughing.
"If you could only hear what I could hear. It's quite funny. You would especially enjoy it." The last part in a teasing voice.
"I guess I'll learn about that later."  He ran toward me trying to attack me. I moved out of the way. I was about to swing my sword then stopped. Shadow Sabre took my hesitation and attacked. I bend back trying not to get hit by his blade. He swung again. I stopped it with my own sword. He pushed harder into my sword. Causing a pain on my shoulder. Feeling like it was being stretched out. I let out a yelp. I felt his pressure release them grow again. It counties for a while Sabre and Shadow Sabre desperately fighting for control. I looked up at Sabre. A grin of satisfaction and... tears running through his blindfold. I don't want to see him like this. What is taking so long.
"They are done. We need to get him over here now!" Elemental Steve called out to me. I knew what I had to do. I summoned lighting in between us. I felt pain of electricity. Sabre did to... I felt a pain of guilt stronger than the pain in my shoulder. I really didn't want to do that. I continued summing lighting trying to lead him him the direction. Elemental Steve was pointing to. I felt my energy drain faster with each bolt. I could see the machine. More determined I was able to push him into the machine. Galaxy Steve was already on it. He was near the lever as pulled it back. There was lighting not from me. I felt myself I go one one knee.
"Time Steve!" Rainbow Steve yelled at me. He went up to me being the closest one to me.
"I will be alright, I just used a lot of energy there." The lighting suddenly increased more. A white light filled my eyes.......
(Words 1314) Yes, I know I used circles in a Minecraft story. Don't hate me.

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