The Guardian

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Sabre's point of view

Me and Galaxy Steve decided it would be best if we tried the machine again. See if anything happens this time. We made a power source near the machine to strengthen the connection. We also add more green wool to make it more like a tube.

"We are almost done with the machine just I need to make sure the Redstone connection is correct." I started to check the Redstone wiring.

"Sabre?" I heard Galaxy Steve say. He was looking at the machine.

"Yeah what is it, Galaxy Steve."

"What if the sickness gets inside you?" He asked concerned about what we were going to do and what would happen to me if I do.

"I don't think I can get it, Galaxy Steve, it looks like only Steve's can."

"I guess but what are we even to suspect from the machine?"

"Well, I want to see if what happened last time happens again or if something else that happens that could help us." I looked around as I notice something in the corner of my eye. quickly I pull out my sword.

"Who's there? Come out!" I said to whoever was in the bushes. Suddenly a person came out of the bushes it was the Guardian.

"Guardian?" Galaxy Steve went up to say hi to him but I stopped him.

"It's not out Guardian."

"Yes, but how did you see me? In fact, how do you even see the thought that blindfold anyway?" Okay is everyone just realizing that I wear a blindfold?

"It's made of special fabric, but that doesn't matter why are you watching us?"

"Well, Illusion wants me to keep an eye on you. Make sure you aren't doing something drastic." He said slowly.

"Wow, he didn't send you to kill me? I'm surprised."

"Illusion Steve doesn't break deals, Sabre."

"If you are going to watch us you can just watch us with us knowing. It's kind of weird to watch us like a stalker."

"Illusion Steve has ordered at least we know you won't do anything else." He said.

"Okay, Galaxy Steve everything looks good. You get inside the Machine let's see if anything happens."

"Okay!" He looked at the Guardian then walked inside the machine. I locked him inside the machine. I noticed how there was a lot more lighting than last time. Probably because of the Redstone.

"Look I know it's a lot to ask but if anything happens just turned this off."

"Only If absolutely needed." Well, that's better than nothing. I got into the machine and with the switch in front of me. I got myself ready.

"Three, Two, One!" I said and flipped the switch.

Just like last time, my mind felt fuzzy and I was in the same dark area as before. The same two magical energy forces. The Dark Blue and Purple as well as the light Green and Blue.

Not wanting to mess with the Blue and Purple I reached my hand to the Light Blue and Green. Something happens to it different from last time. The Magic also seemed to bring the other magic source with it. I watched as the magic what looks like tug away from it.

I Grabbed the Blue and Green energy. This time when I grabbed it the effect was a lot stronger. If this is the sickness then I somehow need to make sure this doesn't connect with Galaxy Steve's magic anymore. With the Blue and Green in my right hand. I grabbed the other magic in my left.

I pulled them away from each other. I felt the Blue and Purple energy pull the way I was pulling it. The Blue and green pulled the opposite. Even with me helping the sickness is stronger. Come on! Come on! The sound of something zapping hit me like someone pulling the plug of something.

I watched as the energy between the green and blue disappeared while the others bit seemed dim. The Blue and Purple energy seems to glow a little brighter. I reached out my hand ready to do try again when I heard lighting and the darkness around me turned bright again.

Suddenly I was back in the machine. Looking up I saw that the Guardian turned it off.

"What? Why did you turn it off?" I asked as I got out of the machine.

"You didn't hear anything?"

"Hear what?"

"I'm surprised I thought Players could not get locked the same way Steve can. For a while, there was not any lighting. Suddenly slow lighting came from Galaxy Steve. I thought it was normal until you suddenly you got struck by lighting then the steady lighting from Galaxy Steve greatly increased and became more unpredictable. So I turned it off." The Guardian explained to me.

"So what happens in your side of the machine?"

"It is hard to explain. I am going to go and get Galaxy Steve out of the machine first." I said. I turned off the locking system in his machine.

"Ow, my head...."

"Galaxy Steve are you okay?" I asked. Galaxy Steve pauses the smiled.

"Wow! I feel a lot better now. I feel more energized!"

"So that worked then..."

"What worked?"

"Well, I tried to split apart the sickness from Galaxy Steve and I was able to but not a lot of it," I said trying to find a way to explain what I did.

"Good, now I will be back. This is something that Illusion Steve needs to know about." Then he walked away.

"Okay that was weird... hey at least we are a bit closer to finding a cure for the sickness right Sabre?" A feeling in my gut pulled me. I looked back at the machine. Suddenly a pain came to my right eye. What the?

"Y...Yeah. I... I am going to walk for a bit. You go and fish some fish alright?"

"Okay!" Then he went into the forest to a fishing spot. Once he was gone I went into the woods finding another small pond. I pulled off my hood and took my blindfold off to look at my eyes.

My left eye looked fine but my right eye didn't. One of the codes in my eyes, only half of it was there. I blinked and it was gone. That's worry some. I put my blindfold back over my eyes and sighed.

Right now I need to fix this sickness I will try to figure out what that was about later. Then I went back to find Galaxy Steve to get my mind off of it.
(Words 1132) Yay, another chapter is done. This took a lot longer than usual from the fact that my mind is broken. I hope you like it!

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