Breaking Out

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Hey guys! I wanted to thank you for being so nice when I told you about my name. I really didn't know how you guys would react so thank you for being so supportive. Also I know this is going to be weird, but I have a few stories I think some of you should check out if you haven't.
1) The Savior's Truth by TheGGG_07
2) Dead Inside by EmburnFireFox
3) A Steve Saga Fanfic by TheSteveSagaRules
4) A Past in Time by EZRead01
5) Welcome to my World by OWOShipper
These are books I feel like need support. SO PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT THEY ARE ALL REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
One more thing. If you have a story you want me to read please tell me. I am always up for new books!
Sorry that was so long. Now hope you like the chapter.
Sabre's Point of View (Yes he is not dead)
I felt my senses come back to me. I felt cold and wet. How long was I out for? I opened my eyes to see I was on a beach. I got up feeling how sore I was. I looked out at the beach.... No this was a harbor..... I know this harbor... This is Deirdre Harbor. The harbor from my town... in my original world. I looked around. I could see every detail of the area. It felt so familiar to me. I felt my body shiver. What is going on? How am I here? I shouldn't be here! On the ground I found a large brown cloak. It was wet,  but then again it looks like their was a storm here not to long ago. I picked it up and put it on me. If this really is Deirdre then I can't let people see me or anyone I knew very well hear me. I don't know how much time has passed in this world. Let's hope it's a lot. The wind was blowing. The waves were large and ships on the sea were moving with them. I looked around and saw the entrance into the town. I walked inside the town. Their were a few new buildings, but rather than that this was still the old Deirdre. I walked through the familiar streets seeing familiar faces. Of course most of them wouldn't recognize me. No one really knew me. I walked up to someone. I kept my head down.
"Hey, did you need anything?"
"Yes actually. What day is it?"
"Oh today it March 27, ####." Thats three years after I died. Almost four years. Only that long? I felt like it would of been longer.
"Thank you."
"It's no problem! Today is a special day after all." I don't recall any events happing this day.
"Whats going on?"
"It turns out Steves are real! A guard found them last night. It will be a while until our Ruler comes and checks it out." Oh crap. How did they get here? How long have they been here. Who is here.
"Where would they be? Can I see them?"
"They are in the Library."
"I guess your knew here then. After Sabre died we rebuild the building he died in and turned it into a Library. It's a monument for what he did for us. I mean, you probably already know what Sabre did."
"I do. So where is it?" I can't just walk off. If he thinks I'm new it would be weird if I already knew where it is.
"In the center of town. It's hard to miss."
"Thank you." I started to walk away. Relieve my voice didn't glitch when talking to him.
"No problem!" He said back to me. I didn't go straight to the Library. If what they are saying is true well I will need to grab a few things. I went down the familair path to where I used to live. I found the corner and moved a few boxes that were placed their. I opens the hatch to my underground base and climbed down. It was very dusty. I guess no one has been down here since I died. That's really weird to say. Everything was just as I left it. The map of the plan we had was still on the table. All my weapons where in the same place. I grabbed a few weapons. I also grabbed some rope and medical supplies just in case. I got out of the base and made sure it was hidden again. I walked to the library. I got to the center of the the town and saw it. A rush if memories came to me. Good and bad. It looked exactly like it did before well... before I'd died. Everything looked the same same expect a bronze plate into one of the walls. I went up to it and read it. I felt my body shake. I can't believe they did this for me. All I did was the right thing and they feel like they need to do this for me. I calmed myself down. I could see that the entrance was blocked off by a few guards. They weren't wearing the symbol of the Templar family. A Red Cross. It was just normal armor. I went up to them. The pulled out their swords and made a cross to the entrance.
"I'm sorry, but no-one is allowed to enter in the next few days. Sorry for any inconvenience." One of them said. I nodded and walked away. Looks like I got to sneak it. I looked around to see if their was a way to distract the guards. I found a few pebbles on the ground. I took them. I went to one of the corner wall and threw it to the wall. It made a sound. Like Simone was trying to sneak in.
"What's that!" I heard one of them say as they walked away from the front entrance. I quickly ran inside.
"Stupid guards." Wow, it's been a while since I've said that. I walked inside relived to see their weren't any other guards around. I looked around. Candles were out. The books were out away and I couldn't help, but smile at how much better this place looks. It's better than a meeting hall for the Templars. They probably still do though. I found a way that lead underground. That's were they have to be right? I went down the stairs not making a sound. I want surprised to see the cells. Most of them were empty. At least from what I can see. I pulled my hood down.
"Guys are you here?" I said in a loud whisper.
"We're right here." I looked and saw Time Steve and Elemental Steve. I was a bit surprised to see Elemental Steve. I didn't go up to their cell and looked around the room.
"Sabre are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm keys." I said after looking around the room.
"One of the Guards had them."
"Great. I will be back in a few seconds."
"Where are you..." I was already up the stairs. I pulled up my hood hiding my face. I looked at the entrance to see the Guards here back. I can't kill them. They are just doing their job. I have to knock them out. I went to one of the tables and knocked over a candle. It made a lot of noises. I heard footsteps of the guards.
"Hey! We said you can't be in here. Get out or we will use force."
"That's fine with me." I pulled out my sword. One of the ran up to me. I knocked their sword out of their hand. I grabbed them and out a life to their throat.
"Okay, I need to get my friends out of here. Give me the keys and I will be on my way. If you don't your friend dies!" He looked at me in shock, but put his weapon down.
"Very good. Now the keys." I let go of the guard. He back up to where his friend was and took out the keys for the cell doors.
"Thank you, I'm sorry for what I have to do next. I hope you understand." I held my sword by the blade. I went up to the slowly. They were obvious scared. I used the hard handle of my blade to knock both of them out. As I did I felt my hand cut open. I guess I wasn't holding it right. It's been a while since I've done this anyway. I picked up the keys with my non-injured hand. I went back downstairs and started to unlock the cell door.
"Sabre what happened to your hand?" I looked down to see blood purring from my hand. It won't last long though.
"I just cut it will be fine. I knocked out the guards, but someone is going to notice. Since you guys are Steves and everyone knows about it already they will recognize you. Especially you Elemental Steve. We are going to have travel by rooftop. I know my way around don't worry." I unlocked the door. Elemental Steve was what looked like in shock by how I am dealing all of this.
"Sabre is this really... I saw the sign outside.... is this....."
"Yeah it is. I can't believe the rebuilt it though. I can tell you what happened later." I led them upstairs. We were about to walk outside when I froze. Flashes of my last moments filled me eyes. This is the.........
"Sabre?" Time Steve asked worriedly. It got me out of my thoughts.
"T...this is t...the exact spot..." I mumbled to him him. Elemental Steve was even more confused from my voice glitching and not understanding what I meant.
"Let's just go." I nodded and we made our way go of the building. I lead them to a area we could get up to too the rooftops on. I help them get onto the roof. They looked around.
"Where are we going?"
"Just follow me alright?" We were near a gap between the roof. I decided to show off a bit. I made a running start and jumped doing a flip in the air and landed on both of my feet.
"You're just doing that to show off."
"I know. Just do a running start and jump. You'll be fine." I started running and they ran after me. After a while we got to the area we needed to get down at. The market. I looked around and saw the wagon of hay and jumped into it. I got out of the wagon as they jumped in.
"Follow me, we are almost there." I walked to the base and moved the boxes again.
"Why are we here?" Elemental Steve said as he watched me move the boxes. I opened the hatch.
"So we can hide, come down. I will explain everything that I can."
(Words 1847) Hope you like extra long chapter today!

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