A Pause then Jolt

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Rainbow Steve's Point of View
This is a mess.... this is such a huge mess. Sabre is in a different world.... The Evil Steves got what they wanted.... Time Steve passed out from shock.... and now the ship is dying! Ahh, what do I do?! I looked at Galaxy Steve. He gave me that look. Me and Galaxy started to run away from the others.
"What's are we going to do?!"
"I don't know.... I would tract his energy if I could.... the only reason I could last time, was because I was the one who sent him to that world."
"What about his code? What if it was destr......."
"No! We are not going to think about it. He is alive and fine. We just need to figure out where he went to next."
"I don't know.... we will figure something out."
"We have to. For the ship!"
"For the ship!" We both laughed a little at that. Trying to lighten up the mood a little bit.
"Okay, let's get serious. What do you know about Code jumpers."
"Well... They were created by accident. They can't die... at least not truly unless their code is destroyed or someone takes it.
"Take it? Sabre didn't told me that."
"I guess he didn't want you to know. Code jumpers have a lot of power. Even if they don't know how to use it. When someone takes their power..... you don't want to know."
"It that what they want?"
"I think so. Plague Steve accidentally took his code. So that means he know about how his energy feels. He probably told the others."
"Wait What Sabre meant when they said they wanted something from him. If he left them take it from him.... it wouldn't end well for us."
"Okay... wish he would of told me that... why do you think he didn't?"
"Probably because he was worried you would turn on him. Don't know why though."
"I guess it happened to him before."
"Yeah. It sounds like it. Where do you think we should start."
"Probably back to where he.... killed himself."
"Probably...." We went back to where Sabre was. No one else was around. Which is probably for the better. Galaxy went up to where he was probably feeling for his energy.
"That's weird...."
"What's weird?"
"I mean this energy would feel like he teleported.... but not out of this world."
"Not out of this world?"
"He is still here. In this world.... I don't know where this place is... I can't teleport to a place I don't know. But how?! Isn't he he supposed to be."
"His code. It's so broken that he can't go to the next world."
"Let's hope is didn't break it more."
"Yeah, So he is somewhere in this world. That means he had to be somewhere we have been to before right?"
"Yeah.... I think so."
"So where are places that Sabre would remember well enough that his code would teleport to."
"Well.... we have the village, but he obviously isn't here.... let me think......" I thought for a second. It had to be a area we have been to. For a long time... maybe the area where we meet Time Steve and Elemental Steve..... I suddenly felt a jolt of energy......
"Rainbow Steve?"
"The rainbow town....."
"The Rainbow town! He would probably be there!"
"Didn't you say that place was destroyed?"
"Yeah, but still. Can we check?"
"Sure! Let's go." Galaxy took my hand and in a flash we were..... outside.....
"What happened to this place?"
"Nightmare Steve.... I didn't think it was so bad though...." I went up to what looked like the last part standing. A small bit of the entrance. The rainbow stone was turned into what looks like coal.
"Are you sure he would be here?"
"We have to look."
Me and Galaxy started to look around. I could name where everything would be. The Rainbow house, tower, temple, the rainbow tree of life... We soon reached the end of the land.
"Up ahead would be where to catacombs. We should also look their. See if he went there."
"Okay, if we don't find anything we will go somewhere else." We walked through the land. Trying to see if we could if we couldn't find anything. I was mainly paying attention to what was in front of me.
"G....guys." Our heads turned to the glitching voice. It was Sabre. He had a hand to the tree like he was using it for support. I saw the scar on his neck. Probably where he cut himself.
"Sabre!" I ran up to him and have him a hug.
"H....how d...did.... y....you f....find me?" His voice glitching more violently then normal.
"We figure out that you didn't go to the next world. You were still here.... Rainbow Steve decided to come here first."
"T....that's g...great b....but...." He suddenly staggered in pain. He was glitching really bad. It took a second for it to stop.
"Sabre!" I grabbed him and helped him up.
"M...my c....c....code I....it's....." Galaxy Steve took off his blindfold. We both got a good look at his eyes.....
"We need to fix this Sabre. If we don't fix this now...."
"I....I....." His voice glitched to a point where I couldn't understand him.
"What do we do?!"
"I don't know.... Sabre is the first Code Jumper I've ever meet. I didn't even think they were alive until now."
"Should we just hook him up to a machine?"
"Probably..... where would we find one without...."
"I....I know a....a p...place....." Sabre said. Galaxy Steve took Sabre's hand and teleported is to where he was thinking of. We were in a different forest and their were two machines.
"When did you?! Never mind." Sabre staggered in pain again. We quickly put him in the right machine and locked him in. Their was a bit of lighting.
"What now?"
"I am going in the other one. I got Sabre in this mess.... I am the reason his code started breaking so I am going to get him out." Galaxy Steve walked into the machine. I locked him in and lighting started to strike. Now all I can do is wait.
Galaxy Steve's Point of View
I opens my eyes. I looked liked I was in a black void. Everything was black. I looked around and saw something.... it was black with broke green code..... not a lot of it left. This had to be Sabre... right? I moved up to him looking at him. He wasn't moving. Without thinking I reached my hand and grabbed his. I felt my energy drain.... but some of his code got fixed. I can do this.... I can help him... I can fix him. I took his hand as I felt more energy drain from me. I watched as some code reappeared some of it getting fix. I pulled back for a second. Knowing what type of state this might leave me in. I can't care about that right now. I grabbed his arm again. More of his code was restored. I felt more of my energy leave me. I didn't stop though. Soon I felt almost all of me energy disappeared. I was ready for the worst when I stoped losing energy. I looked at him. His code was back together. I felt my body relax and fill with relief.
Sabre is going to be okay!
(Words 1264) Hope you guys are happy now!

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