Power Hungry

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I know for you guys it's two chapters today. So lucky you guys! I just quickly wanted to give a small shout out to RosslenAces for the comment on the last chapter. It made my day. For now let's go to the chapter. Also thanks for 27k reads! I drew that above for the last chapter. I know I am missing a scar, but I think it's okay.
Time Steve's point of view
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah.... I haven't seen it myself, but this looks like it."
"Insane? I would call it a new insight on the world."
"Give Sabre's Code back! He is our friend he trusted you." Rainbow Steve said taking out a stick. A questionable weapon.
"Trusted. He isn't here anymore. He is me." He opens his wings in anger. I noticed how the tips of his wings are green. I also just realized he was wearing Sabre's necklace his black hair seemed to fade into a dark brown.
"He is still here! Just in the machine." Alex pointed out.
"Right. Looks like I need to deal with that before anything." The Guardian said. I quickly realized what he was going to do. I rushed to the machine Sabre was at. He was still inside, but now his head was low. I can't see him with any facial expression since he is just a pure black void that ends where his body mass ends.
"Turn this off and he is gone. Right?" I pulled out a sword and got in front of him.
"That's not going to happen Guardian." He laughed at that.
"You can't hurt me. I am the most powerful thing in this world. You can't do anything."
"Doesn't mean I can't try." I attacked him and he blocked it. I looked at him in the eyes and he did the same. I attacked again and I was able to cut his face. He looked at me angrily and attacked. I felt the blade cut my mask open. It wasn't enough for it to break it thankfully. I stepped back.
"Let me through so I don't have to kill you."
"You are not going to hurt my boyfriend!"
"Well you finally admit it. Now let's  get this done and over with." He summoned a heavy amount of lighting on me. I didn't move out of the way. If I did he would of had a clear shot at the switch to turn off the machine. It hurts lot, but not as much as it would if I let Sabre disappear. The others I could tell where getting a plan together. I just need to keep him away from Sabre. I tried to freeze him in time, but nothing happened. I looked at him in shock. I really can't do anything. I went back with using my sword. The Guardian wasn't going to play fair. He summon a ball of light at me as it hit my chest I fell back in pain and I felt my back hit the switch of the machine. I groaned in pain. Thankfully the machine didn't turn off. I got back up shaking a little. I saw once again how his eyes flashed from green to white. I attacked him while he was frozen and I got him to back away from the machine. That gave me a little hope. I looked at the others and the gave me a thumbs up saying they got something. This might take a while, but I can handle it. The Guardian looked at me and laughed.
"You think you can do anything about this. Your powers are useless and fighting back is not the goal you had in mind isn't it?"
"I'm not going to hurt you more then I already have."
"I have not felt a thing." That's not good. I looked back at the machine then back at him. He summoned lighting on me again. I was already hurt from the last time he did it. It hurt more then last time. I got up again ready to block his next attack.
"Your taking up my time. Too much of my time. Let's make this quicker." He reaches out his hand to me and doesn't grab me. I looked at him confused. In a few seconds I felt tired like something was draining my energy quickly. I saw his eyes flash from green to white code again as I collapsed. I felt myself continue to drain. I did feel like I had any energy left, but it was draining something from me... things seemed distance... at the same time I could hear Sabre?
"No! No! No! No..." He kept saying over and over again. It took me a second to realize he was trying to stop what the Guardian was doing. I felt so exhausted I was about to pass out....die....I don't know. It stopped.
"Get away from Time Steve you meanie!" I heard Rainbow Steve say as he hit the Guardian with a stick. It broke his concentration as he looked at Rainbow Steve confused. I tried to get up, but couldn't. I saw Elemental Steve and he helped he stand up my body shaking.
"Time Steve...." He seemed really worried with fear in his eyes. Rainbow Steve kept hitting the Guardian with his stick. He just looked even more confused and a bit annoyed. He back up away from Rainbow Steve.
"What are you doing?" Once he said that I was something I didn't expect. Galacy Steve and Blue Steve pushes the Guardian into the machine. Alex turned it on and a lot of lighting strikes. The Guardian was locked in. Once he was Galaxy Steve ran up to me.
"Time Steve?! Are you okay?! What happen?! What Did the Guardian do it?! What's going on!!"
"I don't know...."
"I think we will figure that later Galaxy Steve." My brother said.
"Is Sabre okay?"
"We don't know. We will have to see." The Overseer said about to turn on the machine. We all wait nervously and the Overseer turned on the machine. Their was a lot of lighting. It felt like too much, but I don't know how much their should be. After what felt like hours the lighting stopped. Their was a long pause of silence as the Overseer pulled the lever back for the Guardian. He came out and looked confused. His true eye color showed. His right eye was red and his left eye was white. He was blinded in one eye.
"What happened?"
"What do you remember?" Everyone was skeptical that he was just fine now.
"I grabbed Demon Steve.... where is he?"
"He's dead you killed him."
"Okay? How did I get into the machine?"
"I used my stick!"
"You went mad. You wanted to keep Sabre's code for yourself." Their was a long pause.
"I apologize."
"It's. It your fault. You just weren't ready for the amount of power he has."
"Okay. How is Sabre..."
"We don't know..." I tried to walk to the machine so I could see him, but almost fell over. Elemental Steve makes sure I don't fall.
"Time Steve stay with me for now. You have almost no energy." The Overseer turns off the machine that Sabre was in. He slowly came out. Anything that hurt the Guardian or Demon Steve he has. Burn marks, bruise, cuts. He was glitching a lot and before he could say anything he collapsed to the ground out cold. Rainbow Steve rushes to him and helps him up. The rest of us just watch as we wonder. How much did that fight cost?
(Words 1354)
(Spoilers for a book I might start writing soon.)
Galaxy:.... I made a mistake.
Time: You did it again.
Galaxy: No... Not that mistake. This is a lot worse.
Alex: What did you do?
Galaxy:... Sabre was about to get killed by ???? And ?????? And ????? And now I had to try something.
Rainbow: and what did it do?!
Galaxy: We all strikes lighting on him at the same time and I think it...
Time: You Killed him?!
Galaxy: I think so....

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