A Mistake

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I wanted to thank W0lf_Writes For the amazing fan art it looks great! Also, I know that by the times this is our main I might reach 10k reads. I SERIOUSLY do not deserve it. I know someone who does. TheGGG_07 has a story called The Savior's Truth. I swear it is way better then mine. Go check it out and give her the support she deserves. I REALLY MEAN IT!
Also this chapter. Well, I am very exited for what's going to happen. I was planning to do this chapter for a while around the middle of this adventure. So I hope I like it.
Sabre's Point of view
It was nice to meet Blue Steve. Rainbow Steve told me a lot more about his adventures with him and Blue Steve. I was able to turn back into my normal skin before they got here. Its just... I'm worried it will happen again. Everyone was outside talking to each other. The Guardian and Blue Steve were talking to each other. I guess they were catching up. I walked over to where The Overseer and Alex were.
"Hey how are you guys?" I decided I should check up on everyone just to make sure they were okay.
"We are doing okay. We were just talking."
"Why are you asking?"
"A lot has gone down and I just wanted to make sure you guys where okay."
"We're okay. What about you?"
"I'm fine." That's probably the best response I can give them at the moment.
"As In fine you mean?"
"I really am just fine. I am just hoping everything ends well."
"I hope so too." Their was a pause.
"Please don't do it again." Alex said.
"W...what?" My voice glitched as I internally screamed.
"Everything was fixed and you just... disappeared. Don't do that again. You have no idea how much you scared me and Galaxy Steve. We were searching for you.... for weeks. We just....."
"Alex clam down. I won't do that again. I...it's n...not like I could e...even if I....I wanted to." My voice continue to glitched so I shut up.
"Thank you Sabre. We just don't want to lose you again." She gave me a hug.
"I know you don't want to lose me... but I'm a player. You might want to keep that in mind."
"Let's not think about it." I let go of Alex.
"Sabre!" I suddenly felt myself wrapped in another hug. It was Galaxy Steve.
"Sabre we need your help!"
"What?" I realized that Time Steve and Elemental Steve were next to Galaxy Steve.
"We want to see who is stronger. Me and Time Steve or Galaxy Steve."
"I was dragged into this." Time Steve said.
"So how are we going to do this. Also why do you need my help?"
"We just need someone to decide. Don't you dare just choose Time and Elemental Steve because Time Steve in your boyfriend." I felt my face heat up. I looked down trying to hide my face.
"What? Am I missing something?" Elemental Steve looked at Galaxy Steve in confusion.
"H...he isn't not.... I...I'm not....." I stuttered.
"Wait.... I can actually see this happing."  I heard the Overseer say.
"Lets just to and get this done and over with alright?" I said trying to calm down. I looked up at Time Steve who was looking to the side rubbing the back of his head. We went into the plains to make sure we don't cause any damage.
"So, how is this going to work?"
"I was thinking we can first think about how much damage you can do."
"How are we going to do that?"
"I was thinking targets. Like a tree. Elemental and Time Steve can strike one at the same time and you can do the other." They nodded. We went to the end of the plains to find two trees. Elemental and Time Steve went first. When the strike it it spit in half. The crack went halfway done as the tree burst into flames. Galaxy Steve went next. His tree split in half all the way down and also bursted into flames.
"Again why did you need a judge?"
"Just in case." Galaxy Steve said.
"Why don't we do this logically?" The Overseer asked.
"Oh I can do that.... well each of you are very important. Elemental Steve you control well the elementals. Time Steve you control time. Galaxy Steve you control other worlds."
"I don't control them. I just control how people and what travels through them."
"Cool, so... who's powers would be more important. I think this is between Time and Galaxy Steve." I thought for a moment.
"I think because you control the travel it has to be Time Steve. Time Steve is very important and without it. Their would be way more chaos. I should know...."
"Yeah, when you were paused in time and you were just standing for a whole day. It was weird."
"Yes it was...."
"Now we are going to right each other."
"No, it's will attack the others Steve here and you could hurt each other."
"Don't worry Sabre, we will be fine." They for ready to right anyways. I took a few steps back. The three of them flew into the air. I waited for them to start. They stated simple. They attacked each other with lighting. They got hit a few times, but not very much. After a while the started to use their abilities. Mainly Elemental Steve was using his abilities. Time and Galaxy held back a bit more. Galaxy Steve was about to use his energy I could tell. He was aiming for Time Steve. Time Steve quickly stoped him in time and moves out of the way. Once he was out of the way he stoped being is magic on him. Galaxy Steve did his attack and obviously missed him. Expect.... it was coming for me. I wasn't able to move out of the way in time. I felt lighting hit me. It don't just hit me once, it hit me multiple times. Before I could move out of the way I passed out from the pain.
Time Steve's Point of view.
I watched at Sabre got stucked by lighting. After a few bolts he disappeared. I think we were all in shock.
"What did you do? Did you kill him?"
"NO! I was going to teleport you. It looks like Sabre got teleported instead." He lowered himself to the ground. Like he used a lot of energy.
"Where did you teleport him to?"
"I don't know.... I just did it. Since you Time Steve can teleport it would of been fine."
"Okay, we need to find him. What if the other Steves get him?" Everyone nodded with agreement.
"I... I am a little worried though." Galaxy Steve said as we turned our heads.
"Worried about what?"
"I used a good amount of energy. I am staring to wonder if I didn't teleport him. At least not in this world..." This can't be good.
Words 1186

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