A Embelm of Jewels

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Okay, begin we start I wanted to give a shoutout too...
For being such a big supporter of this series. Check them out please they are a really nice people.

Okay, now I really need to put this in before the chapter starts. FavremySabre has done a series called Assassins Creed. If you have no heard of it then go watch it on his channel or read this quick overview of it anyone else you can go to the chapter. (It is his reboot)

For those, you haven't heard of it well. Sabre becomes an assassin and kills the Templar's trying to get revenge and end their rule. If you want more detail watch his reboot of the series. There is no official ending so I making one up so you will see it... eventually.

Okay sorry for the long intro now onto the chapter.
Sabre's Point of view

I got back to the camp. The broken piece of code was still in my mind. I really need to stop thinking about it. I got to the clearing to find that Galaxy Steve wasn't back from fishing yet. I'm not surprised I was only gone for a few minutes. I don't know where we went, but it will be better if I stay here. Getting lost isn't a good idea.

I looked at the machine. So far this machine still isn't strong enough to split the Magic's from each other. I am going to have to take it down and try a different design. I went to the two chests that Galaxy Steve has. I was lucky to find a still good condition iron pickaxe. I started to take down the first part of the machine. The iron, Redstone, Redstone dust, and cobblestone slowly stacked into my inventory.

Once the machine was fully taken down I grabbed any remaining Redstone dust and the lever that was still on the ground. I broke the wool and put it in the back of my inventory as well as any other items I have collected. I left the last part of the machine there. I need to get some ideas on how I should make this work... thunder filled my ears.

I immediately took out a sword ready to fight. I looked where the sound was to find Illusion and The Guardian together. It looks like they were looking for me.

"Hello, Sabre. It seems you have made some progress?"

"Yes, Yes I did. I think the only way to cure this sickness is to split the sickness from the powers of the Steves." He looked at the machine.

"Then why were you taking it down?" The Guardian said he should already know this.

"I need a different design so there is more power."

"Very good you are working even faster than I thought you would Sabre. The Guardian told me about every detail of what happened. I must ask again is there anyone else here helping you?"

"No. I told you before it's just me and Galaxy Steve."

"Where is he anyway?"

"Fishing. He will be back soon don't worry. From the question I'm guessing you felt the energy again?"

"Yes, the same one from last time but this time it was a lot stronger than before." My energy... Stupid how have I not thought of that before. Since I am not a Player but a Code Jumper I guess I have this sort of energy. Never knew I had one though.

"If you want to check then come here once we have the machine done." That's all I can give myself right now. More Time.

"Alright, I will I would like to see this in action. I will see you soon Sabre ." I turn my back to him waiting for the sound of thunder. It never came. I get a pain go through me; the pain I have felt a million times before. Lighting.

"Whoa what was that!" I said looking for him but didn't see him anywhere. I felt something kick my back.

"Enough stalling Sabre. You know I can change the deal whenever I want I can even make today the two weeks you have left. Tell me what are you using!" I have never seen Illusion Steve act like this before. Even sound like this.

"I honestly don't know alright. I am a Player and there is no-one else around." I was on the ground in a few seconds. He put a foot to my chest. Keeping his eyes on me ready if I was going to try to escape.

"Tell me the truth then!" Out of muscle memory, I felt myself pull out a sword and before my brain could realize what was happing I attacked him. This time I was able to land a blow. I quickly got up from my feet. I was ready for him to attack.

"Strange from what I have seen from your friend's memories I have never seen you fight like that before. In fact, I have never seen you in a fight before. I wonder what you are hiding." I naturally put my sword behind my back then remembering that I didn't have a sword case to put it in, so I put it in my inventory.

"I only fight when I have to."

"Honor?... I guess your friends don't really know you as well as they think." He went up to me closely looking at me carefully like he did before. I stood ready to fight he is not going to touch me again.

"Don't worry. I have as you could say the same honor as you do. I just have one question to ask you if you answer it then I will leave you be. What is that around your neck?" I looked down worried that it came out from my onesie and sure enough, it did.

A necklace I have never taken off. I was a green circle an Emerald. My family symbol. Coming out of it was a Red Cross. Ruby to be exact. The symbol of the Templar family. The Steves of course have no idea what it is. Even if I explained it to them.

"This?" I grabbed it in my open hand taking a good look tracing every familiar detail on the small stone.
"This is an emblem."

"An emblem of what?"

"Sorry I told you what it is so..."

"Sabre! I'm back!" I heard Galaxy Steve's voice from the distance. I turn to the sound to see him coming out of the dense trees. I looked back at Illusion Steve, but he was already gone.

"Sorry I took so long!" I quickly hid the necklace under my onesie and smiled.

"It's not a problem Galaxy Steve nothing did happen while you were gone."

"That's great! So... what the next plan?"
"A new machine."
(1217 words) Okay so for those of you who don't understand what just happened well the necklace represents the battle between The Templar's and Saber's family line. I already have a last name for it but just like a lot of things it is something to will find out later.

This was mainly a filler chapter with less action in the steves but more action between Sabre's side of the story. I hope you like the idea.

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