The Under World Part 1

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So, this picture is by Ella_NightSky Give them some thanks Love because this looks amazing! I am sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was absolutely out of and and tired. So today I am going to try to do two chapters! Also thank you for telling me what you wanted from the questions of last chapter. I know what I must do now.
Rainbow Steve's Point of view
I felt myself wake up. Did i pass out? All I remember was trying to protect Light Steve from Demon Steve before he attacked us with lighting. I stood up feeling tired like I was surrounded by lava. It looks like I was locked up. There was a window outside that answered one of my questions. There was lava below us, that's why I feel so tired. I looked around in front of me was another cage, it was empty. The bars were bade out of iron. I couldn't break any. I was in the Nether. Why would Demon Steve take me to the Nether? Where is Light Steve? I looked through my inventory and everything was gone.
"Light Steve! Are you here?!" I called out to him looking around the hallway area where I was locked up in.
"Rainbow Steve?" I heard Light Steve say, but I couldn't see him.
"Are you okay?!" I was relived he was here with me.
"I'm okay, what about you?"
"I got knocked out, but I feel fine. Can you get out?"
"No, I can't."
"Is their anyone else here? Anyone you can see?"
"No, I don't think their is anyone else here. Demon Steve locked me in here after he put me in a machine. I don't know what he did to me, but it can't be good." I walked around the room to see if there was anything I could be break. Nothing.
"Why would he put us in the Nether?"
"This isn't the Nether, it looks a lot like it, except this is the Under-world. He controls this world."
"How do you know that?"
"I've been here before with a friend. I haven't seen him in a long time."
"How did you get out of here last time?"
"We eventually found a portal to take us back to the spirit world. We weren't locked up like we are now time."
"Okay, first we need to get out of here."
"I don't think we can, no one can enter this world without Demon Steve help."
"It doesn't mean we can get out of here on our own. We can't break anything, my window is open, but the area below is surrounded by lava. If I try to go down their, I won't be able to fly out."
"You don't have your powers here?"
"No. You don't have any powers either." I couldn't help, but feel like I've been in a similar situation before. I started to think about it. Where have I been trapped with no-way out.... Wait.... Me and Sabre were trapped in the Rainbow Town once. Plague Steve made it so I didn't have my powers or could break anything. Sabre tried flying over the wall, but couldn't. We got out because I was able to teleport us out...
"I'm going to try I something." I told Light Steve.
"What are you going to do?" I didn't say anything. I closed my eyes and focused on using my powers. Focused on getting outside this room without even moving.
"Come on... come on...." I felt myself fall over. I opens my eyes to realize I was in a different area. I was outside of the prison. I couldn't break things to. I quickly realized me and Light Steve were next to each other.
"How did you?"
"No idea, I can get us out now!" It took a while for me to break the iron bars, once I did Light Steve stepped out. I gave him a hug.
"We need to find a way out of here." Light Steve went one way down this long hallway I went the other. I looked inside each of the prison cells to see if anyone else was in them. I reached the end of the hallway to find no door.
(Blood and Gore warning)
I guess this wasn't the right way. I quickly looked at the last two cages. On the left no-one in the right. I saw a Blue Steve. He seemed so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Rainbow Steve I found the exit!" I heard Light Steve say. I didn't go back to him. I started to break the iron bars.
"Rainbow Steve?" I heard Light Steve say as he caught up to me. He saw what I was trying to do and helped me. I got inside and didn't even realize how much blood their was in here until now. Most of it was old and mostly faded away. Their was a lot more around the Blue Steve and definitely more fresh. He was out cold. I went up to him to see a side wound. It wouldn't kill him, even with the loss of blood. I can tell he is definitely tortured in here. From the blood around the room and the scars he has been in here a long time. I picked him up carefully.
"This was the Blue Steve."
"Which Blue Steve?"
"The one I was with before I came to the Middle World."
"The Blue Steve you were stuck down here with? Did you escape with him?"
"We did, in the end he came back here to defeat him. He never came back. The Guardian told me when I came back that he searched for him. He couldn't find him."
"When did he came here? Into the Spirit world?"
"As I was told a little bit before you chose to go into the deep sleep so you could defeat Nightmare Steve." I felt my body go into shock.
"The Blue Steve.... he is the Blue Steve who helped me when...." Light Steve nodded. We walked out of the prison area. Looking at the place more I realized how much it looked like the Nether. I guess it's the same reason why the upper-world looks so much like the middle world. They are connected. We found a small cave system.
"We should stay here until Blue Steve wakes up."
"You can also heal him right?"
"I can try." I laid him down. Light Steve tried to heal him, but couldn't.
"The machine, he took my powers."
"Why? Why would he take your powers and not Galaxy Steve's powers or Alex's powers."
"I have no idea. I guess that's something we will find out soon."
Words 1124

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