Admit it

1K 52 35

Sorry for not uploading yesterday....... I had a lot to do and I just wasn't able to do a chapter. Also.......
*Unholy Screaming* WHY?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME *More Screaming* 20k..... 20k guys...... I would swear if I actually did in real life.
Guys it took me 19 chapters to get to 1k reads.
37 chapters to get to 10k reads..... (from 1k)
Then it only took me 19 chapters to get to 20k (from 10k)
I really wanted to thank you guys for the amazing support! I did not think this Sorry would get so far. Most of you have been here since the begging and thank you for that. Some of you are new and that's okay too. I just don't know how to thank you guys for this. I mean I... I really don't know what to say about this... everything you guys have done for me has means a lot more then you think... 
so I am doing a ship chapter today 😊
Sabre's point of view
Silence filled the air and it took him longer to respond. Longer then the others. I don't know why he was so shocked, but I didn't say anything. I put my blindfold back on which seemed to get him out of his shock.
"A Code Jumper?"
"So... what is that if I can ask."
"It's like a mix between a Player and a Steve. I have powers and abilities like a Steve. I just don't know how to use them or what they are... I also can come back tomorrow after I die like a Player without getting me memories erased." He took a second thinking about it. While he did we started to walk again.
"So when your voice was glitching-"
"That was my code when it was broken and the effects of it started to hit me."
"The energy-"
"My code."
"That's also why you cover your eyes then?"
"Yeah... I can't just walk around without this on." I put my blindfold back on.
"What happens when the take all of your code?"
"I don't know, from when you came it I just felt tired. Really tired."
"Alright, are their others like you?"
"I think I'm the only one left."
"Okay.... this is actually making a lot of sense."
"It does. That's what they all said."
"Why don't you tell everyone else?"
"I just... have a harder time trusting people with it. The only reason why I told you was because I knew that if I didn't it would only get worse and you would hear from the other Steves."
"Right." We were at the portal.
"If you have any more questions as Galaxy Steve. He knows the most out of everyone."
"I will." We walked through the portal and we were in front of the the town. I looked behind us, but no portal.
"The portal is strange. Only I can control where it takes me. Anyone else gets in at least 2000 blocks near where I am."
"Okay." They answered my questions. We walked back into town. Before I saw anyone I was trapped in a warm hug from Rainbow Steve.
"You are not leaving my sight again Sabre!"
"That's going to be hard Rainbow Steve."
"I will wack you with a stick!" He lets go of the hug and takes out his stick.
"Please don't."
"Are you okay?!"
"Yes, I'm okay."
"Good! Everyone has been worried sick! Especially Time Steve." He nudged me a little after saying his name. I felt my heart flutter in my chest. I screamed at myself to stop.
"He is the house. Come on you have to see him!" Rainbow Steve has a hint to teasing in his voice as he dragged me to wherever Time Steve was.
"See you soon Guardian."
"Good luck Sabre!" Rainbow Steve was calling out his name. I didn't want to do this. I know I should say hi to him. Tell him what's going on, but I know what Rainbow Steve is going to do. Time Steve was in the woods.
"Time Steve! Sabre is okay!" Time Steve turns as he looks at me. I could see his body relax at the sight of me.
"Thank god. Are you sure your okay Sabre?" Time Steve asked me.
"Yeah... I'm okay don't worry about it." A awkward silence filled the air. I rubbed the back of my head.
"I'll go get everyone else! Have fun you two~" Before we could stop him he ran off. I know he will take his time once he is out of our sight.
"So what happened?"
"Demon Steve. I went back to the base and found nothing their, it was a trap and Demon Steve took me to the under world and talked to me with the other evil Steves."
"Did they hurt you?"
"He burned the snot out of my right hand and tried to choke me out, but I'm okay." Time Steve carefully takes my hand and looks at it. His touch made me winced back.
"It's okay Time Steve."
"What else did they do?"
"Your tense I can tell."
"They know..." I point to my blindfold. I was worried he was going to get mad at me. Instead he pulled me into a hug. It felt nice. It felt as good as it did in the woods the day I told him everything... I cursed myself.
"It's okay Sabre. I will make sure nothing bad happens to you."
"That's my job Time Steve."
"It's been my job since I've first meet you." I don't know why something so simple like that made me blush. It's nice to know....
"You know this can never work right?"
"It can Sabre."
"I'm a Code Jumper. Once I die I just go to a new life. You don't."
"I don't care."
"But I do."
"Why do you care?"
"Once you die I won't be able to see you again I will have to always know that I can't be with you."
"Steve's can't die from old age, we only die when our energy is completely gone or is we are killed in battle."
"That doesn't change anything. We will always be fighting with someone knew."
"I don't think their will be anyone else after this."
"More Steve's will be creates."
"Then we will be ready. I just want to be with you Sabre... that why I need to know.... do you love me?" My heart and code said yes, my brain said no. I've always hated fighting the two sides of me.... but I already know who is going to win. I looked back up and Time Steve. I quickly moved his mask and kissed him quickly. He looks at me and smiles.
"Can I take that as a yes?"
"Yeah.... even though I don't want to... I do."
"Let's see if I can changes your mind then." He said as he pulled me closer to him. I felt my heart pound satisfied with my choice, but not with my love for him... my need for him.
"You already have." We kissed again this time with more passion. This time I won't fight my heart. For now on I'll let him win.
(Words 1259)
If your forever alone and you know it clap your hands!
*intense clapping*
If your forever alone and you know it clap your hands!
**Super intense clapping**
If you'll never have a lover and you forever ship others to feel less lonely clap for hand.
***Kills hands with Clapping***

My Inner Code (A FavremySabre Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now