The Original World

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*unholy screaming.* 10k..... OH MY GOD WHY? This story isn't good and I don't even know why.... thanks anyways, but still......
*more unholy screaming.*
Also since this is happening I decided. I am willing to tell you my first name. No middle or last, just my first.
At the end of the chapter I will.
Time Steve's Point of view
We were looking around for a few hours. We couldn't find Sabre anywhere. Galaxy Steve said he would teleport in a familiar area, we looked around everywhere and nearby areas. We still couldn't find him. We went back to where we fought earlier.
"Okay.... don't worry I have another plan."
"So what's the plan?" I am willing to do anything to get Sabre back.
"So. I think I can track his energy to where he is."
"Why didn't we do that earlier?"
"Look, I know I seem like I have a lot of energy, but when I do this portal world stuff it takes a lot of energy and it takes a while to recover. At the same time if I go their right now. I might not go to the right place and I will be stuck their for even longer."
"How long does it take for you to recover?" The Overseer asked.
"It's depends. If the world are close to ours then it only takes a few hours if I travel someone else into that world. If it's far away it takes about a day. If I got into that world and it's close a few days. If it far away and I go into it. Well it takes about a week."
"So that means someone else will need to go."
"I can do it." I say without hesitation.
"Are your sure Time Steve."
"It's fine. If something bad happens you can absorb me and bring me back."
"I can go to. I am not going to let you go by yourself brother." Elemental Steve said. I nodded.
"Okay! So... let's see if I can..." Galaxy Steve walked around for a second then stopped. He took a deep breath.
"Okay, so this world is far away. When I mean far away I mean how close it it connected to ours."
"So can you take us there?"
"Yup! It might take longer for me to recover my energy since I have to send both you and Elemental Steve."
"It's fine. It gives is more time to look for him."
"Okay are you ready?" Me and Elemental Steve both nodded.
"See you guys soon." Galaxy Steve started to use his powers on us. We started to get hit by lighting.
"Stay near the area you come in with. Sabre shouldn't be to far from you." We were surrounded by lighting the sound of thunder filled our ears. Their was a bright light and everything went dark.
I opens my eyes. Their was thunder, but it sounded lighting from a storm, not so much from a Steve's.
"Are you okay?" I asked Elemental Steve.
"I'm okay. So this is it?" I looked around and saw we were what looked like a large town. In front if the entrance. It was raining and dark. It's probably night. There were buildings inside. I don't see anyone around. Their were a lot of things around that I wasn't familiar with.
"Sabre is probably inside."
"Let's look around then." We went inside the town. The windows of the crowed and small buildings were giving off a light. Some of them weren't. Their were a lot of boxes and animals that were fenced off around. The ground was made of rocks a few dents on the ground some of it broken. We walked around for a while. A lot of risers and turns and alleyways. Every once in a while we heard thunder. The wind was howling. A strong storm. It doesn't look like it's going to end soon. We soon got to what looked like the center of town. A large building that looked new was in the center of the town. I could see a few players outside of the building. We went up to the building. We are about to go inside when something caught my eye. It was something that looked like iron but in a darker color. It was words engraved into it.
"Aren't we going to ask them for help?" Elemental Steve asked me realizing I stopped. I went up to the sign and read it.
                The resting place of Sabre
He will never forgotten for his great deeds for all of us.
This building the rebuilt it honor of him after it burned down. Killing Sabre and Rudyard ending the reign of the Templar Family.
Wait a second this is...
"Hey. Do you need any help?"  I turns my head to see a player. Most of his face was covered in iron armor. He had a iron sword. It looked longer and thinner than the ones we usually see.
"Yes, we are looking for a friend of ours."
"Of course." He he out his sword on his back. I guess their is a case where he can put it on.
"I'm Henry."
"I'm Time Steve. This is my Brother Elemental Steve."
"So your last name is Steve? Or are you implying you are a Steve?"
"We are Steves we aren't Players like you are."
He looked at us in shock. He took a second to respond.
"Here, come inside." He started to walk inside. We followed. It looks like their place has become a very large library. Their were a lot of tables and chairs. Most of them a had something that looked a lot like a torch. Some of them were lit while others were not.
"Down here, you can stay the night."
"This is very kind of you, but we need to find out friend. His name is..." I looked at Elemental and shook my head. If this is what I think it is. They can't know we are looking for Sabre. Elemental nodded. He understood. Probably had a different idea in mind.
"His name is?"
"Oh sorry. It's just we could use your help. Could you help us?"
"I could, but this storm outside is really bad. Your friend is probably still finding his way here or someone has invited them inside. You will have a better chance of finding them in the morning." I sighed he does have a point.
"Okay, we will stay the night."
"You made the right decision." He led us to a room underneath the building. He let us go ahead of him. I uneasy feeling grabbed me. This isn't going to end well is it. When we got downstairs we saw what looked like a prison area.
"Are you are this is the..." I turned around and saw that we was pointing his sword at me.
"Now, get inside the cell or I will kill you." I was going to use my powers to stop him in time. It didn't work. I looked back at Elemental. He probably just figured out he couldn't use his abilities either.
"Move!" We stepped back into the closest cell. He closed to door on us and locked it.
"Why are you doing this?"
"You'll find out soon enough. Let's see if you really are a legend and not a myth." He walked away leaving us in the cell.
"That ended well."
"We can't get out. So what are we going to do?"
"No idea. I think we are going to have to wait for Galaxy Steve to bring us back."
"What about finding Sabre?"
"Unless he can find us and somehow get us out. I don't think we are going to find him."
(Words 1294) Okay, for everyone who is reading this. That means you want to know what my name is. So like I promised my name is.....
Gwyneth. My name is Gwyneth. People just call me Gwyn.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the surprise! 😊

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