Chapter 4

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Kyoshi woke up with a start and saw Rangi and Hanzo sitting a few feet away from the bed she was lying on, they immediately got to their feet upon seeing Kyoshi awake.

"What happened?". Kyoshi asked,"Where is Master Dan Lo?".

"He got stabbed in a critical area but don't worry, he'll be fine". Hanzo said.

Kyoshi got to her feet,"I have to see him". Then she made her way across the room, reaching for the door.

"Kyoshi, wait!". Rangi said, grabbing her arm.

But Kyoshi just shook off her grip and walked out the room and tried every room in the hallway, she found one room that had light inside and she quickly barged in and looked around. The room was dimly lit by candle, she saw a healer helping her master to drink some water. She heard Hanzo and Rangi enter behind her. She approached the side of her master's bed and kneeled down with tears in her eyes.

"Father, I am so sorry. I should have been stronger". Kyoshi cried, hugging her master's form.

"It wasn't your fault, Kyoshi". Was his soft reply.

"What do I do now?". Kyoshi asked rhetorically.

"Kyoshi, I have to tell you something". Kyoshi looked up and listened to her master,"You are the Avatar, I saw you enter the Avatar State last night when we fought those men".

Kyoshi looked shocked,"What? No, I can't be the Avatar. Yun is the Avatar, you said so yourself".

Then everyone went silent.

Kyoshi noticed someone missing,"Wait, where is Yun?".

More silence.

"Where is he?!". Kyoshi exclaimed, making everyone jump.

"Yun didn't make it, Kyoshi. One of the men that you killed was the one who killed him". Dan Lo said.

"I killed someone". Kyoshi asked softly, looking horrified.

"You were in the Avatar State, it was out of defense. It was not your fault". Hanzo said.

"Oh, poor Yun". Kyoshi cried against her master's chest.

"Kyoshi, you have to do something for me". Dan Lo said.

Kyoshi looked up with tears in her eyes,"You have to leave Yokoya and start your journey as the Avatar and learn the other elements".

"How can I leave home, father. I was raised here, you raised me here. My life is where you are". Kyoshi said.

"Please, understand. As the Avatar, the world is counting on you to bring balance to the world. You must take the mantle for the sake of the world and leave your personal life behind". Dan Lo said.

Kyoshi wanted to argue further but knew it would be a losing battle once her master made up his mind.

"Okay. I will do as you say". Kyoshi replied.

"Kyoshi, Dan Lo and I have a friend in Omashu. He will help you to get to the Fire Nation and you will be able to start your firebending training". Hanzo said.

"I have to go to Omashu? How do I know who to ask?". She asked.

Dan Lo slowly took off his white lotus pendant from his neck and reached up his hand toward her, Kyoshi slowly took the pendant from his hand and looked at it in her hands.

"Show the man that pendant and he will help you". Dan Lo said.

"His name is also Leng and he owns an inn called The Dancing Lotus". Hanzo said.

Kyoshi looked down at the pendant again and put it on around her neck, she let it hang and allowed herself to get used to something hanging around her neck.

Then she quickly walked out of the room without another word.


Kyoshi packed what she needed in a small bag, she didn't plan anything and was going to do what her master instructed. She heard someone enter her room, she stopped and turned to see Hanzo standing there. He looked surprised that she was already starting to pack her things, he knew she sad, angry and confused and he understood what she was going through.

"Are you leaving already?". Hanzo asked.

"Yes". Kyoshi answered, without looking up and continuing what she was doing.

"But Kyoshi, the sun hasn't even risen yet. It is still dark outside". Hanzo said.

"I don't care. It will be better if I got over this sooner than later". She replied, a little annoyed.

"Oh, okay. But I came here to give you some money for your journey". Hanzo said.

"I don't need money". She said, turning to face him.

Hanzo smiled,"Trust me, where you're going you need money to make it all the way to the Fire Nation".

He handed her the sack of money and she reluctantly took the sack and tied it to her hip, where she will have easy access to it.

"Thank you, Master Hanzo". Kyoshi said, hugging the man.

Hanzo smiled and hugged back,"Think nothing of it. Just helping family is all".

Kyoshi let go of him and put on her bag and headed for the door.

"Kyoshi, one more thing". Hanzo said.

She stopped immediately.

"You will meet a lot of interesting people along the way, don't be afraid to make friends with those who seem welcoming. And don't be afraid to fall in love as well". He said, smiling at the end.

Kyoshi raised an eyebrow,'Fall in love? What does he mean by that'.

"I don't think falling in love is for me. I'd rather focus on my Avatar duty". She said.

"You never know. There are a few boys out there that would be lucky to meet you". Hanzo said.

Kyoshi gave a small smile,"Maybe".

She went out the room with Hanzo following close behind, she couldn't believe that she was doing this. Yun was supposed to be the Avatar, not her. She hated herself for taking on a mantle that was supposed to be Yun's.

She came to the front door and saw Rangi standing there with a confident look, this didn't surprise Kyoshi. Rangi looked at her in the eyes and those eyes meant business. Kyoshi guessed that she wanted something, she ignored it and just walked past her without a single glance.

"Kyoshi?". Rangi's voice called.

Kyoshi reluctantly came to a stop.

"I know you're angry at me but I'm coming with you. I was Yun's bodyguard when he was deemed the Avatar. And now, I want to travel with you and protect you as well". She said.

Kyoshi looked up,"I'll travel alone. I don't need a bodyguard. And don't try to follow me because I'll know". Then she walked off again, this time with a quicker pace.

Rangi tried to follow but Hanzo stopped her.

"Rangi, don't do it. She is hurting and needs time alone, this solitary journey will help her heal". Hanzo said.

Rangi looked alarmed,"But she can't travel alone. It's dangerous out there, please let me go with her. I just can't leave her like that".

Hanzo shook his head,"Yes, I know. But travelling alone is a burden that every Avatar has to go through in order to become great leaders and mediators. Trust me, she needs this more than you know".

Rangi looked ahead and saw the first rays of sunlight peaking from behind the mountains, she also saw Kyoshi's tall form disappearing in the distance.

This was the first part to becoming Avatar.


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