Chapter 6

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After travelling for two days, they had finally reached a village. The village was surrounded by trees and other plant life, it was as if nature was reclaiming something that once belonged to it.

"Wow! That's a lot of trees". Sorin said, looking around.

"Let's go see if we can find someone who can give us directions". Kyoshi said.

They walked into the village and they immediately got glances from the few people that lived there, some were scowls, others frowns and the rest were neutral expressions.

"Not so friendly faces, huh?". Sorin said.

"Doesn't seem that way". Kyoshi said.

Then a woman approached them. She had a friendly expression on her face and greeted them with a smile.

"You must be travelers. It has been awhile since we last met a few". The woman said.

"Do you mind giving us directions to Omashu? We're kind of in a hurry". Kyoshi said.

"Not too much in a hurry for resting. You both look tired, stay for awhile and rest. Some tea will help you relax". The woman said.

"Do you have ale?". Sorin asked,"Tea is my favourite but I don't like drinking it when I'm traveling".

The woman smiled,"I'm sure we have some ale left". Then she looked at Kyoshi, expecting an answer. Kyoshi knew she was not getting out of this so she just gave up.

She sighed,"Some tea will be nice".

The woman nodded and walked off.


Kyoshi and Sorin sat in a big room with a few men talking in front of them, Kyoshi was looking at them and she followed their conversation subtly.

"That spirit is going to come back tonight. I'm sure it will destroy more of our homes". One man said.

"We have to find a solution before it destroys everything". The other said.

Kyoshi raised an eyebrow. The village was being attacked by a spirit and no one could do anything about it, no wonder nature was closing in on the village so badly. She was the Avatar, she could help these people. This could be her first order of business.

"Excuse me?". Kyoshi said, catching the men's attention,"Why is a spirit attacking your village?".

One man shook his head,"No one knows. We are just as clueless as anybody else".

"Maybe I can help you with the problem". She said.

"Many have said the same thing but they all failed in helping us". The other said.

"I'm a bender and I know a few things about spirits, my master taught me everything I need to know". Kyoshi said.

"I also know about spirits". Sorin said.

"You do?". Kyoshi looked surprised.

"Yep. And besides, it's the Winter Solstice and the spirit will surely appear tonight". Sorin said.

The two men looked surprised.

"I will wait for the spirit at the entrance of the village". Kyoshi said.


Kyoshi stood at the large gate that served as the village's entrance. She had no idea what she would do once the spirit appeared, this was the disadvantages of being an inexperienced Avatar. Plus, she hasn't even made contact with her past lives yet.

"Are you sure about this?". Sorin asked.

"No. But these people need me and I need to do something about it". Kyoshi said.

"You sounded like an Avatar just then". Sorin smiled.

'That's because I am, Sorin'. Kyoshi knew this was going to be dangerous but she had to risk it, she was the Avatar and had to put the needs of others in front hers.

Then mist rolled into the village and the air turned cold. The trees started to bow as a strong breeze blew in, Kyoshi knew what was going on."Sorin, you better head inside. Its here".

Sorin shrugged,"Fine". He turned and walked toward one of the homes that the people stayed in.

"Don't worry, everyone. She knows what she is doing". He told the panicking people.

'I really hope you know what you're doing, Kyoshi'.

Kyoshi stood still and waited. Then she saw a large wolf like spirit fade into existence, it growled at her. She had a neutral expression on her face as she got into a stance, she really hoped that things turned out good.

The spirit stared at her with hostile eyes.

"Spirit, why are you angry? Why are you attacking these innocent people?". Kyoshi asked.

It responded by lunging forward at her with extended claws, she made a ninja roll under it and then launched a rock at it. It didn't even flinch from the attack and just attacked again, Kyoshi jumped back and conjured up a wall and blocked an incoming claw swipe. She stomped the ground and flung her arm forward and discs of rocks flew toward the spirit, but it evaded them all with ease.

"The more you fight it, the more angrier it becomes. Dig deep and reveal the light behind the darkness". A voice said within her.

Kyoshi looked surprised but knew that she had to find an alternative way to stop the spirit, it growled at her with rage in its fiery eyes. She held up her hand and slowly approached it, it moved back a few steps but didn't move again. Kyoshi slowly approached the spirit and it continued growling but she got closer and closer, the spirit noticed the closing distance and leaned its head down toward her hand and it sniffed it.

The spirit stopped growling and started to figure out who she was, Kyoshi came close and put her hand on it's forehead where it started to glow. Her eyes started to glow as well and she started seeing the spirits memories.

Sorin watched with a shocked expression as Kyoshi's eyes started to glow, he could never have guessed that she was the Avatar.

"She is......Avatar?". One of the man asked, a little surprised.

"Amazing". Another said.

Kyoshi felt the energy of the spirit in her body, it was violent, hurt and upset.

"I understand". Kyoshi said while in the Avatar State, along with a thousand other voices. Then her eyes returned to normal and the spirit also seemed to change back, it started becoming less dark and sinister and started looking like a normal spirit.

Kyoshi hugged the head of the wolf spirit,"I know what you're going through. These people built their village on sacred, spiritual ground and it made you angry. I know what it feels like to be hurt by others but I can assure that things will return to the way it was. I promise".

The spirit seemed to calm down after that. It turned around and walked away, then faded into thin air. Kyoshi smiled as she watched it go.

"Kyoshi!". Sorin's voice called.

Kyoshi turned to face him.

"What happened?". He asked.

"I gave the spirit peace". She said.

"Does that mean it will never attack again?". A man asked.

"It will. Unless, if you built a small altar dedicated to the spirits, then it will leave you alone". Kyoshi said.

The man smiled,"Thank you, Avatar".

Kyoshi nodded.

"What a rough night it was". Sorin said.

"Why? I'm the one who did everything". She said.

"Hey, I gave moral support". He argued back.

Kyoshi rolled her eyes.


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