Chapter 12

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Kyoshi was woken a few hours before dawn, she wasn't exactly a morning person. But it was necessary, it was for the training that she needed. She walked into the garden and found the sages sitting on benches, they were probably there to observe her training. She saw Yamoto standing in the middle of the garden, he smiled upon seeing her.

"Good morning, Kyoshi. Ready for your training?". He asked.

Kyoshi stifled a yawn,"As ready as I'll ever be".

"Excellent". He said before looking at her closely,"Before we begin, can you tell or show me anything you know about firebending".

Kyoshi nodded. She turned around and headed for a tree that stood a few feet away, she reached it and plucked off a green leaf and slowly went back to Yamoto. The sages gave interesting looks at this even Yamoto wanted to know what she would do after.

"Do you mind if I continue?". She asked.

Yamoto smiled,"Of course not. Please, don't let me stop you".

Kyoshi nodded.

She widened her feet apart from each other and slipped into a stance and held the leaf between her two hands, she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. Yamoto continued watching in interest, even the sages seemed curious as to what she was doing. Then smoke started to form from the leaf and a hole started to burn from the center of the leaf, then it burst into flames much to Yamoto and the sages surprise.

Kyoshi opened her eyes and held the newly formed flame in her hand with much care. The sages gave murmurs of amazement from what they had just witnessed, they had never seen this technique before.

"Amazing". Yamoto said,"Kyoshi, who taught you this?".

"Sorin did. He's a very good teacher". She smiled.

The sages eyes showed nothing but shock and surprise. Yamoto was not surprised, he knew that Sorin was a gifted individual. He was known to search for new inventive ways to improve his bending and fighting style, he was a natural born prodigy.

"I suppose he is". Yamoto smiled.

Kyoshi nodded in agreement.

"Kyoshi, the way you quickly caught on to that, it is surprising. If you keep this up, you will be a master in no time". Yamoto said.

Kyoshi smiled.


Kyoshi and Sorin walked through the streets of the Caldera that day, she was granted freedom after she improved with few techniques. Sorin was in a happy mood today and she took notice of it but she decided not to ask.

"So, how's the biography going?". She asked, catching up to him.

"Really well. I put in a few things of how you helped a village by stopping a spirit and how you saw me beat up a few thugs". He said.

"Did you have to put the piece of you fighting thugs in the biography?". Kyoshi asked.

"Yes. People need to know how human the Avatar is and they can only know that if you are apart of everyday human stuff". Sorin said.

Kyoshi rolled her eyes,"I suppose".

"Sorin!". A voice called.

They both turned and saw a boy their age running up to them, he had curly medium length hair. He had a lean built but looked strong enough, he had a wimpy atmosphere around him.

"Hiro?". Sorin wondered,"Hiro!".

The two old friends embraced each other and laughed. They let each other go and then looked each other up and down.

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