Chapter 15

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Adachi and Kyoshi practised their firebending in the courtyard while Sorin and Miyaki sat under the tree and continued writing the biography, it was a challenge since Miyaki wanted to put in stuff that didn't make any sense. Kyoshi did another kata and shot another barrage of flames, she was quite glad to be bending another element other than earth.

"Kyoshi?". She heard Adachi's voice.

She turned and saw him staring at her.

"What's wrong?". She asked.

"Your kicks are a little too high and your arms are flailing too much, you need to find a balance between your legs and arms". Adachi said.

"Oh". She said.

He got behind her and readjusted her arms, she blushed at the close contact with him. She had never been this close to him before, she was glad for that partly.

"There". Adachi said, stepping back,"Now, try again".

Kyoshi did a strike and fire shot out more fluidly and she immediately noticed the difference in the katas.

"Thanks for that". Kyoshi said.

He nodded with a smile.

"What do you mean it's not going to work?!". Miyaki's voice came.

The two turned and saw Sorin and Miyaki arguing.

"Dragons don't transform into humans. It doesn't make any sense". Sorin argued back.

Adachi smiled,"My sister is going to tear his head off. Let's give them space and go take a walk". Then he turned and walked off.

Kyoshi took one last look at Sorin and Miyaki and then turned to follow Adachi.

Something inside her told her not to leave Sorin alone with Miyaki but she decided to let it go.


Kyoshi followed Sorin to the docks later that day, they were looking for the combat teacher that taught Sorin. Kyoshi needed to know hand to hand combat so that she doesn't just depend on her bending.

"Oh, we're here". Sorin said, as he waved to a man in his thirties who talked to a few dock workers.

The man then approached Sorin and Kyoshi, he looked friendly enough.

"Master Ty Jun". Sorin bowed.

"Sorin, good to see you again". The man said.

"Good to see you too". Sorin said.

"What can I do for you?". Ty Jun asked.

"I'm vouching for my friend to learn hand to hand combat from you". Sorin said, gesturing toward Kyoshi.

"You want me to teach the Avatar?". Ty Jun asked

They both nodded.

"Well, I got nothing better to do". Ty Jun said ,"Just meet me tomorrow morning at the military courtyard and we'll start".

Kyoshi smiled,"I'll be there".

"Then maybe, we can go to Lady Sho after". Sorin said.

"I don't know, Sorin. To be a student of Lady Sho you need to be worthy in her eyes". Ty Jun said,"Not that I'm saying that Kyoshi isn't worthy or anything. But she will look for something that makes her worthy".

Kyoshi stepped up,"I can start here then".

Ty Jun nodded,"I respect that".


Adachi couldn't stop thinking about Kyoshi that day, he saw her as a friend but these days he couldn't stop her from coming into his mind. He was walking in the garden and he noticed Sorin sitting under a tree, writing his biography. He has been doing that more often these days, Adachi thought about asking him something that had to do with Kyoshi.

He walked toward the young prodigy who kept writing the biography, he didn't seem to notice Adachi approaching him at all.

"Hey, Sorin". Adachi greeted.

Sorin looked up,"Oh, hey. What's up, Adachi?".

"I need to ask you about something?".

Sorin frowned,"Oh, sounds serious".

"Not really". Adachi said,"What do you think about Kyoshi?".

"What do I think about her?". Sorin repeated.

"Yeah. You travelled with her basically and might know a few things about her". Adachi said.

"Wait! Are you trying to get information about her because you think you like her?". Sorin asked slyly.

Adachi's eyes widened. He always forgot how calculating and observant Sorin was, must have been a prodigy thing.

"Yes". He said.

"Wow! That's great. When are you going to ask her out?". Sorin said.

Adachi raised an eyebrow,"When am I going to ask her out?".

"Yeah, obviously you ask a girl that you like out. Or are you only asking for the sake of asking". Sorin said.

Adachi turned around,"I don't even know if she feels the same way".

"Well, you could find out". Sorin said.

Adachi shrugged.

"Anyway, it's not that difficult to win Kyoshi's heart. She may be uptight and too serious sometimes but she has a heart of gold and is fairly interesting to be around". Sorin said.

"You know her so well, don't you feel anything for her?". Adachi asked.

Sorin burst out laughing,"Not really. I see her as more of a friend, she is a friend and that's all she'll be to me".

Adachi couldn't believe his ears. Sorin has literally been around Kyoshi longer than him but he didn't feel anything for her. How was that possible?

"Okay, if you say so". Adachi said.

"Hey, remember what I said". Sorin said,"She may like you back, who knows". Then he sat back down and continued with his biography.

Adachi smiled and walked away.


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