Chapter 5

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Six days into her journey passed. Each day, she contemplated on what she would do, she was new to this whole Avatar business. She had no idea how this whole thing worked, it has been confusing and disturbing at the same time. She thought back to that awful night, seeing her master get stabbed like that made her shiver all over. It was not a sight she was used to, even though she had seen a lot of animals being slaughtered in her community.

Then, Rangi came to mind. The girl she loved, no, the girl she used to love. She had always thought that they would always be together even in the worst of times, but Rangi turned her back on her the moment things became difficult. Kyoshi always knew that she should never have put trust in her like that, as a result she was betrayed by the only girl she loved. Just like her parents.

Kyoshi closed her eyes as she walked. It felt so good to be connected to the earth, she could feel every rumble and vibration that came her way in the form of invisible waves. She just hoped she could reach Omashu before the tenth day, as she wanted to learn the elements quickly and become the fully realized Avatar that everyone expected her to be.

She saw a small pond that was on the left side of the trail, she jogged up to it and climbed over a few rocks to get to the water. She drank a few gulps and filled her water satchel with some from the pond. She got up and was about to resume her trek but she immediately felt something underneath her feet, she stopped.

A tremor. Someone was coming this way.

Kyoshi quickly moved toward the pond and moved apart a few bushes and hid behind the brush, she stayed still and waited for the stranger to pass by. Whoever it was.

She didn't have to wait long as someone appeared but to her dismay, he didn't walk past. He stopped at the pond and took a few drinks from it, he looked around a few moments later as if he noticed something. Kyoshi studied him closely, he was taller than her but only about a small inch, he had neck length long hair, he had lean yet muscular built and looked about the same age as she was. By his looks, she could guess that he was Fire Nation. He had black pants on with boots and a red Fire Nation shirt, she figured he was probably a firebender. It wasn't bad that he was good looking as well.

She knew she had to be careful. He could be threat no doubt but there is also a possibility that he could be nice, she wasn't sure. She shifted her weight slightly to get comfortable but her foot snapped a twig in half in the process, she gasped in horror at what just happened and quickly looked up at the stranger. It looked as if he had heard the twig because he got to his feet and looked around, she saw his muscles tense and knew that he was going to attack if she was not careful.

"Who's there?". He asked,"If there's anyone there, come out now! Before I resort to violence, which I do not want actually".

Kyoshi rolled her eyes. She decided to step out into the open and seem as less threatening as possible, once she came out she saw him relax a bit.

"I didn't mean to frighten you". She said.

"You didn't, you just surprised me". He said, getting out of his stance.

"It's just that I heard someone coming and I decided to hide". She said,"I thought you were a bandit".

"Oh, yeah. I ran into them a few days ago too. They took everything of mine". The guy said.

"But you're still carrying a bag". Kyoshi pointed at his back.

"Yeah, I was able to escape them with these". He said, touching the bag on his back.

"Oh". Was all Kyoshi said.

"So, if you heard that I was coming, you must be an earthbender then". He guessed.

Kyoshi nodded.

"Great. I'm a firebender, a prodigy if you will". He said, grinning at her.

"I figured". Kyoshi said.

"Oh, I forgot. My name is Sorin, the travelling nomad". He said.

Kyoshi raised an eyebrow,"You look Fire Nation to me".

Sorin looked up at her,"What? Just because the airbenders are the only nomads, doesn't mean that people from other nations couldn't be too".

Kyoshi sighed,"I didn't mean it like that?".

"So what's your name?". Sorin asked.


"Where you headed?". He asked.

"Why do you wanna know?". She asked.

"No reason. Just wanted to know if we were going the same direction". He said.

"Where you going then?". She asked.

"Omashu. I'm a nomad, so I collect stories, songs and poems and stuff". He said.

"I'm going to Omashu too". She replied.

"Great. We can be travel partners". He said with enthusiasm.

"I'd rather not".

"Aw, why not? We're only headed for Omashu and then we can go our separate ways after that". He said.

Kyoshi sighed,"Okay, we can travel together. But only until Omashu".

Sorin smiled,"Got it. Let's go then".

Kyoshi didn't know what she was so worried about. Sorin seemed completely harmless, even though he was a firebender. He seemed to have a gentle spirit and she didn't understand why she thought he would be a threat to her.

"So, why are you going to Omashu? If I may ask?". Sorin asked, as they walked.

"My earthbending master told me to go find an old friend of his and see if he is doing fine". Kyoshi lied.

She still had to be careful. She didn't trust Sorin yet with anything, so she had to tread lightly.

"That's sweet of your master". He said.

"Why are you headed for Omashu?". She asked.

"I already told you that I am collecting stories and stuff like that". He said,"But also, because I'm trying to fulfill an old dream of mine".

"Which is?". Kyoshi asked.

"To write a biography on the Avatar's life". Sorin said.

"That sounds interesting. But doesn't the Avatar's life get recorded by the Nations of the world already". Kyoshi said.

She didn't think telling him of her status was a good idea. Even though, he wanted to meet the Avatar to write his biography.

"Yes, I know that they record everything". He replied,"But I mean that I want to record the Avatar's life, you know like the background, heritage and I want to show how human the most powerful being in the world".

"That sounds a bit private". Kyoshi said.

"Don't worry, I won't go that deep into the life of the Avatar. It will be like a story and everyone will get to know the person behind all the power". He said.

She had to admit that she admired his eagerness. But as someone who was hurt in the past before, it would be better if she didn't bond with him. Trust was something that she couldn't allow back into her life after what Rangi did.

"Did you leave the Fire Nation for that purpose?". She asked.

Sorin then looked hesitant,"Yes. Why else would I leave my homeland?".

Kyoshi raised an eyebrow at that. She knew he was hiding something but she decided not to pry as he didn't either.

This was still just the beginning.


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