Chapter 38

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A few weeks have passed and Kyoshi was improving bit by bit, she had more control over the water now and she could easily bend it now without any psychological barriers. Due to her training, she has rarely seen her friends and she always wondered what they did without her. It was obvious what Sorin was up to, he was always busy mastering lightning even though she strongly insisted that he didn't. She returned back to reality and saw how she bend the snow away from her, it was weird how she was able to bend the snow more easily than water.

"Are you practicing on a special day, Kyoshi? I must say, I admire your determination". Sako's voice came.

Kyoshi turned and saw her master approaching.

"Morning, Master Sako". She bowed.

"Morning, Kyoshi". Sako replied.

"What do you mean that it is a special day today?". Kyoshi asked.

"It's the New Moon celebration". Sako said.

"Oh, what is that?". She asked.

"It is one of the traditions that allow our tribe and the Southern Water Tribe to come together and celebrate and thank the Moon Spirit for it's blessings". Sako said.

"So that's why the Southerners are here". Kyoshi said as she realized what the situation.

"Yes. It is a very special day for both sister tribes". Sako said.

"When does it take place today?". Kyoshi asked.

"At night. It is when the moon will be new and gracious". Sako said,"Plus, it would be good to have the Avatar as an honourable guest".

Kyoshi blushed,"Oh, I would be honored to partake in this wonderful tradition".

"Why don't you go see what your friends are up to?". Sako suggested.

Kyoshi nodded.


When Kyoshi arrived at the courtyard that Sorin usually trained in, she saw a crowd of children cheering and also saw a couple women and men watching the courtyard. When she came closer, she saw Rangi and Sorin having a sparring match with each other.

"Now out of all times". She said frowning at her two friends.

Rangi blasted a vertical wave of flames in Sorin's direction but he rolled to the side and blasted a large of fire at her, she spun and caught the flames in her chi and dissipated them. She smiled at him before launching a powerful jet of fire, he jumped back and blocked it with ease.

"Ha! You're an amateur compared to my skills!". Rangi shouted out to him.

Sorin smiled,"We'll see who is the amateur".

He blasted out a horizontal wave of fire to which Rangi jumped over, Sorin saw his opening and kicked out a wave of fire at her. Rangi narrowly evaded it and blasted a plume of fire at him, Sorin held up his hands and blocked the blast but the impact was too powerful and he was send flying back.

"See. I told you, you were the amateur". She smirked.

"Don't count me out just yet". He said with a smirk as well.

He quickly jumped up and released a huge fireball blast, it moved quickly and Rangi narrowly dodged it. She slid to her left and launched a horizontal slice of fire, Sorin easily jumped over it and blasted two twin jets of flames at her. She evaded the first one but the second impacted close to her and the shockwave sent her flying.

"You still wanna go?'. Sorin asked while still on guard.

"No, I think I've had enough". Rangi replied while rubbing her head.

"You did good though". Sorin said.

She smiled,"Thanks, Sorin".

He held out his hand and she gladly took it with a smile, he then pulled her to her feet. Everyone started to leave once the fight ended but some of the children still remained.

"Do you two really want to hurt each other that bad?". Kyoshi asked as she approached them.

"Kyoshi!". Sorin said, surprised to see her.

"Hi, Kyoshi". Rangi said.

"This is the first time I've seen you two spar like that". Kyoshi said.

"Well, it was Sorin's idea. We wanted to see who was superior in firebending". Rangi said.

"And I won, so that means I'm the superior firebender". Sorin said.

"Hey, at least I got in a few hits". Rangi complained.

"Yeah, you did. But I still won so that means you lost". Sorin said, holding up his arms in the air in a victorious gesture.

"Just you wait, after the New Moon celebration I'm going to take you down". Rangi said, pointing her finger in his face.

"Oh, so you know about the celebration?". Kyoshi said.

"Yes. Princess Yuna told us about it". Rangi said,"She says the celebration will be held in the koi garden, somewhere deep in the palace".

"Did you know that the Ocean and Moon Spirit are koi fish and that their physical bodies are in the koi garden". Sorin said.

"Oh, I didn't know that". Kyoshi said.

"I'll show you where they are when the celebration starts". Sorin said.

"Oh, Sorin. That won't be necessary". Kyoshi said, trying to get out of this.

"Oh, come on. You are the Avatar, you should totally go see the Spirits in that pond. It might be good for you spiritually". He said, putting an arm around her.

Kyoshi felt her face become hot when she felt his arm around her, he had done this many times before but it was different this time. This time she had feelings for him and they ran really deep.

"Okay, fine. I'll go with you". She smiled at him.

"Yes!". He said before removing his arm from Kyoshi, much to her dismay.

Rangi watched the whole scene with a calculating look, she knew she had to make Kyoshi confess her feelings for him. But she didn't know how to make her do that, she was tired of watching these two running in circles. But one thing was for sure, it would only be a matter of time before Kyoshi finally admitted her true feelings for the firebender.

"You two are a couple of children, you know that". She said.

"Oh, still upset after I beat you". Sorin said.

Kyoshi laughed at that.

Oh, great. Now she's laughing at his jokes too now.

"Yeah. You would love that wouldn't you, Sorin?". Rangi smiled.

"I'm just basking in my glory that's all". He responded.

Rangi smirked,"Enjoy it while it lasts because I'm coming for you after this celebration".

"We'll see". Sorin responded.


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