Chapter 24

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A day passed and there was still nothing. No attacks, no ambush and no signs of the rebels. But Sorin and the others took the time to survey the area, it took all day but they got a good layout of the island. It was nightfall as of now and many had been sitting around the campfires to keep warm, Kyoshi took the time to practice her combat training, she knew she would be a master soon if she continued to practise.

"To think we would have had this under control already". Adachi said.

"We are doing what we're doing. They are out there somewhere and if I'm correct, they're observing our every move". Sorin said.

Adachi nodded a little.

"If they're rebels then they should at least have the guts to show themselves".

Sorin smiled,"Yeah, well. We can't always get what we want".

Then there was a sound of something falling, Adachi sat up and looked toward where a black object fell toward the campfire, where the soldiers sat.

"MOVE!!!". Adachi yelled in alarm.

The soldiers turned but it was too late as an explosion blew up the campfire and the soldiers with it, the shockwave of the explosion sent everyone flying back. Then a group of Earthkingdom men came out through the woods and got into an attack stance, they started launching rocks at the other soldiers that were getting up. Yamoto, Ty Jun and Kyoshi were beginning their attack on the rebels already, Adachi got to his feet and looked around.

"We're being ambushed!". Sorin said, as he got up.

Adachi blasted powerful beams of flames at the earthbenders but the bending rebels conjured up large walls of earth to protect themselves and then blasted lumps of rock at their opponents. Adachi jumped over the attack and kicked out an arc of flames.

Kyoshi beat another rebel to the ground with the hilt of her fan and she bend up wall before another rock hit her, then she jumped over and launched jets of fire at the the other benders that fell back. Then from the corner of her eye, she noticed a glint of metal in the moonlight. The glinting metal sliced at her and she ninja rolled forward, she righted herself again and felt the slice that she received and she quickly held her shoulder. Then she saw her attacker face her on fully, her blood boiled upon seeing his face.

"Hello, Avatar". Zhou said, holding the sword.

"You!!! I will make you pay for what you did that night!". Kyoshi said, unfurling her fans and getting into a stance.

Zhou sent a sharp rock her way but she easily dodged the attack and bended up pillars of earth, Zhou jumped away and lunged forward with his sword. Kyoshi blocked his attack with her fans and she pushed him back with her physical prowess, he jumped back and smirked at her.

"Ah, I see you have gained a little experience a long the way". He said.

"Enough to kill you, Zhou". Kyoshi said, lunging forward.

Zhou was surprised by her speed and he barely blocked the sharp slice from her fans, then he kneed her in the abdomen but she retaliated and kicked him in the chest. He fell back and launched six rocks at her.

Sorin blasted flames in each direction and knocked down rebels with his combat skills, he narrowly evaded a sword slice and knocked his opponent down before making him unconscious. Then he felt a beam of flames hit him in the back, he fell forward violently and he felt the flames pierce his clothes and lick his skin. He got to his feet and tore of his shirt and turned to face his attacker, he was surprised by what he saw in front of him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did that hurt?". A mocking voice asked.

Sorin looked shocked,"Hiyu?".


Hiro felt himself get pulled by Miyaki as they made their way to a house that looked like only nobles could afford. It was beautiful but it couldn't compare to the Fire Nation Palace, this was the home of the Minister Honsou.

"Miyaki, why are you pulling me to the Minister's house?". Hiro asked.

"Sorin was falsely accused of what happened on that island two years ago, maybe there is something in Honsou's house that can implicate him and possibly clear Sorin's name". Miyaki said.

"But why are you involving me?". Hiro asked.

"You are Sorin's friend. That's why". Miyaki said.

They made it to the house but they decided to hide behind a wall that was close to the main gate, there were guards everywhere and they looked extremely vigilant.

"Well, looks like its guarded. Now, let's get out of here before we're in big trouble". Hiro said.

"Hiro, I'm the Crowned Princess of the Fire Nation. I will protect you with my title and keep you safe". She smiled.

Hiro looked at her,"That's what I'm afraid of".

Then she pulled him again as they decided to find another entry point to the house.


Sorin evaded a kick from Hiyu and blocked a punch before retaliating with a kick to Hiyu stomach, then he punched his former friend to the ground and pinned him to the ground.

"You were my friend! Yet, you betrayed me!". Sorin yelled at him.

Hiyu laughed,"That was your mistake. You trust people too much". Then he elbowed Sorin in the face and made him fall back, Hiyu then jumped onto Sorin and pinned him to the ground.

"Sadly, you have to die too". Hiyu said, forming a fireball in his hand.

Hiyu sent a punch that was covered in flames at Sorin's face but the young prodigy evaded the blow at the last minute, he then gripped Hiyu's arm and flipped him over him. Sorin jumped quickly to his feet and blasted a stream of fire into the back of Hiyu, who screamed in agony.

"Now, we have matching burns on our backs". Sorin smirked.

Hiyu growled at him.

Kyoshi evaded Zhou's sword and sent a blow to his face with her elbow, which caused him to stagger. He retaliated with a kick that hit her across the face, she fell back and dodged a blade that came for her head. She jumped back up to her feet and launched a torrent of fire at him but he dodged them and conjured a slab of rock out of the ground, the slab hit her in the ribs and made her fall back.

Zhou came in for the kill with his sword and stabbed at her but she caught it in her hands before it penetrated her chest, blood was streaming down her hand as she held the sword in her hand to keep it from penetrating her.

"Just give up, Avatar! I have won". Zhou said.

Kyoshi narrowed her eyes at him and threw her fan toward his face, it hit him in the eye where blood poured out. He screamed in pain and let go of the sword, he fell back and continued screaming. The fan had taken his eye out.

Kyoshi got to her feet and picked up her fan and slowly approached her enemy, it was about to end and it was by her own will. Yangchen's words still ran through her mind as she approached him but she decided to ignore them. But one stuck to her.

Don't lose yourself.


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