Chapter 8

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As expected, they made it to the cove of a mountain pass. The boat docked at a small harbour and the two travellers got off, they thanked the their new friends and continued walking further. A storm blew in and rain started to pour and the two quickly took shelter in a cave that was long abandoned by an animal. Sorin went out to go gather some firewood before the wood became too wet from the rain, he returned a few moments later and used his firebending to start a campfire. Kyoshi bend up a rock in front of the cave's entrance and went to go sit in a corner.

Kyoshi slowly looked at Sorin and saw him sit through the rumbling of thunder and lightning as if it was a normal thing. 'How is he able to stand this?'.

He was busy drawing something on a parchment that he bought, she didn't know what he was drawing nor did she care.

"You seem close centred when there is a storm". He said, without looking up from his drawing.

"No, it's not that. I just hate storms, I hated them since I was a child". She said.

"Well, they are not everybody". He said casually.

"How can you stand it?". She asked.

"By thinking positive thoughts and just forgetting that it's not there". He said, looking at her.

"I don't think that's possible". She said.

He laughed,"Let me tell you a story of the day when my friends and I visited the Sage's Temple".

Kyoshi sighed,"I'm not in the mood for stories, Sorin".

"Just hear me out,"He continued,"It was summer and it was super that day but we visited the Temple anyway. A fire sage that my father knew decided to give us a tour of the temple, we were glad that we got the chance. Other kids in the Fire Nation never got such an honor".

"We followed the Sage and visited every part of the temple, now a friend of mine called Hiro, dared me to go with him to the hall of Avatars. There used to be a myth that the statues of the past Avatars moved on a few occasions, I figured it was probably to scare kids. Hiro and I  entered the hall and we looked around, we saw a lot of Avatars and the statues looked beautiful and in good condition".

"After awhile, we decided to rejoin the tour group. But as we left, one of the statues caught the collar of my friend's shirt. He screamed, 'The demon Avatar has me! The demon Avatar has me'! He screamed so loudly that the others came into the hall".

Kyoshi started to chuckle,"Did the statue really move?".

Sorin shook his head,"Nope. Turns out the collar of his shirt got caught in the hands of the statue, when we all saw what really happened we burst out laughing. It was a fun day".

Kyoshi laughed louder.

"Hey, looks like you feel better". Sorin smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Thank you for that, Sorin". She smiled as her laugh died down.

"Happy to help, Kyoshi". He said,"Now, get some sleep. I'll try to keep the fire going for awhile".

She nodded and got herself into a comfortable position for sleep, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

"Good night, Kyoshi". He whispered.

She smiled,"Good night, Sorin".

Sorin looked up in surprise. He thought she had fallen asleep but then he saw her form relaxing, she was sleeping now.


Kyoshi followed Sorin up a trail that going over a hill, the vegetation was becoming more bare as they continued walking. She thought that they were lost but Sorin assured her that they were getting close to Omashu. They left the cave that morning in a hurry and they came to this trail by on a hill by noon. Sorin came to a stop at the top and placed his hands on his hips and looked ahead of him with a smile. She came to a stop next to him and looked ahead, she gasped at the beauty of the city in front of her.

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