Chapter 28

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Niya ran up a hill that was somewhere in the mountains, there were a lot of mountains and the air had also run thin. It was a little chilly but luckily they had long sleeved clothing on for this.

"Kyoshi, can we stop for awhile?". Sorin asked.

"No". Kyoshi replied.

This was the fourth time that Kyoshi had refused to stop for them, they only stopped when they reached a town, but even towns were miles apart.

"Hey, look! A town at the side of that mountain". Rangi said, glad to finally have reached a town.

"Oh, thank the Spirits. Kyoshi was getting cranky anyway". Sorin said with a teasing smile.

Kyoshi narrowed her eyes in annoyance as they pulled up to the town, she knew Sorin was only trying to cheer her up but it wasn't working because she didn't need his sympathy. A man who noticed their arrival, walked up as they all dismounted the shirshu.

"Welcome, travellers". The man said.

"Hi, my name is Sorin and these are my friends Rangi and Kyoshi. Kyoshi doesn't talk much". He said, introducing everyone.

Kyoshi glared at him for that. Sorin winced under her gaze.

"My name is Kin Lo, this is Kin's mountain pass village. I have seen you have travelled for awhile, allow me to serve you some food". The man said.

"That would be heavenly". Rangi smiled.


Kyoshi, Rangi and Sorin all sat by a table in the tavern of the small town and ate their food, Kyoshi on the one hand didn't eat much. Kin Lo appeared to their table with a jug to offer them drinks.

"Kin Lo, how long has this town been here?". Sorin asked.

"Oh, for centuries now. My people first came to these mountains to travel to the North Pole, as this path served as a shortcut. They met airbenders of the Northern Air Temple and they always traded goods with each other, after that my people decided to just settle by the mountain and have a friendship with the Air nomads". Kin Lo said.

"Wow!". Rangi said.

"I'll say". Sorin said.

"So, does that mean your town and the nomads have a connection?". Kyoshi asked.

"Yes, we used. But twenty years ago, the Air nomads stopped communication completely between our town and their temple". Kin Lo said.

Kyoshi looked disappointed.

"You see, my friend here is the Avatar and she needs to start her training with the airbenders". Sorin spoke up.

"Oh, I see". Kin Lo said, a little surprised.

"So, you wouldn't happen to have an alternative way of sending a message to the Air nomads, do you?". Sorin said.

"No, our messenger hawks all died out a year ago. Sorry". Kin Lo said before walking away.

Then all three of them sagged in disappointment.

"I wish I could shoot lightning. Then I would have shot one up the mountains and the sound would have probably reached them". Sorin said.

"Maybe". Rangi said.

Then there was a bellow from the sky outside the tavern, the people in the tavern all turned to look outside. Kyoshi and the others all looked outside as well.

"What was that?". Sorin asked.

"That was a sky bison. Haven't heard one of them in years?". Kin Lo said with a smile on his face as he appeared.

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