Chapter 29

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Kyoshi walked into the courtyard that morning for airbending training, she saw Samten standing with his students. They all seemed to be waiting for her, at least she was not learning alone that was the good thing.

"Morning, Master Samten". Kyoshi bowed.

"Morning, Kyoshi. Are you ready for today's lesson?". He asked.

Kyoshi nodded.

"Good. Now, I want you to follow me". Samten said.

They started walking and Kyoshi and the other students followed behind the master airbender, they came to a circular clearing in front of the temple. There were wooden door like constructs in the center of the clearing, Kyoshi didn't know what those things were but she had a feeling that she would find out soon.

"This is your first lesson. You will have to navigate your way through the gates, until you reach the end". Samten said.

"Sounds easy". Kyoshi said.

"The gates have to be spinning when you do it". The airbender said.

"Oh". Kyoshi's shoulders slumped.

"Miki, why don't you demonstrate for the Avatar?".  Samten said.

A young girl stepped up and blew a powerful gust of air, the gates started to spin at that moment and the young girl jumped into the spinning doors and did not even hit one. Then she started moving through the gates and she navigated through them with ease, Kyoshi noticed how the girl moved on her toes instead of her feet. Then the girl completely disappeared from view as Kyoshi and the others watched, after awhile Miki appeared from behind the obstacle course and showed herself.

"Do you want to try?". Samten asked.

Kyoshi nodded.

Samten blew a powerful gust of wind and the gates started to spin again, Kyoshi took a deep breath before running up to the gates and made her way in. Then she felt herself get tagged in the shoulder, she stumbled forward and got slapped out of the sequence. She fell back outside and groaned in pain.

"Ouch!". One of the students said.

Kyoshi got to her feet and huffed in anger and frustration.

"It's not easy for the first few times, Kyoshi. You shouldn't force it, you need to let go". Samten said.

Kyoshi sighed,". I know".

"Do you want to try again?". He asked.

Kyoshi nodded,"Yes".

Then she headed for the gates again.

"The key is to let go". Samten said as she walked away.


Sorin couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, the Air Temple's library was a magnificent place to be in. It had shelves and shelves of many books, Sorin couldn't believe how much was in here. Rangi just watched him get excited over books, she liked reading too but only on good days.

"This is amazing, Rangi. Look at all these installments, they have everything on Air nomad culture. These books can tell you who the first airbender was to make the glider and how they started using arrow tattoos". Sorin said.

"Yeah, it's incredible". Rangi said, picking out a scroll from one of the shelves.

"I can find so many things in here. Maybe I can even find out who the first Avatar was". Sorin said.

"Doubt it". Rangi said, reading the scroll.

"Maybe there are a few things in here that could help me craft my biography in a more interesting way". Sorin said.

"If you find something, let me know. I got myself a little distraction and I need to continue reading it". Rangi said, taking a seat on the floor.

Sorin shrugged and started looking around.


Kyoshi was knocked back by the gate for the twentieth time that day, because of her earthbending nature she didn't give up and continued ramming into the gates despite the warning from Samten. She was starting to sport bruises now and they got more and more with each hit she took.

"I think you can stop now". Samten said.

He was getting worried for her.

Kyoshi immediately stopped when she heard those words, she turned to see the worried look on her master's face and her face also started to soften up slightly.

She sighed,"I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Master Samten. I'm following all your instructions".

"Are you sure?". Samten asked.

Kyoshi quirked an eyebrow at this. She was following all his instructions, wasn't she? Then why was he asking her that?

"What do you mean?". Kyoshi asked.

"Usually when it comes to this form of training, it has to do with emotions. You can't exactly master airbending if you don't let go". He said.

Kyoshi frowned. Again with those words, why couldn't masters give a straight answer to problems? What did he mean to let go? What should she let go of?

"What do I have to let go of?". She asked.

"Anything. Anything that keeps you from going through those gates". He replied.

Kyoshi's shoulders slumped. Of course, she knew she wouldn't get a straight answer from him. Masters were weird like that.


Rangi continued reading while Sorin looked through more scrolls, it was fun to be around libraries for Sorin. As a kid, before going home he would visit one of the academy's libraries. It was a wonderful experience for him as that was where he met Hiro, they quickly became friends after that.

"Hey, Rangi. What was Yokoya like when you were there?". Sorin asked.

"It was fine. It was cold in the winters but it was also really beautiful in the Spring and Summer". Rangi said,"Why do you ask?".

"I was planning to visit it some day". He said.

"Really? You might run into Kyoshi again though". Rangi said.

"What?". He asked.

"I mean, it obvious. Once she's done with learning everything and bringing balance to the world, it's plausible for her to return home again". Rangi said.

Sorin nodded at that,"You're right. She might even make a few new developments while she's at it".

"But we really haven't thought what we would do after Kyoshi brings balance to the world". Rangi said.

"Well, I'm gonna start searching for that girl that the fortuneteller told me about. She did say that the girl would be a powerful bender". Sorin said.

"Maybe she's closer than you think". Rangi smiled as she read.

"Meaning?". Sorin turned to face her with a raised eyebrow.

"The girl might be closer than you think, that's all". Rangi smiled.

"Are you talking about you?". He asked slyly.

Rangi smiled,"Sorin, you're cute and everything but I don't feel like carrying children that are just like you, one of you is enough. No offense".

"None taken. So, you find me cute, huh? How long have you noticed my handsome features?". Sorin said.

Rangi smirked,"Don't push it, Sorin".

He laughed and continued looking.


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