Chapter 45

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Miyaki moved her arms in a waving motion, she watched her footing as well as she did this. Sorin watched her every move and he was surprised that she caught on so quickly, she was very eager to learn. The meetings ended a few days ago and now she had a lot of free time with Sorin to learn how to bend lightning.

"Okay, I'm done". She smiled as she finished her sequence.

"Good. Lightning is a very deadly element and it become unstable and uncontrollable if it is not used in the right manner". He said.

"But how do you produce lightning exactly?". Miyaki asked.

"It was kind of complicated". He replied,"But I figured that you need to well up energy at your core and then find that centre where yin and yang are located, then you have to rip them apart and let the energy built up before making them crash back together. This spark of energy will travel up your arms and will be released as lightning".

"Rip apart yin and yang? Isn't that dangerous?". Miyaki asked.

"It sounds dangerous if you hear it but is not that bad once you actually do it, but it is also lethal and become deadly if not controlled". He said,"Here, let me show you".

He got into his stance and started to wave his arms and he made sure his footing was perfectly rooted and he changed steps each time, he moved his hands together and energy started to build up and sparks of electricity formed around his hands. He pointed to the sky and a bolt of lightning shot into the sky with a loud boom.

"Wow! That was amazing!". Miyaki exclaimed.

Sorin shrugged with a proud look.

"Let me try". Miyaki said.

"No, wait!". Sorin exclaimed.

She already started waving her arms like he did and pointed her finger to the sky and there was a large boom and the explosion sent Miyaki staggering back. Sorin ran up to her from behind and caught her before she fell.

"Guess I need more practise". She smiled sheepishly.

"No worries. You got an explosion, I guess that's a good sign". Sorin said,"Practise makes perfect after all".

Miyaki smiled at him before standing up straight.

"Hey, you don't happen to know where Rangi is, do you? I haven't seen her in a while". Sorin said.

"She's at mom's. Apparently her mother found her a boy and she asked her to hang out with him and see if they were a perfect match". Miyaki said.


"Yeah. She told me a few weeks ago". She said.

"Huh, she must really like this guy if she didn't come see us at all". Sorin smiled.

"Speaking of which, did you talk to Kyoshi yet?". Miyaki asked.

"I'm planning on talking to her this afternoon". He said.

"Oh, you have your answer?". She asked curiously.

Sorin nodded,"Yeah, I do. But it won't be easy".

"Sorin, Kyoshi has been through enough turmoil already. Please, don't break her heart". Miyaki said.

"Wait, what?! No, I would never dream of doing that". Sorin said.

Miyaki breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, what are you going to tell her?".

"You'll see". Sorin smiled.

"Oh, come on. Why do you always like milking the suspense?". Miyaki complained as he walked.

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