Chapter 30

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Rangi was practising her firebending outside in the courtyard, as she practised she heard gasps of excitement. She turned and saw a group of airbender kids watching her, she smiled slightly before returning to shooting her flames to the sky. Sorin was busy writing his biography a few feet away, he looked up and saw Kyoshi approaching the area where he was. She took a seat under a tree that was a few feet away from Sorin, he stopped writing and turned to face her and noticed how bruised she was.

"Bad day?". He asked.

He heard her sigh in frustration,"I don't get it, I'm the Avatar I'm supposed to be mastering this element but nothing is changing".

"Well, for centuries Avatars always found it difficult to master elements that were the opposite of their personalities. For Kuruk, it was fire because he was a waterbender and we all know water and fire don't mix, for Yangchen it was Earth since being an Air nomad..........".

"Okay, Sorin. I didn't ask for a history lesson". Kyoshi interrupted.

"I sense that something else is bothering you". Sorin said.

"It's Master Samten, he keeps telling me to let go. I don't know what he's trying to tell me but it's always in riddles". Kyoshi said.

Sorin thought for a moment,"Let go of earthly attachments perhaps?".

Kyoshi looked really annoyed,"What?".

"I read it somewhere in one of the scrolls and they said to let go of all earthly attachments". Sorin said.

Kyoshi huffed in anger and got up to leave.

"Kyoshi, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help". Sorin said.

"I'm sorry, Sorin. You can't help me with this. Not this time". Kyoshi said, before she disappeared from sight.

Sorin sighed in frustration.

"Is everything alright?". Rangi asked, approaching Sorin,"I just saw Kyoshi walk away in a huff".

"She's upset of not being able to figure out a riddle that Samten keeps on repeating when she fails to pass through the gates". Sorin said.

"What is the riddle?". Rangi asked,"My mother always told me that I was good in solving riddles".

Sorin smiled,"I know you are, Rangi". He remembered how Rangi always figured out every riddle that an old man gave to them back when they were kids, because of her outside the box nature she always found riddles easy.

"So, tell me the riddle?". Rangi asked.

"He keeps telling her to let go". Sorin replied.

Rangi rubbed her chin in thought. This was a difficult one, she had never heard this type before.

"Wow, for the first time in history. I got nothing". Rangi said.

Sorin looked at her in disbelief,"No way! That can't be possible".

Rangi gave a sheepish smile and shrugged her shoulders.


Six months have passed and the seasons have passed by as well, the three friends have already been at the Air Temple for half a year now. It was no surprise that Kyoshi wouldn't learn airbending quickly, she struggled to still get through the gates and Samten kept telling her to let go which only added more to her pent up frustration. She was always in a bad mood and at times snapped at Rangi or Sorin, the two eventually even gave up talking to her.

Kyoshi found herself at the gates again that day, she took a deep breath and approached them with light steps and she centred her weight onto her toes so she was light. She successfully evaded the first gate and sidestepped the second one, she realized that she was doing it and that she was gonna go through. Then her thoughts went back to that night when Adachi was killed, that thought threw her off focus and she tripped on her own foot and she crashed into a gate.

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