Chapter 23

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When Kyoshi and the others returned to the Fire Nation a few weeks later, things were going wrong ever since. Apparently a rebellion group from the Earthkingdom was causing trouble on a few islands of the Fire Nation, Fire Nation soldiers that were in the area intervened against the rebellion but the rebels were more prepared and had more power over the few soldiers of the Fire Nation.

Miyaki was busy practising her firebending in the garden that day, it was good to be back home but she did enjoy her time on Ember Island. It was fun to be around her brother and her friends, she did feel comfortable with them after all.

"Wow, it's been awhile since I last saw you practise your bending". Came Sorin's voice.

She turned and faced him,"Oh, hi Sorin".

"Mind if I watch?". He asked.

She smiled,"Of course not".

He took his place under the tree and began to watch her practise her bending, she was fluid with her motions and did each stance correctly with ease.

"Sorry, this whole lightning thing is taking too long". Sorin said.

Miyaki continued,"Oh, I don't mind at all. It's a new technique that you still have to learn, if you learn it you will teach it to me. Right?".

He smiled,"Definitely".

Then a servant appeared.

"Lieutenant Sorin, Former General Yamoto and Master Ty Jun request an audience with you". The servant said.

Sorin quirked a brow,"An audience? With me? Did they say why?".

"Unfortunately not. But it seemed rather urgent". The servant said.

Miyaki didn't look away from her practise,"You'd better go, Sorin. It could be important".

Sorin nodded,"Lead the way".

The servant nodded and led Sorin toward where the location was.


Sorin walked into the courtyard where he saw Kyoshi, Yamoto, Adachi and Ty Jun talking. They all looked up when they saw Sorin approaching, Yamoto smiled at him as he got closer.

"Glad you made it, soldier". Ty Jun said.

Sorin nodded.

"You're probably wondering why you're here, right? ". Yamoto asked.

Another nod.

"Well, there have been reports of rebellions getting out of hand as of late. Earthkingdom rebels are breaching the Fire Nation and is causing panic in the homeland". Yamoto said.

"We have decided the best way to end this rebellion is to take the fight to them before anyone gets hurt". Ty Jun said.

"Meaning?". Sorin asked, knowing what they meant.

"We have started a taskforce of the most skilled firebenders in the Fire Nation and we have decided to go to the island where they operate". Adachi said.

Sorin looked down in thought.

"We were wondering if you might join". Kyoshi spoke up.

He looked up at her with sincereness in his eyes.

"Why me?". He asked.

Yamoto stepped up to him,"Sorin, when you first joined the Fire Nation forces I knew from the very beginning that you were meant for greatness and that you were a natural born leader. Not many have the capabilities that you possess, few have achieved what you achieved in less than a few years. You are a legend in your own right".

Sorin smiled,"Thank you, Master Yamoto".

"So, will you join the taskforce?". Ty Jun asked.

"Well, it's been awhile since I last had a good fight. Yeah, sure. Why not". Sorin smiled.

"Good. Things will go more smoother if you are around". Ty Jun said,"We leave for the island at dawn and will probably reach it by nightfall, so all of you should go get some rest".

Sorin nodded and walked away. Adachi and Kyoshi took another route and left, Yamoto and Ty Jun stayed behind.

"You think the kid still has it in him? After all, it has been awhile since he last fought in a battle". Ty Jun said.

"You forget, Ty Jun that Sorin is a prodigy and some things just come naturally to him". Yamoto said.

Ty Jun nodded and knew that he couldn't argue with that logic. The kid was gifted in a way that has never been seen before, too bad his parents cared little for him.


The boat sailed across the ocean as it headed for the western island of the Fire Nation, they were getting closer with time. They left at dawn but they saw that they would reach the island before nightfall, which was good so that they could explore the island and know it's layout and get used to the terrain in case of an attack. Once they saw a large mass of land appear in the distance, they knew that they were getting close and that they the rebels would be expecting them and would probably start an ambush.

Sorin breathed in the ocean air as they got closer, it felt strange being back in the service of the Fire Nation after a long time.

"Got something on your mind?". Adachi's voice came from behind him.

"I needed to think". Sorin replied without turning around.

Adachi then appeared and stood against the railing of the ship, next to the firebending prodigy.

"Something you wanna talk about?". Adachi asked.

"Yeah". Sorin said,"It just feels strange being back in service for the Fire Nation after all these years and after everything that happened".

Adachi smiled at that,"Yeah. It is weird. Feels like your first day in the military all over again, huh?".

Sorin chuckled at that,"Yeah. Something like that". Then, he looked outward to the sea and noticed how beautiful the sunset really was."Man, it's been a long time since I last saw a decent beautiful sunset".

"Oh, yeah? You were away from home for awhile so I guess sunsets in the other Nations can't compare to ones in the Fire Nation". Adachi put in.

Sorin smiled,"Yeah, probably. But during those two years, it was great re-identifying myself and knowing where I truly come from and who I am".

"I guess you did a lot of that. Must be nice knowing who you are, huh?". Adachi said.

Sorin smiled and nodded knowingly,"Hey, Where's Kyoshi anyway?".

"She's bottom deck, applying her face paint". Adachi said.

"Oh, so she takes my face painting training seriously. Wow, I didn't know she would be". Sorin said.

Adachi nodded,"You should see her now, she has become really great at it too".

"I'm sure she is". Sorin said.

Then silence fell. They just stayed quiet and watched the waves crash against the boat in perfect sync.


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