Chapter 44

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A few weeks have passed and Kyoshi's training was going well. Though, she still couldn't enter the Avatar State. Fire Sage Son said it was normal for that to happen since they just started, but he said with the progress that she has made she was bound to master the Avatar State in no time.

Kyoshi looked was deep in thought as she stood with Son on a cliff overlooking the ocean, she watched the waves wash up on shore below.

"Getting in touch with your Avatar Spirit is not easy the first few times. But you are very good at meditation, most earthbenders are not the most spiritual type". Son said.

"I learned earthbending from my father, Dan Lo. He taught me all aspects of earthbending, including the spiritual side of it". Kyoshi said.

"Yes, Dan Lo was the type of man who always cared more for the spiritual energy than the physical". Son said.

"Why are here on a cliff?". Kyoshi decided to finally ask.

"This is the place where some previous Avatars came to use the Avatar State for the first time once their training was completed". Son said.

"Did Kuruk.........?", Kyoshi couldn't finish.

"Yes. Even he came here to test the Avatar State once he completed his training". Son said.

"What about Yangchen?". She asked.

"She mastered hers at the Eastern Air Temple". Son said.

"Oh". Kyoshi said.

"Kyoshi, you shouldn't try to compare yourself with the previous Avatars. You are your own person and you have your destiny to forge". Son said.

"I understand". Kyoshi nodded.

"Good". Son smiled,"Now, inhale the ocean air. It is good for the spirit if you do this, it might even wipe away the doubts you have".


Miyaki and Sorin were in the Palace's courtyard that day, he was teaching her how to bend lightning. It took weeks for Miyaki to finally have some free time, the meetings ended three days ago so she wanted Sorin to teach her before someone brought up another meeting.

"Lightning is a very dangerous element the way I see it". Sorin said,"So, I don't want you to teach anyone else this technique".

Miyaki rolled her eyes,"Okay. Fine".

"I'm serious, Miyaki". Sorin said,"What Kyoshi told me awhile back, had me thinking. If this technique was taught to all firebenders, they would use it to their advantage and start a war and try to rule the world".

Miyaki laughed,"I don't think the Fire Nation would be dumb enough to start a war with the world".

"Oh, yeah. What if a hundred years from now, a tyrannical ruler from the Fire Nation comes to power and threatens to take over the world?". Sorin asked.

"A Firelord wouldn't dare to think about ruling over other Nations. That would be wrong". Miyaki said.

"Okay. But promise me you won't teach anyone else lightning". Sorin said.

"I promise". Miyaki smiled.

"Alright". Sorin said,"Let's get started".

"How do we start?". Miyaki asked.

"The way I figured out lightning was complicated". Sorin,"So, to make things simple: I ripped apart yin and yang and that caused a temporary instability and built up of energy. When yin and yang clashed back together, the energy was released in a large burst of energy. And that's how I bend lightning".

Miyaki corked an eyebrow,"Rip apart chakras? Isn't that dangerous?".

"It sounds dangerous when I explain it but it's not so bad once you do it, but it can become dangerous if it is not controlled". Sorin said.

Miyaki nodded.

"Let me show you". He said.

He got into a stance that didn't look familiar to Miyaki, she watched his movements as he took a few unfamiliar steps and moved his arms in a wavy motion. Sparks of electricity started to built up around his hands and he waved the electricity around him before he firing it into the sky, it shot into the air with a crackle and a boom.

Miyaki jumped in glee,"Wow! That was amazing!".

"Yeah". He said.

"Let me try". Miyaki said.

"No, wait!". He yelled.

She got into a similar stance like Sorin and started waving her arms like he did, before thrusting her index and middle finger forward. But instead of lightning, a huge explosion occurred in front of her and sent her flying back.

"Miyaki!!". Sorin exclaimed.

He ran up to her and carefully picked her up, she gave a weak laugh as she got to her feet.

"Guess I was in over my head". She said.

"Let's take things slow first". He said.

She nodded.

"So, I heard you and Kyoshi are apparently a thing now". Miyaki said.

"What?!". Sorin exclaimed,"Who told you that?".

"I heard it from Rangi". Miyaki smiled.

"Of course you did". Sorin said with low eyes.

"So, is it true?". She asked.

"I don't know what to say about that?". Sorin said.

"What is there to say? Kyoshi is a very pretty girl and I know she likes you just as much, you both are tall. You are a great match". Miyaki said.

"She gave me time to think about that. She told me that she didn't want to force me into a relationship and said that she would wait for my answer". Sorin said.

"If I were you Sorin, I wouldn't have thought about it. I would have gladly said yes and have been with her at this point". Miyaki said.

"That is easy for you to say. On one side I like her as a friend and on the other I like her more than a friend". Sorin said.

"Hmmm, well she had a point when she told you to think about it". Miyaki said.


Kyoshi was meditating in the temple and there was incense lit up in front of her, but she couldn't focus and it was the cause that prevented her from mastering the Avatar State. Her mind was roaming everywhere at once and she couldn't think straight at all, she didn't like it one bit.

What have I gotten myself into?

She had put herself in a difficult position. She could only think of things that could happen once Sorin rejected her, she didn't want Sorin to say no. But she knew she said that she would respect any decision he made, but it was getting difficult with him taking forever to come back to her with an answer.

What if he doesn't want to be with me?

Am I ugly looking?

What if he rejects me?

Kyoshi frowned and opened her eyes. She looked at the candle in front of her and waved her hand over the candle and put out the flame.


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