Chapter 43

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The following day, the entire group had a pleasant breakfast as they sat around the large table. Former Firelord Mitsui was absent since he left the Fire Nation in search of enlightenment.

"So, let me get this straight. You and Hiro got married for political reasons?". Sorin inquired.

"Actually, General Hiro and I love each other. There is no reason why we can't get married, he is from a nice family. I only told the citizens that we got married for political reasons to calm them down". Miyaki said.

"Is there another reason why you two got married?". Rangi asked

"Yes. To have an heir to the throne and we need to have a son, people will start asking questions if girls started ascending to the throne. Most people don't already like the idea of me being Firelord". Miyaki said.

"Don't worry, Miyaki. I'm the Avatar and it is part of my job to keep order and it is also my job to empower women to also become leaders". Kyoshi said.

Miyaki smiled at that.

"So, when does the Avatar State training begin?". Rangi asked.

"I spoke to the Head Sage and he said that Kyoshi could come to the temple for her first lesson". Hiro said.

"Meanwhile, Sorin will teach me how to shoot lightning". Miyaki said.

Then a servant appeared.

"Your majesty, the generals are waiting for you in the meeting room".

"Ugh! It never ends!". Miyaki exclaimed.

The servant jumped slightly at the Firelord's outburst.

"Don't worry, Miyaki". Sorin smiled,"We are staying awhile in the Fire Nation and we can do it next time. We aren't going anywhere".

Miyaki smiled before glaring at her servant,"Let's go!".

The servant gulped before following behind her. Miyaki was intimidating when she wanted to be and its also one of the reasons why no one questioned her position as Firelord. They were too afraid to find out how she would react to that.

"So, Hiro? How does it feel to lead an entire fleet?". Sorin smiled.

"Frustrating. Now I know how you felt when you led our missions". Hiro smiled slightly.

"Yeah, stress is the number one enemy in becoming a leader". Sorin said.

"But besides the stress, it is rewarding to know that the ones you train and lead are excelling with your guidance". Hiro said.

"That's one of the good perks". Sorin said.

"When did you and Miyaki get married?". Rangi asked.

"Two months after you left. It was Firelord Mitsui's idea". Hiro said.

"Really?". Kyoshi asked.

"He told me that he needed a male perspective to look after her during her reign as Firelord and that's what I've been doing". Hiro said.

"That's so cute". Rangi smiled.

"You love her, don't you?". Sorin smiled.

"More than you'll ever know". Hiro grinned.

Kyoshi sent a glance Sorin's way and she smiled as her eyes landed on him.

"So now what?". Sorin asked.

"I'm going to see my mother". Rangi said.

"And I will have to get to the temple". Kyoshi said.

"I have to go check up on those soldiers and make sure they're not slacking off". Hiro said.

"Oh, come on". Sorin complained,"You guys can't just leave me".

"You can come with me if you like". Kyoshi said.

"Really?". He asked.

"Yes. Now come on". She said walking ahead of him.


The temple was in sight and they quickly ran up the steps, they came to a stop in front of the main door and a Fire Sage stood waiting for them.

"Welcome back, Avatar Kyoshi". The Sage said.

Kyoshi and Sorin bowed and the Sage returned it as well.

"Your training starts in a few moments". The Sage said,"Please, follow me".

The Fire Sage opened the large door and they followed him inside. The long hallway was red and gold with hints of black in some places, the two looked around and saw different paintings on either walls of the hallway.

"So, how does this Avatar State training go? I've never actually seen an Avatar being trained on how to use the Avatar State". Sorin said, looking around.

"I cannot tell you, you will have to see for yourself". The Fire Sage said,"Few know of how the Avatar State training is done".

"Guess I'll be one of the few then". Sorin smiled at that.

"Indeed". The Sage agreed.

They came to another door and the Fire Sage pushed it open, they slowly followed the Sage inside and they saw a large circular room inside and there were statues of Avatars around the room. A Fire Sage sat in the middle of the room in a lotus position, there was an incense candle lit up a few feet in front of him.

"Fire Sage Son, I have brought the Avatar for her first lesson". The Fire Sage said.

Fire Sage opened his eyes and nodded and the Sage that brought Kyoshi and Sorin immediately left, Kyoshi looked a little unsure of this.

"Please, sit". Fire Sage Son said.

Sorin and Kyoshi looked at each other for a moment before sitting crossed legged in front of the Sage.

"I didn't know you would be bringing company". Son said.

"Oh, I can leave if you want m-".

"No, Sorin. You can stay seated". Son said.

"You know me?". Sorin asked.

"Yes. I knew your grandfather, he was a good man". Son said.

Sorin gave a small smile.

"Now, Kyoshi. You are here to learn the final thing that will define you as an Avatar and after that, you will be a fully realized Avatar". Son said.

Kyoshi nodded.

"Are you ready to start?". Son asked.

"Yes. I need to". Kyoshi said determinedly.

"If you do this, you will be to go in and out of the Avatar State and you will also be aware of what you do and your surroundings". Son said.

"I'm just here for the moral support". Sorin said.

Son nodded.

"The first step to mastering the Avatar State is through meditating. Meditating is the key component in opening and clearing your mind, many do not understand this concept and take it for granted". Son said.

"I want to learn the correct way". Kyoshi said, getting what Son was trying to say.

"Good. You are a good listener". Son smiled,"Now, let's meditate".

Kyoshi and Sorin closed their eyes and they started to meditate.


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