Chapter 20

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Two weeks passed by just like that and the day had finally come. Kyoshi made final adjustments to the red kimono that she wore, she slowly placed the paper fans in her sash. She knew it was not much but she knew her friends wouldn't mind what she looked like, especially Adachi. She then headed outside of the house and saw Lady Sho standing by the exit, she still wore the same neutral expression.

"Remember, Girl. You best be here once the festivities end". The older woman said.

"Yes, Lady Sho". Kyoshi said, before heading for the large gate.

Niya pulled up behind her and nuzzled her in the back.

"I don't think you can come, girl". Kyoshi said, petting the shirshu.

"It would be better if you took the thing along with you". Lady Sho said,"It can't destroy my rose garden anymore than it has".

"Niya's been good. Besides, you can always let her out if she becomes a problem". Kyoshi said.

"Since when does a shirshu need to be treated like a dog". The woman said,"Just take her with you".

Kyoshi nodded and exited the compound with Niya and they walked down the street.


Kyoshi noticed how the areas were well lit because of the festival. It was nighttime and the festival was going to begin soon, children were running around in the streets and laughing. Kyoshi smiled at this, knowing she didn't have the same childhood as those children but she was happy for them.

"Kyoshi!". A voice said from the crowd in front of her.

Upon closer inspection, she saw it was Rangi waving her over. She smiled and slowly made her way toward her. As she got close, she saw Miyaki approach Rangi and then saw Sorin and Adachi talking about something.

"You made it!". Rangi said.

"Yep. Lady Sho decided to give me some time to unwind". Kyoshi replied while petting Niya.

"Well, it's good you're here. It was so boring without you". Miyaki said.

Then Sorin and Adachi approached them, they were laughing and shoving each other. Kyoshi raised an eyebrow, she knew they were friends before but now they acted more friendly.

"You guys ready for the festivities?". Sorin asked.

They all cheered at that.

They then walked into the area where the festival was held. There was music, plays, food and dragon shows with real dragons and there were also fire magicians. There was so much to see but no time to decide which of these activities to do first.

"What should we do first?". Miyaki asked.

"How about we go check out that play over there. It looks interesting". Rangi said.

"I don't feel like watching a play right now". Sorin said.

"Why not? You said you were a man of culture after all". Kyoshi teased.

"Have you seen what's around us? There are dragons everywhere, I would rather go watch a dragon show than watch a play". Sorin said, folding his arms.

"You just want to take part in that dragon taming contest, don't you? Last time I checked, you were almost maimed by the most dangerous dragon". Rangi said.

Kyoshi looked shocked,"What? You almost got maimed!".

"Yeah. But it was no big issue, it was so fun". He said.

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