Chapter 26

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It was a few days after Honsou was put into prison for his treason. Miyaki always knew that Honsou was a bad person to be around, she didn't trust him at all from the very beginning but she didn't think he would be capable of betraying his own country just for the sake of his own benefit. Miyaki knew that Kyoshi and the others would be returning today, she was excited to tell them what she and Hiro did.

Then she saw a group of soldiers enter the palace gate, they all had somber expressions on their faces. Miyaki knew that they had returned once she saw Sorin and Kyoshi walking behind the group, they looked tired but fine.

"Kyoshi! Sorin! You're back!". Miyaki exclaimed.

As she ran up to them, the soldiers split up a path for her to reach them. They all looked terrible, some of them sported scars on their faces and she winced slightly.

"Kyoshi, you have no idea what Hiro and I did". Miyaki said, as she reached them,"We showed father the truth about Honsou's real intentions and had him thrown in prison".

No response. Something was off.

"Guys?". Miyaki asked as she realised that they did not say anything.

She took a closer look at them and saw Kyoshi having white bandages on her arm and on her side, Sorin sported a slice mark on his cheek and sported a bandages around his back. They looked really wounded from whatever they dealt with.

"Miyaki.....?" Kyoshi tried saying something.

Then Miyaki noticed that someone was missing.

"Hey, where's Adachi?".

Kyoshi kneeled down and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, Miyaki. I'm really sorry".

Then Miyaki understood.



White. This color meant many things around the world, many good things. However, in the Fire Nation the color was seen as a bad omen. It was the color that brought sorrow and pain to the Nation of Fire, it was the color in which you dress to bury your dead.

Kyoshi thought about this as she fastened her white dress that one of the servants provided, she would have said that the dress was beautiful under different circumstances but right now it was not in the least attractive to her.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in". Kyoshi said.

A servant entered the room and bowed slightly,"Avatar, the Firelord requests your presence in the throne room".

Kyoshi nodded,"I will be there shortly".

The servant bowed again and left the room.

Kyoshi started to finish adjusting her dress and quickly made her way to the door.


When Kyoshi walked into the throne room, she didn't expect to see Sorin standing there with his eyes gazing at the Firelord who was behind the flames. He turned to glance at her slightly as she stopped a few feet away from him, she returned his glance before he looked toward the Firelord again.

They waited there for a few moments, waiting for the Firelord to say something. Only the flames that burned filled the silence.

"I remember the time". The Firelord said, finally breaking the silence,"when Adachi was little and one day walked into the throne room claiming to be the new Firelord. It made me so proud to see him so happy, I even made him ruler for a day and pretended to be his advisor".

This made Sorin look down in guilt, he knew he could have done more to have saved the prince.

"Kyoshi, Sorin. I don't blame you both for the death of my son, things like this happen. Adachi willingly went to do his service for his nation and he did it in honor". Firelord Mitsui said,"Tell me, the man that killed my son, did he escape?".

"No, I made sure that he didn't leave alive". Kyoshi said.

"Good". The Firelord said.

"But with Hiyu's betrayal, the citizens will be questioning your rule and will threaten to riot". Sorin said.

"Then someone new needs to be appointed as general". The Firelord said,"Would you be willing to take that responsibility again?".

Kyoshi looked at Sorin. She was expecting an answer from him.

"You're right in saying that someone new needs to be appointed, but that person isn't me". Sorin said, surprising Kyoshi and the Firelord,"Even before I became general, I made a lot of mistakes and Hiyu also did that by betraying his own nation. No, your majesty. Someone new needs to take that mantle, an idealist with a pure heart".

The Firelord looked curious,"Who?".

"Hiro, your majesty. He may not be physically violent but he has ways of enforcing the authority into people and his forefathers were excellent generals in their prime as well. He would be the perfect choice". Sorin said.

The Firelord was quiet for awhile before looking up at the two,"You are right, Sorin. Your friend seems to have an air of bravery and courage around him when it is necessary. I will consider this option that you have bestowed upon me".

Sorin nodded and bowed,"Thank you, Firelord Mitsui".

Then the Firelord went silent. Sorin then turned to leave, Kyoshi followed him out as she saw him walk out. The Fire Nation had just met a huge loss, they lost their Crowned Prince and their only heir to the throne.

"What will happen now?". Kyoshi asked as she walked alongside Sorin.

He stopped and looked at her,"What do you mean?".

She glared at him,"The Fire Nation just lost their prince, the heir to the throne. How will it affect the nation, that's my question".

Sorin looked unaffected by her outburst,"Nothing will change. Miyaki will have to be next in line for the throne and become Firelord once her father renounces his rule".

Kyoshi looked unsurprised,"What if she doesn't want to be Firelord?".

"It's not up to her, Kyoshi. She has no choice in that regard, if she refuses then the nation will have no ruler at all". Sorin said.

Then he turned and walked away.

Kyoshi saw in Sorin's eyes how tired and stressed he was, she knew how he felt. Since she was feeling the same way, it hurt her to lose someone she was in love with. Even though, she and Adachi agreed to stay as friends it didn't mean that her feelings for him were gone. She was still in love with him. She still remembered Hanzo's words before she left her home.

"Don't be afraid to fall in love, Kyoshi".

Right. She tried falling in love but it only brought her pain in the end.



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