Chapter 42

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After a month of training, Sako deemed Kyoshi a master waterbender. She and her friends left the North Pole one week later and headed for the Fire Nation, Rangi was never so glad to be back in warmer weather. Their ship sailed through the warm waters and this gave Kyoshi, Rangi and Sorin to be outside and listen to the crashing waves. Sorin had recovered but he was still injured and he still had to take it easy.

"It's good to be back in Fire Nation weather". Rangi said.

"We're not there yet". Kyoshi said.

"Yes. But I can sense the heat from a long distance away". Rangi said.

Then they jumped in fright when they heard a thunder strike behind them, they turned and saw Sorin shoot a bolt of lightning into the air.

"It still scares me how he is casually shooting that". Rangi said.

"Sorin!". Kyoshi yelled,"I told you not to do extensive training especially with your condition".

"Oh, come on". He said,"I need to get in some practise before I teach Miyaki".

"He has a point". Rangi said.

Kyoshi shot her glare which made Rangi look away quickly.

"Besides, I feel fine". Sorin said.

"Really?". Kyoshi asked before landing a light jab at his side.

Sorin grunted in pain and sank to his knees, the pain was intense and he immediately regretted what he just said.

"If you reacted like that to a small jab, then that means you are bot fine". Kyoshi said,"Now, go below deck and get some rest".

"Okay, okay. Just don't jab me again". Sorin said wincing as he held his side.

He got up and walked away and headed below deck. Kyoshi smiled a little at this, she loved him a lot and she wanted to see him recover and see him back to his old self. Even though his goofy nature was still intact.

"So, has he given you his answer yet?". Rangi asked, leaning against the ship's railing.

"Not yet. I'm not going to force him into a relationship that he doesn't want, I'll patiently wait for his answer even if it takes a hundred years". Kyoshi said.

"I'm still surprised that you kissed him when you told him how you felt". Rangi smiled.

"I had to. I had to let something fly in my favour and I know he won't forget that kiss". Kyoshi smiled as well.

"Well, good luck. I think". Rangi said.


Kyoshi watched from the ship's railing as the Fire Nation came into view. As usual, dragons came flying over the ship and it reminded her of when she first arrived at the Fire Nation. Surprisingly, the dragons also reminded her of the time she rode a dragon with Sorin.

"Seeing dragons never gets old". Sorin said, standing next to her against the railing.

"It does not". She responded,"Shouldn't you be resting, Sorin?".

"I'm well rested". He said,"I don't think another nap will benefit me at this point".

She smiled.

"I'm sorry I've been so overbearing with you. I'm just worried about you and I want you to recover fully".

"Yeah, I get it". He said.

Then she nodded.

"Kyoshi, what you and I talked about back at the North Pole-". She cut him off by placing a finger on his lips.

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