Chapter 10

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Kyoshi was in her room that day, speaking with Avatar Kuruk. It was really difficult to admit that she was wrong about everything that she had said to him.

"You were right about me being irrational when I'm angry. I guess I don't know myself as much as I had thought previously". Kyoshi said, with slumped shoulders.

"Kyoshi, admitting that you were wrong is the first step into becoming a wise individual". Kuruk said,"I learned that the hard way after what Koh did, I realised I was wrong in denying the responsibilities that I was given as the Avatar and I deeply regretted it ever since".

"Kuruk, a friend of mine that I travel with said that if you had been more attentive and more active, you could have saved Ummi". Kyoshi stated.

Kuruk closed his eyes,"Yes, your friend is correct in this regard. If I had paid more attention to worldly affairs, then I wouldn't have lost Ummi".

"He also said that your loss was a life lesson for me". Kyoshi said.

Kuruk looked confused,"How so?".

"He meant in a sense, that I should actively shape my own destiny and the destiny of the world". Kyoshi said.

Kuruk smiled,"Your friend sounds like a wise person. Maybe you should seek counseling from him instead".

Kyoshi smiled as well,"Maybe".

"Remember his advise and you will be effective in bringing balance to the world". Kuruk said before vanishing.

Kyoshi sighed in content.


Kyoshi and Sorin left Omashu two days ago, they were headed for the port town of Taizhou. From Taizhou they would sail straight to the Fire Nation. As they walked, Kyoshi contemplated the idea of Sorin teaching her the basics of firebending but was too nervous to ask. He would be the perfect teacher as he was spiritually balanced, he was not fierce and hot headed like other firebenders.

"Sorin?". She called.

"Yes, Avatar Kyoshi?". He responded.

Kyoshi frowned at being called that. He always found more ways to annoy her.

"Would you teach me a few things about firebending before we reach the Fire Nation?". She asked.

She saw him stop. For a second, she thought she said something wrong but she was surprised when he turned and faced her with the biggest smile she has ever seen. He took her hands in his and came closer to her face, which she found a little uncomfortable.

"Teach you? Wow, that is huge! I had never thought about it". He said, a few inches from her face.

Kyoshi stepped back a few feet away from him,"So, will you?".

"It would be my honor". He bowed to her.

"Don't do that, please". She said, as she saw him bow to her.

"No, you are an important figure. You need to get used to people bowing to you". He said,"Anyway, I know the perfect place for firebending training".


Kyoshi and Sorin stood in a big meadow, Kyoshi was in a stance that made her feet move apart. Her eyes were closed and she did deep breaths, Sorin circled her everytime to watch her mistakes.

"Do you feel the heat of the sun?". Sorin asked.

"Yes, I do". She replied.

"Good. Fire comes from the breath and is basically life in it's own right, the first step to learning firebending is to breathe". Sorin said.

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