Chapter 22

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Kyoshi woke up and found herself outside the house that morning, she fed Niya and quickly had breakfast as well. Then she saw Mika approach her, she was carrying a scroll with her and she walked up to her.

"Lady Sho". Mika said, handing her the scroll.

Kyoshi took the scroll and started to read it:


You have progressed well over the time that you have been with me. I want you to come to the other side of the island and find me, I have something of interest.

Leave the shirshu behind.

Kyoshi wrapped up the scroll and put it in her sash. She said goodbye to Mika before taking off, thanks to the training that she got, she found it more easier to navigate through the forest. She arrived that the clearing in record time and looked around. There was no sign of Lady Sho anywhere.

Kyoshi then narrowly dodged an attack from above, she ninja rolled forward and stood back to see Lady Sho unfurl her fans. The older woman came in with an attack but Kyoshi evaded and sent a kick, Lady Sho anticipated this and blocked the attack. This gave Kyoshi the opening to strike her in the shoulder, the woman staggered back. Before Kyoshi could celebrate, she clipped in the gut by the older woman. Kyoshi fell back and felt the older woman pin her to the ground, while holding her arm.

"You've improved". Lady Sho said,"But that's still not saying much, though".

"Shouldn't any improvement at all be seen as impressive?". Kyoshi grunted.

Lady Sho laughed,"Ah, now you are starting to think like me". Kyoshi escaped out of her hold and flipped backwards, she then stood back and made room between her and the master. Lady Sho flew in with another attack to which Kyoshi dodged, she sent a kick at Lady Sho but the older woman landed a blow on her before she could. Kyoshi grunted and fell back.

Lady Sho approached her and gave her hand, Kyoshi took it and she was pulled to her feet.

"As a student draws near to the end of his/her training, the master is inclined in rewarding a gift to her student". Lady Sho said, pulling out a pair of golden metal fans.

She tossed them to Kyoshi who caught them, she unfurled them and got used to their size and weight. For something that was made of metal, it was lighter than she expected.

"Those are for you". Lady Sho said.

"Thank you, Lady Sho". Kyoshi bowed,"Does that mean I'm done?".

Lady Sho looked at her,"Not quite. What else do you want?".

Kyoshi looked confused,"I don't want anything else".

"You know what I'm talking about. Now, what do you want?". Lady Sho said.

Kyoshi pointed at her head piece,"I want your head piece".

Lady Sho smiled,"You want it, come get it. Fight me and use your bending if you must, it will give you the edge in this fight". Lady Sho got into a stance and unfurled her fans.

Kyoshi licked the inside of her cheek before smiling, she got into a stance and unfurled her fans as well. She knew using bending wouldn't be unfair, since Lady Sho was an expert fighter.

Kyoshi ran forward with the first attack to which Lady Sho evaded easily, then she stopped and turned to land a blow but the older woman blocked her attack and sent her flying back. Lady Sho came in for another attack but Kyoshi rolled out of the way, she gave a roundhouse kick to which the older woman jumped over. Kyoshi saw her chance and clipped the older woman in the foot, but she landed on the ground in a roll. Kyoshi came at her and bend up a mountain of rocks, Lady Sho jumped onto the rocks and kicked Kyoshi off balance.

Kyoshi fell back and quickly evaded another attack coming from above, she quickly sent out a tremor. Lady Sho staggered at this and Kyoshi lunged forward and used her fan to attack, Lady Sho evaded her attack last minute but her robe got sliced in the process and it became loose. Kyoshi looked up in shock, then she looked at her fans and saw that they also had sharp edges like Lady Sho's.

"Lady Sho, I'm so sorry". Kyoshi said.

Lady Sho tore off her robe and revealed a battle outfit she wore underneath, for an older woman she was still in good shape and beautiful as well.

"Don't apologize to me, Girl". Lady Sho said.

Then she lunged forward and Kyoshi did the same thing as well, she used earthbending and sent herself flying over Lady Sho. She landed behind the woman and went for the kill but then a kick sent her flying back, Kyoshi felt herself get pinned to the ground.

"Perhaps you are more skilled than I thought". Lady Sho said.

Kyoshi looked up at her with a smile and showed Lady Sho's head piece in her hand, the older woman didn't look surprised but just smiled in return.

"Most impressive, Girl". Lady Sho said, stepping back.

"Thank you, Lady Sho". Kyoshi said, putting on the head piece.

"I find your skills satisfactory and I will relief you out of my care". Lady Sho said,"If you have a daughter before I die, bring her to me so I can consider training her".

Kyoshi nodded and bowed.

"Before you return to my home. Be sure to fix the clearing from all the rocks you bend". Lady Sho said before taking off.

Kyoshi nodded.

I did it. After all this time, I finally did it.


Kyoshi rode Niya through Ember Island until she saw Rangi and Miyaki standing by the market place, she slowed to a halt and climbed off her shirshu. She approached them and Rangi was the first to notice her.

"Hey, Kyoshi. You're back!". Rangi said, before gesturing for Miyaki to look as well.

Kyoshi smiled.


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