Chapter 3

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Dan Lo has been suspecting something off about Kyoshi for awhile ever since she started living with him, she seemed interested in the Avatar relics that Yun was gifted by the men that sought him out. He had suspicions that she was who they were looking for but he knew it was just an assumption. But his suspicion was right that day when he walked past her room that day, he listened in and heard her recite a poem that Kuruk wrote a long time ago but she recited it out of her head. He knew immediately that she was the Avatar, Yun was someone who was falsely picked as the Avatar.

Two years have passed and that day was Kyoshi's coming of age ceremony and Dan Lo decided to tell her of her status after the ceremony. He knew she would not be able to handle the information now at such a tender moment. He noticed during the two years that she and Rangi hadn't once spoken to each other, he thought they maybe had a big fight and needed space from each other. He wanted to ask what they had argued about but she always seemed to dodge the question and change the topic, he didn't want to pry but he had to know what was going on.

"Kyoshi?". He called, as he watched her eat her breakfast that morning.

She didn't look up nor did she make any indication that she had heard him. She was eating poorly too and it made Dan Lo uneasy with her health, he didn't want her to end up sick.

"Kyoshi?". He called.

This time, she slowly looked up at him. Her eyes were red from lack of sleep and her hair was not neat as it usually was, he knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?". He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just anxious about the ceremony, I mean after that you have to find me a suitor and I'm just really nervous that's all". She said, speeding up her eating rate.

Dan Lo only looked at her,"Are you sure that's all? I feel as if there's something going on, something that occurred between you and Rangi".

Kyoshi's eyes widened,"Oh, would you look at the time. I have to go to work. Don't worry, master Dan Lo. I'll be back later to get ready before the ceremony starts". She quickly tied up her hair in a long ponytail and ran out before her master asked her anything else.

Dan Lo narrowed his eyes at the door and gave a suspicious hum, he had no idea what was going on or why she reacted like that everytime she brought up Rangi.

"Maybe I could ask Yun about this. He might know something since they are all friends". He said to himself.


Kyoshi walked up to Hanzo's mansion and saw Yun and Rangi talking and laughing, she looked toward them. Rangi looked up and made eye contact with Kyoshi, the two stared at each other for a while until Kyoshi looked down and walked into the mansion.

Kyoshi felt betrayed and she found herself hurt again by the ones she always loved. Dan Lo was the only who truly cared for her, but here she was also betraying him. She didn't even tell him about the relationship she had with Rangi, it made her feel guilty because she was close to the old man that raised her. She knew she was cursed and that she never was made for love, she couldn't believe that Rangi would do this to her out of all the people.

She didn't even realise that she had started cleaning the house, because the moment she looked down she saw her scrubbing the floor. She dismissed it and continued doing what she came here to do, it didn't make any difference if she stopped now. Then she heard footsteps enter the area where she was cleaning, she looked up and saw Hanzo approaching her. Hanzo looked surprised to find Kyoshi on her knees and scrubbing the floor, he came closer and put his hands on her shoulders and made her stand on her feet.

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