Chapter 19

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Lady Sho led Kyoshi along a koala sheep path. They were heading up a hill that was conjoined with a mountain cliff, Kyoshi looked down at the view down below. It was so beautiful that she leaned further as she walked and saw the rest of Ember Island's civilisation.

"I wonder if my friends are down there".

"Pay attention, Girl". Lady Sho's  voice broke her train of thought.

Kyoshi snapped to attention and looked at her teacher, the older woman turned to face her. She pulled out a pair of paper fans and tossed them to Kyoshi, the young Avatar caught them easily and felt them in her hand.

"These will be yours for now, since I do not trust you with a real fan, yet". Lady Sho said,"It doesn't mean you can damage them, if you do then you will replace them".

Kyoshi nodded.

"Now, I will be showing you a technique which you should repeat". Lady Sho said, getting into a stance.

Then she started going through motions that looked like it represented the movements of a fan, she shifted her footing every now and then weaved her way around in a circle."Flow through your motions like this and even you will be able to get it". Then she slowly spun and came to a stop.

"Now you try. Get into a stance of your own choice".

Kyoshi slipped into a sturdy and and rocky stance.

Lady Sho sighed,"I said slip into a stance and not represent a boarcupine posturing for a mate". Kyoshi eased her stance and loosened her grip on her fans and took a more calm stance.

"Well, amateur at best. But it will have to do". Lady Sho said, noting her new stance."Now, drill the sequence".

Kyoshi started to repeat the sequence that Lady Sho demonstrated and she shifted her footing exactly in the same intervals as Lady Sho, as she was nearing the end of her motions she was tagged in the side and was knocked to the ground.

"If you had been paying more attention to what you were doing, then you would have avoided that attack". Lady Sho said.

Kyoshi said nothing as she got up.

"Have you gone dumb too?". Lady Sho said,"Speak, Girl!".

"I have nothing to say, Lady Sho. I'm willing to rectify my mistakes if you deem it necessary". Kyoshi said.

Lady Sho stood back from her,"Again".

Kyoshi got back into hero motions again, her movements were still jerky but they were more fluid than when she first started. Then she saw movement from the corner of her, she easily sidestepped a kick from her teacher but was then elbowed in the gut and she fell back. She felt a foot on her chest and looked up.

"Perhaps you're not as clumsy as I thought". The Lady said,"Drill the sequence again".

"Yes, Lady Sho". Kyoshi said, jumping to her feet.

Then she started to repeat the motions again.

"I said flow, not stomp".


As the sun was starting to sink under the horizon, Kyoshi and Lady Sho were inside the house. Lady Sho was having tea and Kyoshi ate her bowl of rice without any problems, but she kept sending glances at the fan headpiece and the face paint that Lady Sho wore but she didn't say anything.

"Speak, Girl". Lady Sho said, without looking up,"Your attempts at hiding your glances are as pathetic as your training".

"I was just wondering about your headpiece and face paint". Kyoshi said.

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