Chapter 34

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The ship was pushing through the icy waters of the North Pole, it was extremely cold and few days have passed as they headed for the Northern Water Tribe. The long trip to the North have made the Fire Nation grow cranky but Sorin was able to make everyone feel better with his flute and his singing, he was a very talented singer with a nice voice and the crew always urged him to sing more. Everyone wore warm parkas because of the cold but Sorin was not bothered by the frigid conditions, he told them once that his inner fire kept him warm.

"Hey there, fair maiden. You want me to sing another song for you?". Sorin asked, as he leaned against Kyoshi.

Kyoshi smiled,"Sorin, you did sing me songs for the past few days. But I'm fine, thank you".

"Suit yourself, Avatar". He said before playing a few notes on his flute.

Kyoshi smiled again. He had gotten a recent habit to call her Avatar, which she found rather interesting.

"Sorin, are you sure that you're not cold?". She asked, looking at his loose clothing.

"I'm a firebender. We generate our own heat". He said.

"You will have to teach me how to do that". She said.

Sorin nodded,"No problem".

Then Rangi came walking out wearing a Fire Nation cloak with a foul mood on her face, she also had her hair down for the first time.

"Hey Rangi, want me to sing you a song?". Sorin asked.

Rangi held up a hand,"No. Please". She had already endured his torturous songs for the past few days, she seriously couldn't take anymore singing.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?". Kyoshi asked her.

"Because the cold is evil. I hate the cold". Rangi replied.

"You're a firebender like me. Just generate heat". Sorin said.

"I don't really know how to do that". Rangi said, looking down.

"Yes. Another student to the list". Sorin said before walking away.

Rangi quirked an eyebrow at his leaving form before she moved her gaze to Kyoshi, the taller girl looked more content and happier compared to what she was at the Air Temple.

"So, have you told him?". Rangi asked.

Kyoshi faced her quickly,"Who?".

Rangi rolled her eyes,"Sorin. Who else?".

Kyoshi frowned at that,"Tell him what exactly?".

Rangi got a sly smile crossing her lips,"You know, how you feel about him".

Kyoshi gasped at that,"Rangi?!".

"Oh, come on. It's pretty obvious that you like him and there's no denying that". Rangi smirked.

"I don't like him. Sorin is a friend and that's all I see him as, okay?". Kyoshi said firmly.

Rangi raised her hands in surrender,"Okay, okay, you win. But if you do develop feelings, you know where to find me".

Kyoshi stared daggers at her and Rangi just laughed it off and turned to walk back inside, she was feeling much better now. She always felt better after teasing Kyoshi about her love for Sorin.

"She'll break one of these days". Rangi said with a small smile.


Sorin was sitting that day on top of the ship when he noticed a large white land mass in the distance, it looked like a wall of some sorts. He smiled and looked down and saw the crew working the day away.

"Hey guys, I see something ahead". He called down.

One of the crew pulled out a telescope and used it to look into the distance, he then put the telescope away with a smile on his face.

"Lieutenant Sorin, we have arrived at the Northern Water Tribe. That white mass is their wall". The captain said.

"We should warn them that we're coming before we crash into their wall by accident". Sorin suggested.

The captain nodded,"Good idea". Then one of the crew handed him a messenger hawk and he attached a note to its legs before he let it fly off toward the Nation.

"Could one of you wake up my two friends? They should definitely be awake for this". Sorin said.

One of the crew saluted at him and went into the ship to carry out his order.


As they got closer to the wall, they noticed four waterbenders on the wall and they started doing motions and the icy wall started to liquefy and it started to collapse forming a way for the ship. The ship sailed into the path that was formed as it made it's way into the city, then waterbenders moved forward and bend ice around the ship to slow it down and it eventually came to a stop. The crew cut the ship's engines and everything became silent, people came out of their homes to see a large ship hovering over their homes. Lucky for them, the ship was only here to drop off the Avatar and her friends.

The gangway of the ship opened and Kyoshi and her friends stepped out with two soldiers escorting them. They were met halfway by a man who dressed in tribal royal clothing, he was an important figure if he was dressed like that.

"Welcome to the Northern Water Tribe, Avatar Kyoshi. I am Arkul, I am Chief Ooraq's brother and advisor, I hope your trip was pleasant". The man said, bowing.

"Yes, it was. Thank you for your hospitality, Arkul". Kyoshi said.

"Please, follow me". Arkul said as he started walking.

"Let's just hope that this advisor is nothing like Honsou". Sorin whispered.

Kyoshi and Rangi nodded softly.

They then started to follow the advisor of the chief with the two Fire Nation soldiers escorting them, young children and older people gave them weird looks as they walked. Kyoshi was used to people staring but she didn't think that she would feel so uncomfortable, Sorin didn't seem too bothered by that as he waved at the people that looked at them. Unfortunately, he only got a few waves back in return out of many people.

Rangi just wrapped her cloak tighter around her as she felt a breeze blow in, she really did hate the cold a lot.

"People seem a little upset about this?". Sorin asked.

"They should be. They feel invaded by a foreign nation, not to mention that the ship we came in is a battleship". Rangi said.

"Once they know I'm the Avatar, they will probably ease up a little". Kyoshi said.

Sorin shrugged at the answer.

Rangi looked unsure,"I hope so".


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