Chapter 33

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They had left another town behind but they didn't ride Niya this time, they were all walking along the road. Kyoshi was pulling on Niya's reins and the shirshu followed behind as they all walked along the road, it was surprisingly quiet to say the very least but it was not an eerie silence but more of a calm and serene silence. Sorin was surprisingly quiet as they walked, Rangi noticed his silence and wondered what he was thinking about. Usually he would make a joke or two at times like this, she missed his witty attitude already.

"Sorin, is everything okay?". Rangi asked.

Sorin looked up at that moment,"Huh? Yes, I'm fine".

"You don't look fine to me. You're surprisingly quiet, which is very unusual". Rangi said.

Kyoshi looked up at that moment and decided to follow their conversation, it was the only good thing happening so far.

"Its just..........I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around what you guys told me last night". Sorin replied.

"Oh". Rangi said, blushing slightly.

"I hope we didn't make things weird with you". Kyoshi put in.

Sorin shook his head with a smile,"Of course not".

"Look, I know you didn't expect us telling you this out of all things. But we did it because we trust you". Rangi said.

" did it feel loving another girl? Was it weird? Nice? Or something new?". He pondered.

Kyoshi smiled,"It was normal and nice like any other male and female relationship".

Sorin nodded at that.

"Hey, we're here!". Rangi exclaimed.

Sorin and Kyoshi looked down a hill that they walked up to, there was a big coastal town below. It looked beautiful and was well developed, the ocean was visible far from the town and it shimmered well in the morning sun.

"Wow! Good looking town". Sorin said, looking around at the landscape.

"I'll say". Rangi said with a smile.

"Come on. We need to get to that harbour before the ship leaves without us". Kyoshi said, pulling Niya behind her.

Then they headed down the hill and walked along a trail that led toward the town.


Kyoshi and the others were walking through the town and they got a few looks from people who were out in the market, they probably haven't seen a shirshu in awhile. Kyoshi hadn't seen such a nice town like this before, she only knew these small and shanty towns.

"Man, people look pretty great here. I haven't seen a beggar here since coming in this town". Sorin said.

"I know. These people are more in tune with each other, I guess". Rangi said.

"The harbour is this way. Let's go this way". Kyoshi said, walking ahead of him.

They walked through the town for a few more moments before they came out into the open, they looked around and saw different boats in the large harbour that they were currently looking at. Kyoshi's eyes landed on a large ship that was a few feet to their right, she looked closely and saw Fire Nation soldiers standing around as if they were waiting for someone.

"Look! That's the ship we need to board". Kyoshi said, pointing toward the ship.

"Well, let's go then". Sorin said, as he pulled the girls hands.

They approached the ship and they saw the soldiers stand up right as they approached, Sorin looked at the ship closely and noticed that it was a battleship and not one of the normal ones. He figured they probably decided to use that one because battleships were faster than the other Fire Nation ships. Then one of the head soldiers stepped up.

"We are the Firelord's Imperial Guards. Are you Avatar Kyoshi?". The head soldier asked.

"Yes. Pleased to meet you". Kyoshi bowed.

The head soldier bowed in return,"The pleasure is mine, Avatar Kyoshi".

"So, is this the ship we'll be taking?". Sorin asked.

"Yes, Lieutenant Sorin". The head soldier said.

No one missed the statement that the soldier said, Sorin looked away when he was referred to as lieutenant. Kyoshi briefly glanced at him.

"We were ordered by the Firelord to come take your animal guide, Avatar Kyoshi. So that's what we are here to do". The head soldier said.

Kyoshi nodded before facing Niya,"Okay, Niya. I need you to go with the men, I'll meet you when I come back. Miyaki will feed you while I'm not here, okay".

Niya whimpered.

"I'll miss you, Niya". Kyoshi said, hugging the big shirshu.

Niya whimpered and laid her head on Kyoshi's neck. Then she let go of the shirshu and watched her get escorted away by the soldiers, it was difficult to let go of her because she and the shirshu have bonded well over the past three years. Four years, if this year was complete.

"Kyoshi, let's go". Rangi said.

Kyoshi turned and followed her friends into the ship, this would take some getting used to. She already felt bad being away from Niya, this was the first time that the two of them were ever separated.


Kyoshi leaned against the railing as the ship sailed through the ocean, it was night time by the time they set out. She wasn't the only one outside the ship that night, Sorin was outside as well leaning against the railing. To be precise, he was outside first and she found him outside by the time she came to the railing. She kept sending glances at the young man a few feet away from her, he seemed to be staring at the moon. His hair wasn't in it's usual top knot either, they flowed freely and blew in the ocean breeze.

"Why do you feel the need to stare, Avatar?". He asked without looking at her.

Kyoshi smiled at this, she knew he was eventually going to notice that she was staring,"I guess there's just something about you that's just mysterious".

"You know everything about me. What else is there that is mysterious about me?". He asked.

"I don't know, you tell me". Kyoshi said.

Then he moved closer to her until they were shoulder to shoulder,"Well, the real mystery here is you".

Kyoshi quirked an eyebrow at this,"Me?".


"You know everything about me as well". Kyoshi said.

"Really now? I haven't heard any boyfriend stories from you yet". He said.

Kyoshi burst out laughing at this.

"And there is the laugh that I was looking for". Sorin said.

"What?". Kyoshi asked after stifling her laugh.

"Well, you were feeling down ever since Niya got taken. I figured that I'd cheer you up". Sorin said.

"That's really sweet, Sorin". Kyoshi said,"Thank you, I feel a lot better now".

She saw him nod his head before he turned to walk back inside, Kyoshi turned to look at him leave.

"Where you going?". She asked.

Sorin stopped and smiled at her,"To get some sleep. Good night, Avatar". Then he turned to walk back into the ship.

Kyoshi smiled at this.

"Good night, Sorin". She whispered with a small smile.


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