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This a series of rants about "giving up" my moribund "career" as a writer, which lasted for five days.

Written 04 January 2019

First day of giving up on writing: I'm somehow "liberated" from a passion that turned itself into an invisible chain ball I'm dragging with for a long time now. However, I still have no idea on what to do afterwards.

And since no one even noticed, might as well crawl back into my hole and wail in despair at a harsh reality that I've refused to acknowledge all this time; after all, I've gotten myself used to do just that.

Written 05 January 2019

Second day of giving up on writing: I still have scenes, images and potential plots inside my head. And I am itching to write a little bit, just for my own entertainment―after I finish watching the Antarctica animé, that is . . .

PS: 'Sora Yorimo Tooi Basho' (the aforementioned Antarctica animé) is a great "experience" for me.

Written 06 January 2019

Third day of giving up on writing: I've opened my Wattpad account via the Wattpad app, and . . . fuck me―it seems there's a bug with the app itself.

The number of published chapters on my "re-shuffled" story―when viewed from the Chrome browser―does not seem to match with the published chapters on the app. "Refreshing" it doesn't work either.

Oh well, I'll rectify any errors I find first thing in the morning . . .

(Note: At this point, I have rectified any and all errors I've found on my two stories, which I have posted on the page. Also, I have announced a "clearance" for my 'Fear in the Cube: Re-shuffled'.)

Written 07 January 2019

Fourth day of giving up on writing: whew. It felt kinda . . . liberating―becoming an asshole for once. And I did not regret adding some well-placed barbs on that earlier announcement. I've just let out all my bottled-up frustrations, fueled with a singular truth of what the Filipino Wattpad readership has become at this point in time: an ugly-headed extension of the stupid, degenerative, and cancerous showbiz fandom.

I could care less if ever word got out and all neanderthals, BBWs, or even some talking heads, got offended at it; as I've said, I'm done with writing novels that no one else reads, except myself. I could also care less if my follower count on Wattpad drops back to zero as a result.

Rest assured―I'll upload all remaining chapters of my "re-shuffled" story, 'Fear in the Cube', and leave all my stories there as it is. I'm not that stupid enough to unpublish the two novels I've written there in a fit of rage. Who knows, conspiracy thrillers like 'Fear' might become the next big thing in the coming days . . . then again, I'm not putting too much hope on that possibility―not with the neanderthals obsessing over the very same names, conventions, tropes and clichés.

SUPERGRASS IS c a N c e L l e d T !

Written 08 January 2019

Day five of giving up on writing: I feel like crap today. The reason? I choked in laughter watching 'Back Street Girls: GOKUDOLLS', all while I had cigarette smoke inside my system. But I think this developing sore throat―which might turn into another bad case of flu―is worth it, what with the totally strange premise behind the idol-themed comedy animé that totally got me hooked. Each episode was never a dull moment for me. However, I am still three episodes away from finishing it.

On other news―prepare for the last "chapter dump" of my "re-shuffled" novel, 'Fear in the Cube', which will happen in the coming days. This will be my final responsibility to a rather close-minded Filipino Wattpad readership, who were only patronizing stories written by the same names, no matter how similar the overall plot of each one. After that I will write this new story I've been working on, for quite some time, solely for my own enjoyment. I know, this move is rather sad―but it's infinitely better this way than to publish it on Wattpad, in which it will end up rotting out like another squished roadkill.

Finally, with the sad news of Visprint Inc. closing down in the near future, I think it's safe to say that the contemporary "Filipino literature" will die out sooner than expected―with a whimper, that is.

What a fucking great time to be alive.

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