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Written 11 March 2019

I still haven't come to terms with my own failures in life, chief of which was my own failure to become "a functioning member of society".

As a kid I was one of the smartest in my own class. However, that meant one thing: my parent's expectations on me was inordinately high. Sure enough―a couple of failures in any subject also meant one thing: punishment. I was beaten with a stick, forced to stay inside a dark room―with me facing the wall―until a set time, and forced to study and memorize everything on that particular subject. Worst of all, my parents actually told me that I am becoming a disappointment to them. And that's one thing that stuck inside my head until now. The final blow, however, was when I was forced to take a college course that was . . . not within my field of interest―and I had no say over it. If there's one thing I've learned during my two years studying IT, it's only to find cracked versions of "essential" software I'll need on my computer.

And now I'm on the verge of failing in a field I've come to love―scratch that. I have already failed on writing stories that the Filipino Wattpad readership must read in this day and age. At this point I just want to slink back inside my own hole and cry, because I feel like I'm being left behind in the greatest rat race called life.

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