Chapter 1: The Hurt

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I'll give you everything I have; I'd give you anything you need; but it hurts sometimes; baby it hurts sometimes.

You were everything I am; You mean everything to me; but it hurts sometimes; baby it hurts sometimes.

~Kyle's POV~

Today's the first day of eleventh grade. Thank Moses. It's been a while since I really left the house for anything. I haven't really seen Stan, Kenny, or even Cartman in so long. The main reason is that now I have a boyfriend after coming out as gay a few years ago. A lot of people weren't accepting of it at first, but once I started ignoring the homophobic jokes and living my life despite what they said, they stopped bothering me.

My parents are alright with me being gay, so I was comfortable bringing my boyfriend over to my house. Samuel Kobler is his name, and he can be...*gulp*.

It's probably best not to talk about him right now. I mean, he's not even here. I'm just going to focus on getting ready for school since the bus is going to show up soon.

I ran upstairs after finishing the breakfast Mom prepared for me and threw some clothes on. My room was a mess, but I didn't have the time to care. The only thing wrong with it was the piles of dirty clothes scattered throughout the floor. Some of them weren't even mine. Some of them were Sam's.


Just as I was removing my pajama shirt, my iPhone buzzed on the nightstand. I still had it charging because the battery is a piece of shit. I can go through the whole school day without using it and the battery would be drained to forty percent by the time school let out. Such bullcrap. I need a new phone, or at least a new battery.

Checking my phone, I noticed Cartman texted me a few times. Fucking fatass.

(6:03 am) Morning Jew

(6:10 am) Answer me, Kahllllll

(7:15 am) You cumming to school today, Jewrat?

The way he spelled "coming"...what the fuck, Cartman? He's probably just trying to get a rise out of me since he knows I blush at sexually suggestive terms like that. Just another way for him to exploit my homosexuality. Fucking asshole.

I shut the screen off and ignored his texts. For the past few weeks, he's been texting me really early in the morning. I never bothered to ask him why, but it was weird of him to do that since he likes sleeping in until noon during summer break.

As I said before, Sam wasn't here for once, which felt weird to me. Normally he'd be getting out of the shower by now and getting dressed. I would know because we've been together for almost a year. He used to sleep over here for four nights out of the week - all of which were school nights. He wanted to start spending five nights a week here, but my parents wouldn't allow that...thank Moses.

You're probably wondering why Sam has a bad reputation in my point of view. I've never told anyone this yet, but he can be kind of abusive. He's done some fucked up shit to me when no one else was around. I noticed that it started getting worse recently, so I suggested that we needed some space. Of course, he took that the wrong way. That's the reason why I have a slight bruise on my cheek. He punched me square in the face before leaving the house a few days ago.

Since the fight that day, I sort of went off the grid for a while. I told my parents to turn down any requests for me to hang out with the group if they came over or called. I had my phone shut off for a few days and just lied in bed in the dark for a few days. I was so hurt I haven't eaten anything until just a few minutes ago.

The first boyfriend I get and he turns out to be a monster.

No, maybe we just need a break. We have spent literally the whole summer together. Yeah. That's it. We just need a break.

My phone buzzed again on my nightstand. I let out a frustrated sigh, knowing it was fucking Cartman, and read what he had to say.

(7:22 am) Jeeeeeeewww, answer me. Stop getting all faggy with Sam and come to the bus stop.

Just reading Sam's name made my chest clog up. If only he knew, right?

No, fuck Cartman. I don't even consider him my friend. Not even an acquaintance. Out of everyone in South Park, he's the person I hate the most. I hate him even more than I hate Sam.

No, don't say that Kyle. You love Sam.

But you get the idea. Cartman is a piece of shit Nazi fatass, and I couldn't care less if he died honestly. After the bullshit he's put me through since we met. All those years of torture and ridicule just because my family and I are Jewish and that I had red hair.

Over the years, though, he has matured a bit. He doesn't put me through as much hell as he used to. I guess the comedy behind my humiliation started wearing thin on him. Speaking of thin, Cartman grew to be taller than me and the extra fat was evenly spread out, making him look buff. Maybe those swimming lessons paid off.

I chuckled to myself. He used to complain about the first graders peeing in the pool when we took swimming lessons one summer. I don't remember him ever going back that summer after all of the first graders peed in the pool at once, turning the pool water yellow. I did figure out that he would sneak into the community pool after hours and swim until his whole body was fatigued. This didn't happen until seventh grade when he started feeling more self-conscious.

However it may have happened, he managed to lose a majority of the extra fat. I still call him fatass because why not?

Once again, my phone buzzed. Cartman sent me, yet, another message. God damn it!

(7:27 am) Hey, Jewbitch! The bus is gonna be here any minute! Get your faggity ass out here!

(7:27 am) Goddamnit Cartman! On my way!

(7:28 am) Yay

Before leaving to go to the bus stop, I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. The bruise was slowly fading, but it was still noticeable. I applied some of mom's concealer on my face to cover it up. No one has to know.

You're just too blind to see; you're damn right killing me; but it hurts sometimes; baby it hurts sometimes.

You've hollowed out my heart; we just needed to start over, but it hurts sometimes; baby it hurts sometimes.


A/N: I hope you guys are liking this random fanfic so far! Lol just started watching South Park for the first time in a long time and completely ship Kyman <3 I've never written a South Park fanfic so if it doesn't seem like the people are of character, just bear with me :p my South park intellect is a little rusty.

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