Chapter 18: Marshmallows And Feels

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"I didn't see it coming; but I never really had much faith; in the universe's magic, oh, no; till' it pulled us to that time and place."

~Stan's POV~

Before going to Stark's Pond to meet up with everyone, I had to make a quick stop to my house. As predicted, mom and dad were in the house arguing. I scoffed as I opened the front door and quietly made my way to my room upstairs. It's really fucking stupid that my parents are constantly arguing. They've been with each other for so long it's a wonder that they still have shit to argue about.

After grabbing some stuff from my room, I went into the kitchen and stared at my fighting parents with a straight face. "Um, are you guys going to stop fighting anytime soon?" I asked, making them stop dead in their spots. They turned to me simultaneously and let their lips part. "I think you should leave us be, honey. Your dad and I are just going through some...stuff." Mom told me.

"What kind of stuff?" I asked with a shrug.

"Adult stuff. Now run along. We still have to talk."

"It's not talking when you're yelling at each other. And I'm not a child anymore, you guys, and you're not either. Just please stop fighting. I don't want you to break up again." I pleaded. I've seriously had enough of listening to them fight over nothing. Just from hearing some of the words spitting out of their mouths, they were fighting over getting the refrigerator repaired or replaced. I guess mom wanted to get it replaced and dad wants to repair it. I don't know how that could spike an argument, but it's fucking stupid.

"Let dad try to repair the refrigerator. If it still doesn't work, replace it. After being married for this long, compromise shouldn't even be that difficult." I lectured with my hands in my coat pockets. My parents still didn't say anything to what I just said. Maybe they're now starting to realize I'm right.

Dad finally sighed and looked at mom again. "He's right, Sharon. Let me see what I can do with the fridge, and we'll replace it if we have to. Does that sound okay?" Dad asked. Mom also sighed and looked down. "Sure, Randy. That sounds fair." She agreed. I smiled at both of them as they parted from each other. Dad got on his knees with his toolbox by the fridge while mom sat at the kitchen table.

After settling that argument, I made my way to the pond. I was almost confident that we would spend the night out there despite Kenny's guarantee that we'll be home before midnight. I brought along a new set of clothes for tomorrow and some pajamas.

Kenny, Craig, and Tweek were sitting around the fire nearby a tent when I arrived. Craig opened a bag of marshmallows and stabbed one with a stick to hover over the fire. Kenny and Tweek were both laughing about something until they noticed me. "Oh hey Stan!" Kenny called. He patted on a seat next to him. I sat in that spot and zipped up my jacket.

"Where's Kyle and Cartman?" I wondered as I grabbed a stick from the pile. Craig handed me the bag of marshmallows to fish one out of. "They're on their way. They just went out to eat together." Craig answered. It kind of surprised me that Kyle and Cartman were willing to hang out without ripping each other's throats out. I guess now that we're older they decided to make amends and be friendlier to each other.

I didn't think much of it until they started making themselves over here. Cartman's arm was wrapped around Kyle's shoulder as they walked over here, which seemed weird to me. They would normally be bickering with each other especially in front of other people.

"What's up, guys?" Cartman asked as he took a seat next to Kyle. Kyle's hair looked a little messier than usual and Cartman had his shirt on backwards. I was able to make out the tag that was supposed to be on the back. What the actual fuck?

"Cartman, your shirt is on backwards." I pointed out. His smile slowly faded and he looked down at his shirt. "Oh, weak." He muttered. Kyle just laughed in his face. "I told you it was on backwards, fatass." He taunted with a smile.

"Fuck off, Kahl!" Cartman spat.

Craig and Tweek were huddled close to each other under a blanket as they roasted their marshmallows over the fire. I can already assume that they have the superlative, "cutest couple", in the bag. Well, when the time comes, I'll definitely vote for them on that if that's even a thing. Kenny will definitely get ranked as the "biggest flirt" since he's basically a man hoe.

A few hours into this, we always had some conversation going on. We laughed a lot, roasted each other most of the time, and brought up the good times from the past. On top of that, we managed to get some alcohol in our systems. We weren't wasted or anything, but we drank enough alcohol to feel warm in an otherwise cold environment.

While everyone else was chatting with each other and stuffing their faces with roasted marshmallows, I turned to Kyle who was texting on his phone. I placed my hand over his left wrist. "Everything okay, dude?" I asked him. He looked into my eyes and nodded. "Yeah, everything's okay." He answered, seeming untruthful.

I breathed in and scooted closer to him. "I overheard Sam scream at you in the locker room earlier on the phone. Has he always treated you like that?" I wondered, not looking in his eyes.

"Um, no. We're just in a rough spot right now. We haven't seen each other in a while so he's just irritated." He said back rather quickly.

I looked into his eyes again. "I'm here for you dude. If he does anything, you'd tell me right?" I asked. Kyle nodded and smiled a bit. "Yeah I would. But everything's okay now. I promise." He said sincerely. I know he's lying, but I don't want to bug him too much about it.

"Good. You're my best friend, Kyle. I'll kill anyone that fucks with you." I promised.

"Heh, now you're sounding like Cartman." He muttered. I looked at him again and widened my eyes. "Wait...Cartman said that too?" I asked, shocked.

"Well yeah. You know Cartman though. He'll do anything he wants. Plus, he hates Sam already so it would be a win-win for both of us if he killed him." Kyle explained with a chuckle. I smiled at the thought of Cartman being a good friend to Kyle.

Cartman was talking about random shit with everyone else, so he didn't hear what we were talking about. Kyle let out a content sigh. "You know Stan, I really feel like I'm falling in love with Cartman." He admitted to me. I gasped when he told me this. Cartman?

Despite what he just said, I let him talk anyway.

"It's really hard to tell whether or not he's straight since he's sending me mixed signals, but he's been there for me a lot lately. I don't even know how to describe it anymore. We always fuck with each other in public, but behind closed doors, he shows off his sweeter side." Kyle turned to me with a wider smile. "I guess you'd kind of have to be there to witness it."

I nodded and smiled back at him. "Well, even though it's fucking Cartman, I can see you guys being a cute couple."

"Yeah, if only I was single right?" He questioned.

"Yeah I guess." I answered. I started to feel a little bit sick to my stomach from what Kyle just told me. I mean, Cartman? He's been nothing but an asshole to Kyle. Ever since preschool. But if Kyle's happy then I'm happy.

Kenny's been sending me weird vibes too. After explaining to him that I'm not gay, I started questioning my sexuality even more. Wendy hasn't been able to make me feel anything in a while, but with Kenny, I always feel some kind of spark with him.

Fuck, maybe I am gay. Or bisexual at the very least. But I've known Kenny pretty much my whole life and he's never left my side, unlike Wendy on multiple occasions.

Maybe another round of spin the bottle will help me with this. Maybe we can organize another round together this weekend when we don't have to be home so early.

"So don't say you love me; fala "Amo"; just let your heart speak up and I'll know; no amount of words could ever; find a way to make sense of this; so I wanna hear your mother tongue."


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