Chapter 23: Slippery Slope

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"Cut me open and tell me what's inside; diagnose me 'cause I can't keep wondering why; I know it's not a phase 'cause it happens all the time; start over, check again, now tell me what you find."

~Kyle's POV~

The school day was already over. Not that I went to school or anything, but for Stan, Kenny, and Cartman, their school day was over.

Throughout the day of just lying in bed and passing in and out, I found the strength to get up and use the bathroom for the second time today. It's a relief that the bathroom is right by me. My whole body still hurts from yesterday when Sam attacked me.

As I was sitting up in the bed, I heard my phone vibrate from under my pillow. I was watching YouTube videos all day in between my sleep periods. I pulled it out from underneath the pillow and checked the caller ID. Speak of the devil. It was Sam.

Feeling my throat clog up and my heart stop, I answered the phone. "H...Hello?" I answered softly.

"I'm sorry, Kyle." He said straight out. He then sighed for a second. "I'm sorry for attacking you yesterday and controlling your life the way I have. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore."

I didn't say anything to him. This is the same old shit he always said. He'll apologize, things will be okay for a week or two, then it goes back to how it used to me. Him yelling at me and hitting me.

While he was ranting and making excuses like the asshole he is, I received a text from Cartman.

(3:10 pm) On my way over there. Stan and Kenny are coming too.

"I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?" Sam finally asked. No Sam. All you did was break my arm, shoulder, and heart. Oh no, don't worry. I'm fucking fine you douchebag.

I don't think Sam's going to come over anytime soon especially since my parents are going to be home for the next few days, so I decided to lie to him.

"No, everything's fine." I lied, feeling my chest get heavy. I don't know how I've been able to do it for this long, but I've been able to hide the pain from dealing with Sam. Hiding the sadness and the marks he put onto me. I'm surprised Cartman cared enough to see right through me.

I then looked at what he wrote on my cast again. This short message is what got me through the whole day today, even when I was in pain from when the pain killers wore off. I hated taking them because they always made me feel so tired. I should ask Tweek to come over one of these days and bring me some coffee. The coffee he drinks is the shit.

"Alright, well I don't think I'll be able to hang out for a while. Your parents talked to mine about what happened and my parents grounded me for a few weeks. I'm only allowed to come to and from school and football practice. Then it's straight home." He explained, which made me feel so much better. I know I'll have to be in gym with him, but at least I won't see him outside of school.

"Okay that's cool. Well I have to go. I need to take some medicine and go to sleep. Goodnight I love you." I told him flatly with no emotion.

"Wait, what...?" He asked just before I hung up.

Just as I hung up the phone, my bedroom door opened. My dad entered and told me that my friends were here. "Alright yeah you can tell them to come up." I told him.

"Alright boys, you can come up." Dad called from the stairway. He then walked further down the hallway to his bedroom.

Cartman was the first one to enter. "Hey, Jewboy." He said, blowing me a kiss. I smiled and saw Kenny and Stan come in after him. They just waved, but then noticed the bruises on my face and the cast around my left side. "Dude...Sam really did this to you?" Stan asked, his jaw dropping.

I let out a low chuckle. "Yes Stan. Who else?" I said back. Cartman took a seat next to me on the bed. "Don't worry, Kahl. I have a little plan going to get back at him." He assured me.

"Did you kick his ass yet?" I asked, feeling a little nauseous. He shook his head and wrapped an arm gently around my neck. "I sabotaged his property. Tore his homework in half, slashed holes in his favorite football, destroyed his pens and pencils, ripped pages out of his books, ripped up his gym clothes. Dude, he was mad pissed today." He explained.

I suddenly jerked myself up and ran toward the bathroom. I then fell to my knees, wrapped my right arm around the toilet bowl, and threw up. "Kyle, what the fuck?" Kenny called. Instead of answering, I continued vomiting what was left of the lunch I had earlier. "Oh, fuck me-" I muttered, being interrupted by another random urge to throw up.

Someone came up behind me and rubbed my back. "Don't worry, dude. I'm here for you." Stan told me.

Before opening my eyes, I flushed the toilet. As the water was being flushed away, I spit the remains out. "Oh fuck that was just horrible." I mumbled.

"What the fuck happened? All I said was that I sabotaged Sam's shit-" As Cartman explained this to me again, I threw up in the toilet again. "Shut up, fat boy!" Stan yelled from the bathroom.

"Don't tell me to shut up, you fucking hippie!" Cartman yelled back.

"Guys, he's going to kill me." I randomly said after standing up. "If he finds out I'm the one who told you, he's going to come after me. I...I just can't do this anymore."

Everything seemed hopeless to me now. I mean I appreciate Cartman for avenging me or whatever, but reality was starting to hit me again. Despite having broken bones, he's still unstable enough to hurt me. Being wrapped up has never stopped him from hurting people. After learning more about his history through other people recently, I learned that he's beaten up handicapped and special needs people before. People who aren't able to walk, talk, or are just challenged in some way. Even now that I'm temporarily living the same kind of life as them in terms of physical limitations, I'm still at risk of being a victim to his abuse. Not that it's any different from when my arm and shoulder weren't broken, but I've figured out from other people who know him better that he tends to be harder on special needs people, or people who are just wearing a cast for a broken bone. He'll scan anyone with those green eyes of his and find that one thing physically wrong with them, and once he spots it, he'll exploit them for it even if it's not their fault. He's kind of like the younger version of Cartman in a way, but he takes everything to the extreme even to this day. I'm just so glad Cartman matured over the years.

I guess not telling him about my broken arm and shoulder was a good move then. If he knew, he'd probably come over here despite being grounded and get mad at me because I can't move my arm, then beat me until I can't move...anything.

"Give me a remedy 'cause my head wasn't wired for this world; I need a cure for me 'cause the square doesn't fit the circle; give me a remedy 'cause when it hits; well it hits like an avalanche."


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