Chapter 11: Sparks Flew

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"Whoa; I want to paint down my memories; so I don't forget; can we dance when it's cold outside?; can we live with no regrets?"

~Kyle's POV~

"L-Last night?" I repeated with a blush. Cartman nodded and began driving. He backed out of his driveway and started driving further outside of town. I hope he doesn't intend to drive too far away from home. We have school in an hour.

Cartman had the radio on low. The station we were listening to was playing some alternative music. I don't think Cartman really cares much for music, so he didn't bother playing with the radio.

A few minutes into the drive, Cartman stopped and parked in a parking lot of a restaurant that wasn't open yet. I think they open at ten or something like most restaurants do.

Cartman kept the car running so we could have the heater on. I didn't dare say anything until he spoke first. Ever since we kissed last night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. It may have been the alcohol that helped me feel like this toward him, but Cartman is just as attractive to me sober as he was drunk. I can't believe I'm actually admitting this to myself, but I'm in love. For the first time in my life, I'm in love.

The feeling I got just now made my heart flutter and fireworks launched in my stomach. I felt a little restless in my seat as I was coming to terms with my love toward Cartman. I don't think I hate him anymore. Fuck, I love him.

While Cartman was struggling to find the words to say to me, I looked at the latest text message Sam sent me.

(6:29 am) I'll meet you at your locker. You'd better be alone because again, you have a lot of explaining to do.

Cartman glanced over at my phone and the half-dozen page-long text messages Sam sent me. From the corner of my eye, I saw him shake his head. "Before we talk about last night, I want to straight up say Sam is no good for you." Cartman started, making me flinch.

"Um, w-what do you mean?" I asked softly.

"There are very few people nowadays that I can't stand, and your boy toy is one of them."

"Oh, whatever Cartman. When we were kids, you hated everyone. Well, maybe everyone except for Butters."

"I know, but we're not kids anymore. We've grown up since then, Kyle. All I ever do is go to school, hang out with you guys, and spend time with Heidi."

I scoffed when he mentioned Heidi. I remember briefly dating her in elementary school. Who knows what the hell I ever saw in her. The thought of dating women makes me sick.

"But nothing I feel toward Heidi will ever compare to how I felt last night when we...uh, kissed." he randomly admitted. I quickly looked back at him. He smiled slightly and pivoted his body to face me. "I was probably super drunk and high or something, but it felt right."

"So this is you coming out as gay." I concluded, turning my phone screen on to see, again, another message Sam sent me. Cartman snuck a peek at it as well.

(6:31 am) We'll also need to talk about us.

"I'm, Kahl," Cartman choked. "All I'm saying is that it felt right."

"Well, if only we were both single, right?" I muttered.

"Yeah...wait, w-what, no! I'm not gay damn it." Cartman repeated.

"So I've heard." I said sarcastically.

Cartman started stammering, trying to figure out what to say next. Instead of waiting, I placed a hand behind his neck and planted a kiss on his cheek. Maybe that will factory reset him since he was starting to act like Tweek.

Cartman's lips parted for a moment as he got lost into my green eyes. I stared into his eyes with a smile on my face.

Seconds later, he placed both palms on both sides of my face, leaned in, and kissed me on the lips. Just like last night, sparks flew. Fireworks exploded, butterflies sprouted, my mind went blank. Nothing mattered to me at this moment. If Sam was going to beat me up, fuck it.

I scooted closer to Cartman and looked into his eyes. Cartman then held my hand against his chest and kept his other hand on my left cheek.

For a second, we broke from the kiss. "Whatever happens in this car, stays in this car." he whispered. I nodded in agreement and climbed onto his lap and planted kisses down his face and jawline. My inner thighs rested against his outer thighs. He then grabbed bundles of my jacket into his hands, making it wrinkle. "Oh, Kyle." Cartman moaned quietly.

I brought my lips back against his. He was licking my bottom lip with his tongue and occasionally bit it. "I've wanted to kiss you for a long time, Eric." I admitted. He smiled when I said his first name, signaling that he doesn't mind it one bit.

"Kissing you and liking it makes me gay, doesn't it?" Cartman wondered out loud. I shrugged my shoulders. "Whether you're gay, straight, or bisexual, I won't hold it against you if you like kissing me. I won't shame you if you come out as gay or bi."

"True, but this complicates things." Cartman said. "I have Heidi, and you have Sam."

"I know, but for right now, pretend they don't exist. What good have they done for us anyway?" I suggested, kissing him again. Cartman gave me a weird look, but then closed his eyes and wrapped both arms tightly around my waist. Small moans escaped both of our mouths as our kissing became sloppier. One of Cartman's hands rested on my ass, but I didn't care. I didn't make him stop. "You don't mind this, right?" Cartman asked.

"No, it's fine." I assured him, roughly brushing Cartman's brown hair with my fingers.

A little while has gone by. It was coming close to seven o'clock. Cartman noticed this and broke from the heavy make-out session we ended up having. "Do you have all your shit for school? I don't want this to end yet." he asked me. I nodded. "Yeah, do you?"


I gave him another kiss on the lips that lasted a good few seconds. Then the reality of Sam beating me at my locker today eventually came back. Once again, we broke the kiss. "Do you think you can, uh, walk me to my locker today?" I asked shyly. Cartman raised an eyebrow. "Woah, slow down Jew. I haven't even taken you out for dinner yet." he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes with a laugh. "Well I figured if you wanted to kick Sam's ass today, I won't stop you."

"Wait, you want me to kick Sam's ass? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Trust me, you'll see when we get there." I told him.

"Would you save me a spark?; we'll light up the dark; we'll light up the dark; we'll light up the dark." ❤️


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