Chapter 56: Wendy, I'm Gay

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"I was just coastin'; Never really going anywhere; Caught up in a web I was gettin kinda used to stayin' there; And out of the blue; I fell for you."

~Stan's POV~

Our final football practice session finally ended at five. While I was practicing with the guys, I couldn't help but think about all of the weeks I've been lying to Wendy about my newfound sexual orientation. When the guys and I started playing spin the bottle, I've been questioning it since. Like, am I really into girls as much as I used to be? It sure as hell doesn't seem that way anymore. Kenny wants to start getting a little more serious with us being in a relationship, so I think it's time to break it off with Wendy.

Wendy is a cheerleader for the football team, and after football season is over, she'll be cheerleading for the basketball team. Kenny, Cartman, Kyle, and I are going to try out once basketball is in.

While I was practicing, Wendy was helping Bebe with coming up with a cheer for the homecoming game. Bebe is the captain and Wendy is her backup in case Bebe doesn't show up. Wendy was the captain of the cheerleading squad in elementary and middle school and since they're close friends, they agreed to switch roles in high school.

I sat in the locker room after changing back into my regular clothes. I was staring down at the floor while sitting on the bench. Kenny had his shirt off and was looking for his white t-shirt. When he was unable to find it, he sighed heavily.

He spun around and looked at everyone else in the room. "Okay, which one of you assholes took my shirt!?" He yelled across the room. People looked at him and shrugged. "Um, none of us did, Kenny." Scott Malkinson said. He's one of our classmates who has diabetes and a speech impediment. It's improved over the years, but we can still detect it.

Kenny started digging around in his backpack, hoping that his shirt was in there. Sometimes, he shoves his clothes into his bag so no one stole them. People have taken Kenny's clothes in the past because the cologne he uses makes even the straight men fall in love with him. That cologne was probably mixed with some black magic.

While Kenny was looking for his shirt, I walked up to Scott. He had just finished putting his shirt on after injecting himself with some insulin. He turned around to face me once he felt my presence. "What's up, Stan?" he asked with a slight smile. I smiled back and breathed in.

"So, I know we don't hang out as much as we used to, but there's going to be a Halloween party on Friday night. You're invited if you want to come." I explained. Scott's eyes widened with excitement. "Really? Wow, I haven't been invited to a party for a long time. Where's the party going to be?"

I shrugged and chuckled. "I'm actually still in the process of figuring that out. Kenny won't even tell us. He said it's a "surprise"." I answered. Scott stood up from the bench and picked his backpack up. "Wherever it is, I'm there. Just let me know when you find out."

"I will. Make sure you wear a Halloween costume." I called just as he was leaving. He gave me a thumbs-up and left the locker room.

Kenny had finally found his shirt buried in his backpack. He pulled it out and gave it a dumbfounded look. "Did I really bury it that deep? The fuck is wrong with me?" he muttered to himself. I chuckled and patted him on the shoulder as he threw the shirt on.

When we were both fully dressed, we left the locker room and made our way to Cartman's house. He said he and Kyle would be there after we finished practice.

On the way there, I ran into Wendy. She was standing right by the entrance of the school waiting for me to come out. "Stan, now that practice is over, you want to hang out?" she asked with a wide smile. I looked at Kenny, who just shrugged and took a few steps away from me. I stepped closer to Wendy, which made her smile fade. "I-I don't know if that's a good idea. I've actually been meaning to talk to you." I admitted, making her smile fade even more.

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